competition-based pricing(名词解释)

competition-based pricing(名词解释)


When a project manager is running over the budgeted costs, the project manager can typically _____ to attempt to get the project back on budget.A . Reduce features and/or functionalityB . Increase risk.C . Incur a schedule slippage (to obtain more favorable pricing due to lengthened delivery times)D . All of the above.E . A and B only

The most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:A . Price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.B . Price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.C . Price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.D . All of the above.E . A and B only.

100 The most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:A. Price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.B. Price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.C. Price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.D. All of the above.E. A and B only

11 When a project manager is running over the budgeted costs, the project manager can typically _____ to attempt to get the project back on budget.A. Reduce features and/or functionalityB Increase risk.C. Incur a schedule slippage (to obtain more favorable pricing due to lengthened delivery times)D. All of the above.E. A and B only

But pricing is based on the needs of target customers and it differs from place to place and over time.() A. 但定价是基于目标客户需求的,它不同于地点,随着时间的推移。B. 但定价是基于目标客户需求的,它随着不同的地点和时间而推移。C. 但定价是基于目标客户需求的,并且价格也因地域和时间而有所不同。

Financial Planning: the factors involved in deciding on appropriate pricing strategies

Fair and (73) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy.Competitive pricing,product (74) and performance improvements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authorities get the best (75) for the public they serv(73)A.openB.continueC.dependentD.reliable

Text 1 It is a familiar ritual for many:after a late night out you reach for your smartphone to hail an Uber home.only to find-disaster-that the fare will be three times the normal rate.Like many things beloved by economists,"surge pricing"of the sort that occasionally afflicts Uber-users is both efficient and deeply unpopular.From a consumer's perspective,surge pricing is annoying at best and downright offensive when applied during emergencies.Extreme fare surges often lead to outpourings of public criticism:when a snowstorm paralysed New York in 2013,celebrities,including Salman Rushdie,took to social media to rail against triple-digit fares for relatively short rides.Some city governments have banned the practice altogether:Delhi's did so in April.Surge(or dynamic)pricing relies on frequent price adjustments to match supply and demand.Such systems are sometimes used to set motorway tolls(which rise and fall with demand in an effort to keep traffic flowing),or to adjust the price of energy in electricity markets.A lower-tech version is common after natural disasters,when shopkeepers raise the price of necessities like bottled water and batteries as supplies run low.People understandably detest such practices.It offends the sensibilities of non-economists that the same journey should cost different amounts from one day or hour to the next-and more,invariably,when the need is most desperate.Yet surge fares also demonstrate the elegance with which prices moderate a marketplace.When demand in an area spikes and the waiting time for a car rises,surge pricing kicks in;users requesting carsare informed that the fare will be a multiple of the normal rate.As the multiple rises,the market goes to work.Higher fares ration available cars by willingness to pay:to richer users,in some cases,but also to those less able to wait out the surge period or with fewer good altematives.Charging extra to those without good alternatives sounds like gouging,yet without surge pricing such riders would be less likely to get a ride at all.since there would be no incentive for all the other people requesting cars to drop out.Surge pricing also boosts supply,at least locally,The extra money is shared with drivers,who therefore have an incentive to l:ravel to areas with high demand to help relieve the crush.Whether Uber remains a big part of the transport network in future,and whether it retains surge pricing,depends in part on how well local govemments manage the transport system as a whole.In other words,surge pricing is really only as painful as local officials allow it to be.21.It can be inferred from Paragraph l that Uber's pricing efficiently in the market.B.has fluctuated in the late criticised by both consumers and economists.D.will cause catastrophe during emergencies.

