
However, at times this balance in nature is ________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A) troubled         B) disturbed        C) confused          D) puzzled      



Why were Anna's friends puzzled when she shared her house with a family that had lost everything?________________________.

We are puzzled __________ how it happened. to

She didn’t want to buy it, (). A.however good was itB.however good it wasC.for how good might it beD.for how good it might be

The story of John Dane shows that less well-educated New Englanders were often __________.[A] influenced by superstitions[B] troubled with religious beliefs[C] puzzled by church sermons[D] frustrated with family earnings

____________[A] moreover [B] therefore [C] however [D] meanwhile


________________[A] puzzled by [B] hostile to [C] pessimistic about [D] unprepared fo

When the author says "You will miss smile" in paragraph two, he means______.A. you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendlyB. you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at youC. you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happyD. you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor

Jane said she would rather __________when she was working on the project.A. not to be disturbedB. not being disturbedC. not be disturbedD. not been disturbed

请选择(20)处最佳答案( )。A.puzzled byB.hostile toC.pessimistic aboutD.unprepared for

The main idea of this passage is ______.A. many animals die during hibernationB. hibernation protects animals during the wintertimeC. scientists feel puzzled about hibernationD. some bats hibernate and others do not

I'm puzzled with these exercises and I’m going to ( ). A、the teachers’sB、the teachersC、the teachers homeD、the teacher’s

Nancy was so shy that she looked( )when she was standing before the audience.A. frighteningB. embarrassedC. confusedD. discouraged

Whatisthepurposeofanexplicit"denyany"statementattheendofanACL?() A.none,sinceitisimplicitB.toenableCiscoIOSIPStoworkproperly;however,itisthedenyalltrafficentrythatisactuallyrequiredC.toenableCiscoIOSFirewalltoworkproperly;however,itisthedenyalltrafficentrythatisactuallyrequiredD.toallowthelogoptiontobeusedtologanymatchesE.topreventsyncfloodattacksF.topreventhalf-openedTCPconnections

The story of John Dane shows that less welleducated New Englanders were oftenA.influenced by superstitions.B.troubled with religious beliefs.C.puzzled by church sermons.D.frustrated with family earnings.

Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

It was just at the moment __________he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.A.sinceB.WhichC.becauseD.that

I’ve already told you that I′ m going to buy it, ____________A.however much it much does it costC.however does it cost matter how it costs

Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work.A:puzzled B:disturbedC:disappointed D:criticized

The child's abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.A: funnyB: frighteningC: repeatedD: unusual

The letter without the address puzzled me.A:perplexed B:interestedC:troubled D:enlightened

His words activated my spirit.A: curbedB: dampenedC: confusedD: stimulated

He was so greatly attracted by the beauty of the Xixi Wetland that he decided to visit there again.A:fascinated B:disturbedC:fooled D:surprised

The child's abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.A:bad B:frighteningC:repeated D:unusual


单选题We’ll have to finish the job, _____.Along it takes howeverBit takes however longClong however it takesDhowever long it takes

单选题That play has puzzled authorities for generations, but to my father has the clarity and the simplicity of a medieval moral play.Aperplexed Bdisordered Canguished Dseduced