Software system test plan needs to be compiled in( )phase。软件系统测试计划需要在( )阶段编制。A.requirement analysis需求分析B.Outline design概要设计C.detailed design详细设计D.Coding phase编码阶段

Software system test plan needs to be compiled in( )phase。
软件系统测试计划需要在( )阶段编制。

A.requirement analysis
B.Outline design
C.detailed design
D.Coding phase




●As an important phase in software development,software design is the continuation of software requirement analysis phase. (69) .Ⅰ.software structureⅡ.software documentⅢ.software moduleⅣ.software procedureWhich of the following should be included in software design phase?(69) A.Ⅱ andⅢB.Ⅰ andⅡC.Ⅰ,Ⅱ andⅢD.All

As an important phase in software development, software design is the continuation of software requirement analysis phasE.Ⅰ.software structureⅡ.software procedureⅢ.software moduleⅣ.software documentwhich of the following should be included in software design phase?A.Ⅰand ⅡB.Ⅱand ⅢC.Ⅰ,Ⅱ and ⅢD.All

A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()A. System BIOSB. FirmwareC. OS PatchD. Driver

In software engineering the design phase is divided into( )。A.system design and detailed design and program designC.system design and hardware design and detailed design

Black-box and white-box testing method ale often used in software testing phase, in which, the white-box is mainly used to test software's(73).A.external function of a programB.reasonableness of structureC.internal logic of a programD.correctness of a program

In which phase is a systems acceptance test plan developed and documented? () A.ImplementB.DesignC.PrepareD.Operate

The purpose of the requirements definition phase is to produce a clear,complete,consistent,and testable( )of the technical requirements for the software product.During the requirements definition phase,the requirements definition team uses an iterative process to expand a broad statement of the system requirements into a complete and detailed specification of each function that the software must perform and each(请作答此空)that it must meet.The starting point is usually a set of high level requirements from the( )that describe the project or problem.In either case,the requirements definition team formulates an overall concept for the system and then defines( )showing how the system will be operated publishes the system and operations concept document and conducts a system concept review(SCR).Following the SCR,the team derives( )requirements for the system from the high level requirements and the system and operations concept.using structured or object-oriented analysis.the team specifies the software functions and algorithms needed to satisfy each detailed requirement.A.criterionB.standardC.modelD.system

The purpose of the requirements definition phase is to produce a clear,complete,consistent,and testable( )of the technical requirements for the software product.During the requirements definition phase,the requirements definition team uses an iterative process to expand a broad statement of the system requirements into a complete and detailed specification of each function that the software must perform and each( )that it must meet.The starting point is usually a set of high level requirements from the(请作答此空)that describe the project or problem.In either case,the requirements definition team formulates an overall concept for the system and then defines( )showing how the system will be operated publishes the system and operations concept document and conducts a system concept review(SCR).Following the SCR,the team derives( )requirements for the system from the high level requirements and the system and operations concept.using structured or object-oriented analysis.the team specifies the software functions and algorithms needed to satisfy each detailed requirement.A.producerB.customerC.programmerD.analyser

A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall ( 71)from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. (72)focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system's underlying architecture. The system's physical and technical environments would be considered (73). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to (74).(75)describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances. (72)处应选?A.User requirementsB.Business requirementsC.Function requirementsD.System requirements

A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall (71)from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. (72)focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system's underlying architecture. The system's physical and technical environments would be considered (73). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to (74).(75)describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances.(74)应选? requirementB.performance requirementC.technical requirementD.information requirement

A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall (71)from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. ( )focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system's underlying architecture. The system's physical and technical environments would be considered ( ). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to ( ).( )describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances.(71)应选? needsB.operation processesC.technical specificationD.function components

In software engineering the design phase is divided into ( ). A.system design and detailed design design and program design C.system design and hardware design design and detailed design

The deliverable from this phase also includes the ( ) for the proposed system. A.hardware and software specification B.system performance specification C.formal requirements definition D.general problem statement

Which implement phase service component consists of preparing for migration,excuting a network migration plan,and completing migration test cases?()A、staging and system migrationB、post implementation support handoff meetingC、detailed design developmentD、staff trainingE、migration plan development

Which design phase service component includes the development and documentation of the test case or cases used to verify that a deployed infrastructure meets operational, functional, and interface requirements? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、Implementation PlanB、Business PlanC、Staging PlanD、Detailed Design DevelopmentE、Systems Acceptance Test Plan Development

Which design phase service component consists of developing a detailed, site-specific plan for implementing a new technology system or solution? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、Detailed Design DevelopmentB、Systems Acceptance Test Plan DevelopmentC、Staging PlanD、Implementation Plan DevelopmentE、Project Kick-off

Which three of these service components are in the design phase?()A、Account Qualification and PlanningB、Detailed Design DevelopmentC、Staff TrainingD、Systems Acceptance Test Plan DevelopmentE、Staging Plan DevelopmentF、Site Readiness Assessment

In the operate phase, providing and maintaining reliable, current information about the wlan system hardware, software,and applications pertinent to the system’s individual components and attributes is part of which service component?()A、problem managementB、configuration managementC、incident managementD、change management

Which service component in the design phase describes developing a detailed, site-specific plan for implementing the new technology system or solution()A、Implementation Plan DevelopmentB、Detailed Design DevelopmentC、Systems Acceptance Test Plan DevelopmentD、Staging Plan Development

Which service component in the wireless operate phase helps isolate and resolve an incident?()A、change managementB、configuration managementC、incident managementD、acceptance test plan

A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()A、System BIOSB、FirmwareC、OS PatchD、Driver

单选题A manufacturer has instructed a technician to update the software that resides on the flash ROMchip of an integral system add-in component. Which of the following types of software needs to be updated?()ASystem BIOSBFirmwareCOS PatchDDriver

单选题In which phase is a systems acceptance test plan developed and documented?()AImplementBDesignCPrepareDOperate

单选题What is the primary objective of the plan phase()AAssess the existing environments to determine if it can support the proposed system.BIdentify the activities for installing and configuring the equipment at the customer sites.CGather high-level solution requirements, and understand the customer business needs an the opportunity.DPrepare the activities for day-to-day support, management, and monitoring of the newly implemented system.

多选题Which three of these service components are in the design phase?()AAccount Qualification and PlanningBDetailed Design DevelopmentCStaff TrainingDSystems Acceptance Test Plan DevelopmentEStaging Plan DevelopmentFSite Readiness Assessment

单选题What is one key objective of the operations readiness assessment performed in the plan phase?Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。Aalign business requirements with technical requirementsBcreate a plan to recycle used equipmentCevaluate the readiness of a customers current operations and network management infrastructure to support a new technologyDinstall and test system components in a non-production environment

单选题Which implement phase service component consists of preparing for migration,excuting a network migration plan,and completing migration test cases?()Astaging and system migrationBpost implementation support handoff meetingCdetailed design developmentDstaff trainingEmigration plan development