Which of the following advisors is run in every maintenance window by the auto-task system?() A. The Memory AdvisorB. The SQL Tuning AdvisorC. The Undo AdvisorD. The SQL Access Advisor

Which of the following advisors is run in every maintenance window by the auto-task system?()

A. The Memory Advisor

B. The SQL Tuning Advisor

C. The Undo Advisor

D. The SQL Access Advisor


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following



publicclassThreads2implementsRunnable{publicvoidnun(){System.out.println(”run.”);thrownewRuntimeException(”Problem”);}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Threadt=newThread(newThreads2());t.start();System.out.println(”Endofmethod.”);}}Whichtwocanberesults?()A.java.lang.RuntimeException:ProblemB.run. java.lang.RuntimeException:ProblemC.Endofmethod. java.lang.RuntimeException:ProblemD.Endofmethod. run.java.lang.RuntimeException:ProblemE.run. java.lang.RuntimeException:ProblemEndofmethod.

publicclassThreads3implementsRunnable{publicvoidrun(){System.out.print(”running”);}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Threadt=newThread(newThreads3());t.run();t.run();t.start();}}Whatistheresult?() A.Compilationfails.B.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.C.Thecodeexecutesandprints“running”.D.Thecodeexecutesandprints“runningrunning”.E.Thecodeexecutesandprints“runningrunningrunning”.

To set the history retention period for either window logging or job logging individually, which parameters of the SET_SCHEDULER_ATTRIBUTE procedure need to be used?() A. LOG_HISTORYB. JOB_LOG_RETENTIONC. WINDOW_LOG_RETENTIOND. WHICH_LOGE. LOG_NAME


By default, how often does a router running IGRP send its complete routing table to its neighbors?() A. Every 5 minutesB. Every 90 secondsC. Every 60 secondsD. Every 30 seconds

Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced ______.A.every 6 months after initial installationB.every 12 months after initial installationC.every 24 months after initial installationD.on or before the expiration date of the power source

当编译并运行下面程序时会发生什么结果() public class Bground extends Thread{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Bground b = new Bground(); b.run(); } public void start(){ for (int i = 0; i <10; i++){ System.out.println("Value of i = " + i); } } }A.编译错误,指明run方法没有定义B.运行错误,指明run方法没有定义C.编译通过并输出0到9D.编译通过但无输出