[A] employed[B] appointed[C] interviewed[D] questioned

[A] employed

[B] appointed

[C] interviewed

[D] questioned


The sale is __ for tomorrow, but the shoppers are already lining up in a long queue. A.decidedB.plannedC.scheduledD.appointed

Tom _________ himself ________ to have got the medal. A. considered⋯luckilyB. proved⋯luckilyC. considered⋯luckyD. questioned⋯luckily

[A] nominated [B] selected [C] appointed [D] supported

The president()the words of Hegel to end his speech.A、citedB、wroteC、readD、employed

This is the first time that a woman has been______to the post.A.grantedB.praisedC.pointedD.appointed

[A] allocated [B] allotted [C] appointed [D] assigned

The Vessel can be __________ in lawful trades between ports,anchorages or places where it is customary for similar size vessels to lie safely aground.A.PermalloyedB.DestroyedC.DeployedD.employed

共用题干Health Care in the USHealth care in the US is well-known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance. Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills.The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly. It all depends on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick. In 2004,the average worker paid an extra US$558 a year,according to a San Francisco report.The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004, only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers, according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included,Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students.Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it,But exact policies(保险单)differ from school to school.Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than buying direct from the insurance company. The international students in the US work harder than the American students.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers,hampering their academic performance?It may seem obvious,and yet it is hard to prove.A survey of American schoolchildren conducted in 1995,for example,suggests no link between the proportion of a girl's friends who were boys and her grades.A new paper by Andrew Hill of the University of South Carolina,however,comes to a different result.He finds that for every 10%more children of the opposite sex among a student's friends,his or her grade-point average(GPA)declines by O.l(GPAs range from O t0 4).Not only may having more friends of the opposite sex be bad for grades,but it has other effects,too.Among the children from the original survey who were successfully re-interviewed 14 years later,those whose grades had been dragged down by friends of the opposite gender were more likely to be married.