When a user’s computer is first turned on, they see a lock symbol and a blinking cursor. Which of the following was configured in the BIOS to show this?() A. Intrusion detectionB. Power on passwordC. Drive encryptionD. BIOS password

When a user’s computer is first turned on, they see a lock symbol and a blinking cursor. Which of the following was configured in the BIOS to show this?()

A. Intrusion detection

B. Power on password

C. Drive encryption

D. BIOS password


It has been over a century _______ the railway was completed. (A)when(B) once(C) which(D) since

[A] which [B] that [C] what [D] when


[A] who [B] when [C] where [D] which

The beautiful mountain village__________ we spent our holiday last year is locatedin __________ is now part of Guangxi.A.which ; whereB.where; whatC.that ; whatD.when ; which




32、定义“char **s;”并为s正确赋值后,以下表达式正确的是()A.s=”computer”;B.* s=”computer”;C.** s-“computer”;D.* s=‘c’;

【单选题】设有说明:char s1[10],*s2=s1;则以下正确的语句是 。A.s1[]="computer"B.s1[10]="computer"C.s2="computer"D.*s2="computer"