a)Can a struct inherit from another struct?(结构体能继承结构体吗)b)Can a struct inherit from another class?(结构体能继承类吗)c)Can a struct be the base of another class?(结构体可以作为一个类的基类吗)d)Can a struct implement an interface?(结构体可以实现一个接口吗)e)What’s the difference between struct and class?(结构体与类有什么区别)

a)Can a struct inherit from another struct?


b)Can a struct inherit from another class?


c)Can a struct be the base of another class?


d)Can a struct implement an interface?


e)What’s the difference between struct and class?



以下对结构体类型变量的定义中,不正确的是( )A.typedef struct aa { int n; float m; }AA; AA tdl;B.#define AA struct aa AA{ int n; float m; }tdl;C.struct { int n; float m; }aa; struct aa tdl;D.struct { int n; float m, }tdl;

以下对结构体类型变量td的定义中,错误的是______。A.typedef struct aa { int n; float m; }AA; AA td;B.struct aa { int n; float m; }td; struct aa td;C.struct { int n; float m; }aa;D.struct { int n; float m; }td; struct aa td;

以下对结构体类型变量td的定义中,错误的是( )。A.typcdef struct aa { int n; float m; } AA; AA td;B.struct aa {int n; float m; } struct aa td;C.struct {int n; float m; } aa; struct aa td;D.struct {int n; float m; }td;





4.结构体指针变量的一般定义形式如下: struct 结构体类型名 *结构体指针变量名;

3. 结构体指针变量的一般定义形式如下: struct 结构体类型名 *结构体指针变量名;

14、可用struct 结构体名来定义结构体类型。