I've got the order from the boss that the work______finished before 5p. m. today.A.would beB.beC.will have beenD.could be

I've got the order from the boss that the work______finished before 5p. m. today.

A.would be


C.will have been

D.could be


I’ll give him your message___he comes back from lunch. A. untilB. as soon asC. whileD. before

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题:A.I'm leaving.B.Thank youC.I'll do my bestD.and sit hereE.Please sit downF.But l worry aboutG.Take it easyH.Don’t forget第 56 题 Boss:Come in,please.Oh,Mary,come over 56 .Your annual report is well done.Mary: 57Boss:I know you’re a capable person.Mary:Thank you for saying that. 58 the wrong figures I gave you last time.Boss: 59 .Everyone makes mistakes.Mary:Thank you SO much for your forgiveness. 60.

●试题四下列给定程序中,函数fun()的功能是:对N名学生的学习成绩,按从高到低的顺序找出前m(m≤10)名学生来,并将这些学生数据存放在一个动态分配的连续存储区中,此存储区的首地址作为函数值返回。注意:部分源程序给出如下。请勿改动主函数main和其他函数中的任何内容,仅在函数fun()的横线上填入所编写的若干表达式或语句。试题程序:#includestdio.h#includemalloC.h#includestring.h#includeconio.h#define N 10typedef struct ss{char num[10];int order;}STU;STU *fun(STU a[], int m){STU b[N],*tt;int i,j,k;(1) ;for(i=0; iN; i++)b[i]=a[i];for (k=0;km;k++){for(i=j=0;iN;i++)if ( (2) )j=i;tt[k]=b[j];b[j].order=0;}return (3) ;}outresult(STU a[],FILE *pf){int i;for(i=0;iN; i++)fprintf(pf,"No=%s Mark=%d\n",a[i].num,a[i].order);fprintf(pf,"\n\n");}main(){STU [N]={{"A01",80},{"A02",79},{"A03",66},{"A04",82},{"A05",87},{"A06",93},{"A07",78},{"A08",60},{"A09",85},{"A10",73}};STU *p_order;int i,m;clrscr();printf("*** The Origial data ***\n");outresult(a, stdout);printf("\nGive the numeber of thestudents who have better score:");scanf("%d",m);while (m10){printf("\nGive the number of thestudets who have better score:");scanf("%d",m);}p_order=fun(a,m);printf("*** THE RESULT ***\n");printf("*** The top students ***\n");for(i=0; im; i++)printf(" %s %d\n",p_order[i].num,p_order[i].order);free(p_order);}

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done.Mary: (57)Boss: I know you're a capable person.Mary: Thank you for saying that. (58) the wrong figures I gave you last time.Boss: (59) Everyone makes mistakes.Mary: Thank you so much for your forgiveness. (60)56.A. I'm leavingB. Thank youC. I'll do my bestD. and sit hereE. Please sit downF. But I worry aboutG. Take it easyH. Don't forget



B 宽度优先(种子染色法)5.关键路径几个定义: 顶点1为源点,n为汇点。a. 顶点事件最早发生时间Ve[j], Ve [j] = max{ Ve [j] + w[I,j] },其中Ve (1) = 0;b. 顶点事件最晚发生时间 Vl[j], Vl [j] = min{ Vl[j] – w[I,j] },其中 Vl(n) = Ve(n);c. 边活动最早开始时间 Ee[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则Ee[I] = Ve[j];d. 边活动最晚开始时间 El[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则El[I] = Vl[k] – w[j,k];若 Ee[j] = El[j] ,则活动j为关键活动,由关键活动组成的路径为关键路径。求解方法:a. 从源点起topsort,判断是否有回路并计算Ve;



—The sea is very rough today.—Yes,I‘ve never seen_______before.A.such rough seaB.such a rough seaC.so rough seaD.that rough sea