Text 1 It is a familiar ritual for many:after a late night out you reach for your smartphone to hail an Uber home.only to find-disaster-that the fare will be three times the normal rate.Like many things beloved by economists,"surge pricing"of the sort that occasionally afflicts Uber-users is both efficient and deeply unpopular.From a consumer's perspective,surge pricing is annoying at best and downright offensive when applied during emergencies.Extreme fare surges often lead to outpourings of public criticism:when a snowstorm paralysed New York in 2013,celebrities,including Salman Rushdie,took to social media to rail against triple-digit fares for relatively short rides.Some city governments have banned the practice altogether:Delhi's did so in April.Surge(or dynamic)pricing relies on frequent price adjustments to match supply and demand.Such systems are sometimes used to set motorway tolls(which rise and fall with demand in an effort to keep traffic flowing),or to adjust the price of energy in electricity markets.A lower-tech version is common after natural disasters,when shopkeepers raise the price of necessities like bottled water and batteries as supplies run low.People understandably detest such practices.It offends the sensibilities of non-economists that the same journey should cost different amounts from one day or hour to the next-and more,invariably,when the need is most desperate.Yet surge fares also demonstrate the elegance with which prices moderate a marketplace.When demand in an area spikes and the waiting time for a car rises,surge pricing kicks in;users requesting carsare informed that the fare will be a multiple of the normal rate.As the multiple rises,the market goes to work.Higher fares ration available cars by willingness to pay:to richer users,in some cases,but also to those less able to wait out the surge period or with fewer good altematives.Charging extra to those without good alternatives sounds like gouging,yet without surge pricing such riders would be less likely to get a ride at all.since there would be no incentive for all the other people requesting cars to drop out.Surge pricing also boosts supply,at least locally,The extra money is shared with drivers,who therefore have an incentive to l:ravel to areas with high demand to help relieve the crush.Whether Uber remains a big part of the transport network in future,and whether it retains surge pricing,depends in part on how well local govemments manage the transport system as a whole.In other words,surge pricing is really only as painful as local officials allow it to be.23.The word"detest"(Para.2)is closest in meaning toA.protest.B.resent.C.oppose.D.exclude.

Text 3 Recently,a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of D.C.,the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold,with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable:to address the everdeepening crisis of climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal,oil and gas.But unfortunately,the approach-one based in a world of financial markets,trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams-is inherently flawed.Simply put,carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real,effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.To date,there is scant evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions.In fact,the opposite is true.Recently Food&Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program,often cited by advocates as an example of success.From 2009(the first full year of the tax)t0 2014,emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent.And in the seven years after the carbon tax took effect,total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use.But this just isn't the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities.People must heat their homes in winter,and they must commute to work,regardless of the cost.Those backing the D.C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources.But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner.The rest would be shared out in tax breaks for businesses and rebates for consumers,another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.Meanwhile,fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing.This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from.Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders.Furthermore,corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on their business plans and bottom lines.Despite what well-intentioned activists want to believe,there is no convenient,market-friendly solution to our serious climate condition.There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source:We must stop using fossil fuels,and soon.The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos,society must transition completely to clean,renewable energy by 2035.Which of the following is true,according to Paragraphs 4 and 5?A.Consumers will use less of a good when its price increases.B.Carbon taxes will benefit the development of clean energy.C.Increased cost will do little to change the use of necessities.D.The dependence on fossil fuels will decrease automatically.

Text 3 Recently,a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of D.C.,the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold,with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable:to address the everdeepening crisis of climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal,oil and gas.But unfortunately,the approach-one based in a world of financial markets,trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams-is inherently flawed.Simply put,carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real,effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.To date,there is scant evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions.In fact,the opposite is true.Recently Food&Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program,often cited by advocates as an example of success.From 2009(the first full year of the tax)t0 2014,emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent.And in the seven years after the carbon tax took effect,total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use.But this just isn't the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities.People must heat their homes in winter,and they must commute to work,regardless of the cost.Those backing the D.C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources.But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner.The rest would be shared out in tax breaks for businesses and rebates for consumers,another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.Meanwhile,fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing.This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from.Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders.Furthermore,corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on their business plans and bottom lines.Despite what well-intentioned activists want to believe,there is no convenient,market-friendly solution to our serious climate condition.There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source:We must stop using fossil fuels,and soon.The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos,society must transition completely to clean,renewable energy by 2035.The author views the carbon pricing campaign with______.A.sincere admirationB.strong skepticismC.reserved approvalD.slight uncertainty

