In a database with the database character set of US7ASCII and a national character set of UTF-8, which datatypes would be capable of storing Unicode data by default?() A. VARCHAR2B. CHARC. NVARCHAR2D. CLOBE. LONG
In a database with the database character set of US7ASCII and a national character set of UTF-8, which datatypes would be capable of storing Unicode data by default?()
You are a database administrator in the Los Angeles branch office of a specialty foods supplier. A mainframe. database at the headquarters contains all company data. Each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database.The server in Los Angeles contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that uses OLE DB to connect to the company's mainframe. database. The DTS package extracts and transforms data about buyers and products for that region. The DTS package then writes the data to the SQL Server database in Los Angeles.You need to configure a SQL Server computer for the new branch office in Sydney. You want to copy the Los Angeles package and modify it so that it writes data to the SQL Server database in Sydney.You use the DTS Designer to modify the DTS package so that it imports regional data from the mainframe. database to the server in Sydney. The modified DTS package runs successfully on the server in Los Angeles. You save this DTS package to the server in Sydney, but the server in Sydney cannot connect to the mainframe. database.You want to enable the server in Sydney to connect to the mainframe. database. What should you do?A.Change the connection properties in the DTS package so that the package uses new login credentials to connect to the mainframe. database.B.Modify the workflow in the DTS package so that the server in Sydney is included.C.On the server in Sydney, install an OLE DB provider for the mainframe. database.D.On the server in Sydney, delete and then re-create the DTS package.
Youhavecreatedascriptintherecoverycatalogcalledbackup_database.Whichofthefollowingcommandswouldsuccessfullyexecutethatscript?(){openscriptbackup_database;runscriptbackup_database}{engagescriptbackup_database;}{runscriptbackup_database;}D.Run{executescriptbackup_database;}E.Thenamebackup_databaseisaninvalidnameforanRMANscript.TryingtorunitfromRMAN wouldresultinanerror.
Marrywantstocreateanewapplicationonhislaptopthatdoesnothaveanydesignelementsinit.Whichoneofthefollowingshouldhedotobeginhisprocess?() A.selectfile-Database-newandgiveitafilenameof“blank.nsf”B.selectfile-Database-new,chooselocalastheserver,andchosetheblanktemplateC.selectfile-Database-new,chooselocalastheserver,andchosethedefault.ntftemplateD.selectfile-Database-new,giveitafilenameof“blank.nsf”,andchosetheblanktemplate
1、设置MySQL字符集的方法A.修改my.ini配置文件,可修改MySQL默认的字符集。###SXB###B.MySQL提供MySQL命令可以“临时地”修改MySQL“当前会话的”字符集以及字符序。###SXB###C.使用MySQL命令 “set names gbk;”可以“临时一次性地”设置character_set_client、character_set_connection以及character_set_results的字符集为gbk###SXB###D.连接MySQL服务器时指定字符集 mysql --default-character-set=字符集 -h 服务器IP地址 -u 账户名 –p密码
要实现同步置位(高电平有效)、上升沿触发的D触发器设计: module dff_s (data,set,clk,q); input data,set,clk; output reg q; always (1) begin if(2 ) q<=1'b1; else (3); end endmodule (2)应该填写()。A.(rst_n==1'b0)B.(set)C.(set==1'b0)D.(!set)
长期存储在计算机内,有组织的、可共享的大量数据的集合是()。 A、数据(Data) B、数据库(DataBase) C、数据库管理系统(DBMS) D、数据库系统(DBS)A.数据(Data)B.数据库(DataBase)C.数据库管理系统(DBMS)D.数据库系统(DBS)