Software design is a(66)process. It requires a certain(67)of flair on the part of the designer. Design can net be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well(68)software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily(69)and reliable. Badly(68)software systems, although they may work are(70)to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable.A.createB.createdC.creatingD.creative

Software design is a(66)process. It requires a certain(67)of flair on the part of the designer. Design can net be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well(68)software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily(69)and reliable. Badly(68)software systems, although they may work are(70)to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable.






It is ______ that he has passed the examination, and I am _____ I will pass it too A.certain; certainlyB.certain; sureC.sure; certainlyD.certainly; surely

● The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the (73)process.(73)A. Estimate CostsB. Sequence ActivitiesC. Plan CommunicationsD. Conduct Procurements

●In the following essay,each blank has four choices.Choose the most suitable one from the four choices and write down in the answer sheet.Open Shortest Path First(OSPF)is a (66) routing algorithm that (67) work done on the OSI IS-IS intradomain routing protocol.This routing,as compared to distance-vector routing,requires (68) processing power.The Dijkstra algorithm is used to calculate (69) OSPF routing table updates only take place when necessary, (70) at regular intervals.(66) flooding(67) A.derived fromB.deviated fromC.was derived fromD.was deviated from(68) A.moreB.lessC.sameD.most(69) A.routesB.roadC.distanceD.cost(70) A.but ratherB.rather tooC.rather thanD.rather that

243,199,155,111,A.66 B.67 C.68 D.77 243,199,155,111 ,A.66 B.67 C.68 D.77

试题(66)、(67)运行Web 浏览器的计算机与网页所在的计算机要建立 (66) 连接,采用(67) 协议传输网页文件。(66)A. UDPB. TCPC. IPD. RIP(67)A. HTTPB. HTMLC. ASPD. RPC

A passenger plane is able to carry a fixed weight, including passengers and fuel.Which wing design would be best for such a plane?A.Design 1B.Design 2C.Design 3D.Design 4

66~67第 66 题 枳实导滞丸的君药是

Software engineering is the science and art of specifying, designing, implementing, and(66)with economy, timeliness and elegance, programs,(67)and operating procedures whereby computers can be made useful to humanity.This definition implicitly sets(68)the basic goal of software engineering research and development: The basic goal of software engineering is to facilitate specification, design, implementation and evolution of programs, documentation and operating(69)which are useful to humanity in an economic,(70)and elegant manner(using the appropriate science and art).A.envelopmentB.envelopingC.evolvementD.evolving


The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the (73)process.(73)A. Estimate CostsB. Sequence ActivitiesC. Plan CommunicationsD. Conduct Procurements