Which of the following connects the L2 cache to the processor?() A. PCIB. Frontside busC. Backside busD. System I/O bus
Which of the following connects the L2 cache to the processor?()
B. Frontside bus
C. Backside bus
D. System I/O bus
Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units,it iS used for the purpose of data communication and resource Sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor
Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or moreconnected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor
● Computer(75) is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.(75)A. storage B. device C. network D. processor
以下关于SMP的说法错误的是() A、SymmertricalMulti-Processor,对称式多处理器,采用总线结构的紧耦合多处理器系统B、对称是指机器中的每一个处理器的地位都是平等的,连在一起共享一个存储器C、SMP结构的机器可扩展性、可用性很好D、各处理器完全对称,拥有各自的Cache,通过总线监听实现Cache一致性
You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following
Computer ______ is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor
2、下列叙述错误的是()A.L1 Cache的命中时间比命中率更重要B.L2 Cache的命中时间比命中率更重要C.L1 Cache更靠近CPU,其速度比L2快,其容量比L2小D.L2 Cache更靠近CPU,其速度比L1快,其容量比L1小
考虑某两级cache,第一级为L1,第二级为L2,两级cache的全局不命中率分别是5%和2%,假设L2的命中时间是10个时钟周期,L2的不命中开销是200时钟周期,L1的命中时间是1个时钟周期,平均每条指令访存1.4次。问:每条指令的平均停顿时间是 个时钟周期?
下列叙述错误的是()A.L1 Cache的命中时间比命中率更重要B.L2 Cache的命中时间比命中率更重要C.L1 Cache更靠近CPU,其速度比L2快,其容量比L2小D.L2 Cache更靠近CPU,其速度比L1快,其容量比L1小