Text 3 Recently,a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of D.C.,the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold,with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable:to address the everdeepening crisis of climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal,oil and gas.But unfortunately,the approach-one based in a world of financial markets,trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams-is inherently flawed.Simply put,carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real,effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.To date,there is scant evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions.In fact,the opposite is true.Recently Food&Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program,often cited by advocates as an example of success.From 2009(the first full year of the tax)t0 2014,emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent.And in the seven years after the carbon tax took effect,total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use.But this just isn't the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities.People must heat their homes in winter,and they must commute to work,regardless of the cost.Those backing the D.C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources.But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner.The rest would be shared out in tax breaks for businesses and rebates for consumers,another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.Meanwhile,fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing.This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from.Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders.Furthermore,corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on their business plans and bottom lines.Despite what well-intentioned activists want to believe,there is no convenient,market-friendly solution to our serious climate condition.There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source:We must stop using fossil fuels,and soon.The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos,society must transition completely to clean,renewable energy by 2035.The most suitable title for this text would be_____.A.The Carbon Tax FallacyB.The Climate Change MythC.The Call for Clean EnergyD.The Causes of Climate Chaos

Text 3 Recently,a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of D.C.,the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold,with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable:to address the everdeepening crisis of climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal,oil and gas.But unfortunately,the approach-one based in a world of financial markets,trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams-is inherently flawed.Simply put,carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real,effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.To date,there is scant evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions.In fact,the opposite is true.Recently Food&Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program,often cited by advocates as an example of success.From 2009(the first full year of the tax)t0 2014,emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent.And in the seven years after the carbon tax took effect,total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use.But this just isn't the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities.People must heat their homes in winter,and they must commute to work,regardless of the cost.Those backing the D.C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources.But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner.The rest would be shared out in tax breaks for businesses and rebates for consumers,another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.Meanwhile,fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing.This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from.Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders.Furthermore,corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on their business plans and bottom lines.Despite what well-intentioned activists want to believe,there is no convenient,market-friendly solution to our serious climate condition.There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source:We must stop using fossil fuels,and soon.The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos,society must transition completely to clean,renewable energy by 2035Fossil fuel giants____.A.are expressing dissatisfaction with carbon pricing schemesB.are reducing their dependence on dirty energy sourcesC.view clean renewable energy as their future source of profitsD.see carbon pricing as distraction from tough rules against them

Competitive pricing help ensure that government authorities get the best ( ) for the public they serve. B.server C.value D.policy

Competitive pricing,product ( ) And performance improvements result from competitive practices A.recession B.innovation C.crisis D.ability

What is a useful tool to get solution requirements and pricing in the sales process?()A、Smart AssistB、Quote BuilderC、Partner CentralD、Visio

Which IBM resource should be used to validate the results from a Disk Magic study PRIOR topresenting the final storage solution and pricing to a customer?()A、Customer Engineer B、Storage Sales Specialist C、Competeline Representative D、Field Technical Storage Specialist (pre-sales)

掠夺性定价(Predatory pricing)

Fair and(1) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product(2)and performanceimprovements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authoritiesget the best (3)for the public they serve.空白(1)处填()A、openB、continueC、dependentD、reliable

转让定价(Transfer Pricing)

Fair and(1)competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product (2)and performance improvements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authorities get the best (3)for the public they serve.A、helpB、serverC、valueD、policy

A customer is interested in a power efficient server solution. The Sales Specialist has recommended a BladeCenter solution. The customer debates the price is high compared to rack servers.  Which of the following should the Sales Specialist emphasize to address the pricing difference?()A、Higher rack density that reduces data center footprintsB、Internal upgrades that only IBM can offerC、Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) related to innovative components such as Integrated Switches D、The Rear Door Heat eXchanger that only IBM can offer

What current IBM resource can be used for simple-to-complex configurations and can be exported in different formats for the pricing of System x, BladeCenter and System x storage products?()A、System x Sales Configuration Aid (xSCA)B、Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT) C、Configuration  Options Guide - (COG)D、ServerProven

单选题What is the main reason for doing a Solutions Assurance Review with the customer? ()ATo revalidate the total solutionBTo overcome objections to the solutionCTo review the pricing with the customerDTo ensure the customer has the correct applications

名词解释题加成定价(Markup pricing)

名词解释题限制性定价(Limit pricing)

单选题内部资金转移定价管理(Funds Transfer Pricing,简称FTP)是指总行按照统一的内部资金转移价格(以下简称FTP价格),对全行所有()资金来源和资金运用实施分类定价,科学核算各机构、部门和产品内部资金占用的成本和收益。A本币B外币C本外币D综合美元