I’d rather read than watch television;选择 I’dratherreadthanwatchtelevision;theprogramsseem_________allthetime.A)togetworseB)tobegettingworseC)tohavegotworseD)gettingworse

I’d rather read than watch television;选择

I’d rather read than watch television; the programs seem _________ all the time.

A) to get worse             B) to be getting worse

C) to have got worse                  D) getting worse



A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?B: I’d _____________ stay at home.A. likeB. preferC. rather

A: Would you like to go to the cinema?B: I'd_____ not.A. preferB. likeC. rather

I()a book when the telephone().A. was reading…rangB. read…rangC. was reading…was ringing

I hope to be ______ your teacher ______ your good friend.A、not; butB、not only; butC、if; notD、rather; than

Are you the sailor on duty/ watch?

下列程序使用系统标准输入System.in从键盘获得输入字符串,请选择正确的一项填入下列程序的横线处。 import java.io.*; public class ex26 { public static void main(String args[]) { byte buffer[] = new byte[128]; int n; try { n = for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out .print ( (char)buffer [i] ); catch (IOException e) { System.out.print (e); } } }A.System.in.read(buffer)B.system.in.read(buffer)C.System.in.read0D.System.in(buffer)

I _________ (watch) TV when someone knocked at the door.

I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.Awouldrather;thanBprefer;toCprefer;than

2. 我没听见你刚才说的什么,我看电视呢。 I didn't hear what you said just now. I ________ (watch)TV.
