A table was created using the following DDL:CREATE TABLE employee (id SMALLINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(9), dept SMALLINT CHECK (dept BETWEEN 10 AND 100),job CHAR(10) CHECK (job IN (‘Sales‘,‘Mgr‘,‘Clerk‘)), hiredate DATE, salary DECIMAL(7,2), comm DECIMAL(7,2), PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT yearsal CHECK (YEAR(hiredate) 2004 OR salary 80500) );Which of the following INSERT statements will fail?()A.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, ‘Smith‘, 80, ‘Mgr‘, ‘09/03/2006‘, 80000, NULL)B.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, ‘Smith‘, 86, ‘Mgr‘, ‘07/14/2003‘, 90000, NULL)C.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, ‘Smith‘, 55, ‘Sales‘, ‘07/14/2003‘, NULL, NULL)D.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, ‘Smith‘, 33, ‘Analyst‘, ‘11/26/2006‘, 90000, NULL)

A table was created using the following DDL:CREATE TABLE employee (id SMALLINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(9), dept SMALLINT CHECK (dept BETWEEN 10 AND 100),job CHAR(10) CHECK (job IN (‘Sales‘,‘Mgr‘,‘Clerk‘)), hiredate DATE, salary DECIMAL(7,2), comm DECIMAL(7,2), PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT yearsal CHECK (YEAR(hiredate) > 2004 OR salary > 80500) );Which of the following INSERT statements will fail?()

A.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, ‘Smith‘, 80, ‘Mgr‘, ‘09/03/2006‘, 80000, NULL)

B.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, ‘Smith‘, 86, ‘Mgr‘, ‘07/14/2003‘, 90000, NULL)

C.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, ‘Smith‘, 55, ‘Sales‘, ‘07/14/2003‘, NULL, NULL)

D.INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, ‘Smith‘, 33, ‘Analyst‘, ‘11/26/2006‘, 90000, NULL)


Bootstrap中,通过对表格调用类()可实现响应式表格。 A..table-condensedB..table-stripedC..table-hoverD..table-responsive

通过对表格调用Bootstrap中的类()可实现条纹状表格效果。 A.table-stripedB.table-hoverC.table-responseD.table

You examine the output of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and notice that the value of Created_tmp_disk_tables is consistently increasing.Which two variables would likely fix this issue?() A.Table_open_cacheB.Table_open_cache_instancsC.Table_definition_cacheD.Tmp_table_sizeE.Max_heap_table_sizeF.Max_tmp_tables



已知基类Employee只有一个构造函数,其定义如下: Employee::Employee(int n):id(n){ } Manager是Employee的派生类,则下列对Manager的构造函数的定义中,正确的是?A.Manager::Manager(int n):id(n){}B.Manager::Manager(int n){id=n;}C.Manager::Manager(int n):Employee(n){}D.Manager::Manager(int n){Employee(n);}


动画演示圆心在原点,半径为n的有色圆盘, n=1,2...5, T={Red,Blue,Yellow,Green,Orange};A.ListAnimate[Table[Graphics[{T[[n]],Disk[{0,0},n]}, PlotRange→5],{n,5}]]B.ListAnimate[Table[Graphics[{Disk[{0,0},n],T[[n]]}, PlotRange->5],{n,5}]]C.ListAnimate[Table[Graphics[{T[n],Disk[{0,0},n]}, PlotRange→5],{n,5}]]D.ListAnimate[Table[Graphics[{Disk[{0,0},n],T[n]}, PlotRange→5],{n,5}]]

如果TABLE为数据段中0032单元的符号名,其中存放的内容为1234H,当执行指令”MOV AX,TABLE”和”LEA AX,TABLE”后,(AX)中的内容分别为多少?A.执行MOV AX , TABLE后(AX)=1234HB.执行LEA AX, TABLE 后 (AX)=0032H.C.执行MOV AX , TABLE后(AX)=0032HD.执行LEA AX, TABLE 后 (AX)=1234H

如果要让某个用户能够在所有模式下建表应该授予此用户哪个权限?A.create tableB.create any tableC.create all tableD.create * table