What is the binary equivalent of A. 11110011 10101000 01011110 01111100B. 11110010 10101010 01011110 01111100C. 11110010 10101000 01011110 01111100D. 11110010 10101000 01010110 01111100

What is the binary equivalent of

A. 11110011 10101000 01011110 01111100

B. 11110010 10101010 01011110 01111100

C. 11110010 10101000 01011110 01111100

D. 11110010 10101000 01010110 01111100



—____________________?—I want to be a scientist and it ‟s also my childhood dream. A. What ‟s your jobB. What ‟re you doingC. Are you a scientistD. What ‟s your dream for the future

Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do. A、it, it.B、what, what.C、it, what.D、what, it. C

_______[A] fundamental [B] comprehensive [C] equivalent [D] hostile

–– James: Hi, Harry. ____–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.A: What’s up?B: What’s on?C: What’s wrong?D: What’s right?

Which of the following NLS_SORT parameter values would result in case-insensitive and accent-insensitive binary sorts?() A. NLS_SORT = BINARYB. NLS_SORT = BINARY_AIC. NLS_SORT = BINARY_CID. NLS_SORT = BINARY_AI_CIE. Binary sorts are case insensitive and accent insensitive by default.

下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?

打开一个二进制输出文件“test.dat”,下列语句中错误的是()。A.ofstream fout; fout.open(“test.dat” );B.ofstream fout; fout.open(“test.dat”, ios::binary );C.ofstream fout(“test.dat”, ios::binary );D.ofstream *p = new ofstream(“test.dat”, ios::binary );
