The phrase "coincided with" in the first sentence of Para. 2 is closest in meaning to ______.A) was influenced byB) happened at the same time asC) began to grow rapidlyD) ensured the success of
The phrase "coincided with" in the first sentence of Para. 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A) was influenced by
B) happened at the same time as
C) began to grow rapidly
D) ensured the success of
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:Column name Data type RemarksEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary KeyLAST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)FIRST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)JOB_ID NUMBERSAL NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERYou need to create an index called NAME_IDX on the first name and last name fields of the EMPLOYEES table. Which SQL statement would you use to perform this task? ()A. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, last_name);B. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, AND last_name)C. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON (First_name, last_name);D. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, AND last_name);E. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, last_name);F. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX FOR employees (First_name, last_name);
阅读下列说明和C代码,回答问题 1 至问题 3,将解答写在答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 假币问题:有n枚硬币,其中有一枚是假币,己知假币的重量较轻。现只有一个天平,要求用尽量少的比较次数找出这枚假币。 【分析问题】 将n枚硬币分成相等的两部分: (1)当n为偶数时,将前后两部分,即 1...n/2和n/2+1...0,放在天平的两端,较轻的一端里有假币,继续在较轻的这部分硬币中用同样的方法找出假币: (2)当n为奇数时,将前后两部分,即1..(n -1)/2和(n+1)/2+1...0,放在天平的两端,较轻的一端里有假币,继续在较轻的这部分硬币中用同样的方法找出假币;若两端重量相等,则中间的硬币,即第 (n+1)/2枚硬币是假币。 【C代码】 下面是算法的C语言实现,其中: coins[]: 硬币数组 first,last:当前考虑的硬币数组中的第一个和最后一个下标 include stdio.h int getCounterfeitCoin(int coins[], int first,int last) { int firstSum = 0,lastSum = 0; int ; If(first==last-1){ /*只剩两枚硬币*/ if(coins[first] coins[last]) return first; return last; } if((last - first + 1) % 2 ==0){ /*偶数枚硬币*/ for(i = first;i ( 1 );i++){ firstSum+= coins[i]; } for(i=first + (last-first) / 2 + 1;i last +1;i++){ lastSum += coins[i]; } if( 2 ){ Return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first,first+(last-first)/2;) }else{ Return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first+(last-first)/2+1,last;) } } else{ /*奇数枚硬币*/ For(i=first;ifirst+(last-first)/2;i++){ firstSum+=coins[i]; } For(i=first+(last-first)/2+1;ilast+1;i++){ lastSum+=coins[i]; } If(firstSumlastSum){ return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first,first+(last-first)/2-1); }else if(firstSumlastSum){ return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first+(last-first)/2-1,last); }else{ Return( 3 ) } } }【问题一】 根据题干说明,填充C代码中的空(1)-(3) 【问题二】 根据题干说明和C代码,算法采用了( )设计策略。 函数getCounterfeitCoin的时间复杂度为( )(用O表示)。 【问题三】 若输入的硬币数为30,则最少的比较次数为( ),最多的比较次数为( )。
Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?A.Sentence-making.B.Cue-card dialogue.C.Simulated dialogue.D.Learning syntax.
Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence A.Sentence-making.B.Cue-card dialogue.C.Simulated dialogue.D.Learning syntax.