influence 选择 TheEUhasraisedconcernsaboutitsinfluenceon[A]publicinterest[B]customerdatacollectionandprivacy[C]consumerprivacy[D]privacypolicy

influence 选择

The EU has raised concerns about it's influence on

[A] public interest

[B] customer data collection and privacy

[C] consumer privacy

[D] privacy policy


Which influence reflects an informal organization?A . formal authorityB . reward powerC . referent powerD . expert powerE . penalty

It was under __________ that he agreed to resign from the committee. A.failureB.pressureC.controlD.influence

(c) Discuss the factors that might influence whether the initial bid is likely to be accepted by the shareholders of Wragger plc.

请选择(14)处最佳答案( )。A.spreadB.interferenceC.exclusionD.influence

Among the critiques were allegations ____ some franchise uses its political influence to increase its profits. A which ;B what ;C that

His method supports Mr Shiller's findings and has ________efforts to predict prices in the financial industry. A influenced ;B influentially ;C influence

It is impolite to _______ in others' private affairs.A:interfere (in/with)B:involve (n./v-ing)C:interruptD:influence

What separated the period of Middle English from that of Modern English was _______ A the Norman ConquestB the influence of the French languageC the Europe renaissance movementD the influence of Latin

The fast food industry has a great influence on the way of living of millions of people.()

报纸影响思想潮流。 ( influence, current)

The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____.[A]certain[B]positive[C]trivial[D]destructive

The main idea of the first paragraph is _____.[A] the importance of cultural tools and technology[B] the cultural influence of the development of civilization[C] the focus of the study of the material culture of music[D] the significance of the research into the musical instruments

[A] signify[B] influence[C] predict[D] mark

The author's attitude toward the influence of advertisement on people's habits is( )[A] indifferent[B] negative[C] positive[D] biased

A ship will always want to settle into a position where ______.A.the pivot point and point of influence of wind in are not in alignmentB.the pivot point and point of influence of wind in are in alignmentC.the point of influence of wind moves depending on the profile of the ship presented to the windD.the ship steams slowly in rough seas

What is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?查看材料A.The eagemess to be accepted.B.The impulse to influence others.C.The readiness to be influenced.D.The inclination to rely on others.

The phenomenon of may be the factor to cause the fewest changes in the English language in recent years.A.moving toward greater informalityB.the influence of American EnglishC.the influence of science and technologyD.the conflicts between or among nations

Powerful advertisements can convince people to buy almost anything.A:persuade B:informC:tell D:influence

The high-speed trains can have a major impact on our lives.A:effortB:problemC:concernD:influence

A.examinations exert a pernicious influence on education B.examinations are ineffective C.examinations are profitable for institutions D.examinations are a burden on students

A.stay outside the network of social influence B.have little contact with the source of influence C.are influenced and then influence others D.are infuenced by the initial influential

At a macro level, society and community influence classroom teaching().

影响量influence quantity

信息性社会影响(informational social influence)

单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.Aa teacher’s influence on children is always positiveBchildren should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsCif improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenDchildren may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong

单选题After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and short stories.Ain which the influenceBto have influence onCof which influenced onDits influence in

填空题At a macro level, society and community influence classroom teaching().