DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style. of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.A.specificB.neutralC.containedD.related

DOM is a platform-and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style. of WWW documents (currently, definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification). The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented (2) DOM is a (3) -based API to documents, which requires the whole document to be represented in (4) while processing it. A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large (5) documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.






What does the underlined word “correspondence” in the Paragraph 1 probably mean? 【 】A.messagesB.ideasC.connectionsD.programs

临床上可用于酵母菌鉴定的商品化试剂盒是A、API20C AUXB、API20AC、API20ED、API20NEE、API20 Staph

● The completion and approval of one or more () characterizes a project phase.()A.deliverables B.products C.projects D.programs

Fromtheinformationbelow,whatcommandwouldtheadministratorruntoallocatethefilebackedopticaldevice,nameduseful_scripts,tovirtualSCSIadaptervhost0?() A.mkvdev-devuseful_scripts-vadaptervhost0;loadopt-vdevvtopt0B.mkvdev-opticaluseful_scripts-vadaptervhost0;loadopt-vdevvtopt0C.mkvdev-fbo-vadaptervhost0;loadopt-diskuseful_scripts-vtdvtopt0D.mkvdev-typefbo-vadaptervhost0;loadopt-fbouseful_scripts-vtdvtopt0

The following suggestions increase 'programs' (69) and make them easier to Maintain:1.Use a standard indention technique,blank lines,form. feeds,and spaces.2.Insert plenty of (70) into your code.A.reliabilityB.securityC.readabilityD.usability

下列关于DOM核心描述正确的是()。A.可操作一切结构化文档的APIB.专门操作HTML文档的简化版DOM APIC.简单D.仅对常用的复杂的API进行了简化

1、下列关于DOM的描述哪句话是不正确的()。A.DOM是万维网联盟W3C的标准B.DOM定义了访问HTML的标准C.DOM定义了访问XML文档的标准D.DOM的Document Object Model浏览器对象模型的缩写

1、下列关于DOM核心描述正确的是()。A.可操作一切结构化文档的APIB.专门操作HTML文档的简化版DOM APIC.简单D.仅对常用的复杂的API进行了简化

1、网格布局要求使用什么版本的APIA.API 11B.API 12C.API 13D.API 14或以上
