These ancient buildings are gorgeous.A:ridiculous B:lovelyC:magnificent D:peculiar
These ancient buildings are gorgeous.
解析:本题考查的是对形容词的认知。这句话的意思是:这些古建筑富丽堂皇。 gorgeous的意思是“华丽的”,例如:The gorgeous costume added to the brilliance of the dance.华丽的服装使舞蹈更加光彩夺目。选项A ridiculous荒诞的。选项B lovely可爱的。选项C magnificent壮美的,例如:The magnificent sights collect a jolly crowd.壮丽的景色引来欢乐的人群。选项D peculiar古怪的。gorgeous和magnificent的意思最接近,所以选C。
The earthquake in the past ten years caused many buildings to (). A、collapseB、terrifyC、tendD、threaten
It can be interred that without gravity .A.buildings and other structures would float awayB.trees and buildings would not so easily fly offC.something around your head would not float awayD.everything outside buildings would fly off into space
(c) Wader is reviewing the accounting treatment of its buildings. The company uses the ‘revaluation model’ for itsbuildings. The buildings had originally cost $10 million on 1 June 2005 and had a useful economic life of20 years. They are being depreciated on a straight line basis to a nil residual value. The buildings were revalueddownwards on 31 May 2006 to $8 million which was the buildings’ recoverable amount. At 31 May 2007 thevalue of the buildings had risen to $11 million which is to be included in the financial statements. The companyis unsure how to treat the above events. (7 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatments of the above items in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May2007.Note: a discount rate of 5% should be used where necessary. Candidates should show suitable calculations wherenecessary.
(b) Router has a number of film studios and office buildings. The office buildings are in prestigious areas whereasthe film studios are located in ‘out of town’ locations. The management of Router wish to apply the ‘revaluationmodel’ to the office buildings and the ‘cost model’ to the film studios in the year ended 31 May 2007. At presentboth types of buildings are valued using the ‘revaluation model’. One of the film studios has been converted to atheme park. In this case only, the land and buildings on the park are leased on a single lease from a third party.The lease term was 30 years in 1990. The lease of the land and buildings was classified as a finance lease eventhough the financial statements purport to comply with IAS 17 ‘Leases’.The terms of the lease were changed on 31 May 2007. Router is now going to terminate the lease early in 2015in exchange for a payment of $10 million on 31 May 2007 and a reduction in the monthly lease payments.Router intends to move from the site in 2015. The revised lease terms have not resulted in a change ofclassification of the lease in the financial statements of Router. (10 marks)Required:Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended31 May 2007.
What is the main difference between the two parts of the city?.A. The colour of the buildings.B. The age of the buildings.C. The colour of the roofs.D. The length of the streets.
( )in Pingyao have been preserved.A. ancient streetsB. government officesC. marketsD. residence
The ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses.The festival and games were held in Olympia, a religious sanctuary.The athletes came to Olympia from all parts of the Greek world, from as far as Spain in the west and Turkey in the east.The ancient Olympic Games began in the yea 776 BC when Koroibos, a cook from the city of Elis, won a 200-metre-long race.They took place for a period of 617 years until the last games were held in AD 393In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money.In fact the word athlete is an ancient Greek word, meaning one who competes for a prize.Although women did not compete in the games, there was a separate festival held at the same time in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus At this festival unmarried girls competed in foot races.The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games.The marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Olympic Games in 1896.It was named after a village called Marathon where the Persians were defeated by a small Greek army The news of the victory was brought to Athens by soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of Marathon to the capital 26 miles was therefore adopted as the distance of the modern marathon raceThe Olympic flag was introduced in 1908 and carries the symbol of five linked rings.Which represent the five continents-Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe.The Olympic flame was first carried in the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.There was no torch relay in the ancient Olympic Games.The first torch relay in the modern OlympIc Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.(判断正误)26.The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC.()27.The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years.()28.They did not allow women to compete in the an cient Olympic Games.()29.They first used the Olympic flag in 1908.()30.The torch relay was first used in the ancient Olympics.()
Passage FiveSome people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world. Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past. They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new or to express himself or the age in materials original ways. It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures. If the work of art is a painting, the artist's failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place. This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing.We can't judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past. He is too proud to do that.51. Some people hate everything that is modern because ______.A. they are agedB. they find it hard to accept modern thingsC. they take their standards of perfection from the GreekD. they look at things by the standards of the past
The writer thinks that we can't judge ______.A. buildings by the ancient standardsB. all the buildings by the ancient standardsC. all the modern buildings by the ancient standardsD. modern buildings
"Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced." This sentence means ______.A. the ancient architects had no technologyB. the modern architects use more advanced technologyC. the modern buildings are advanced because they are completely different from the ancient buildingsD. the modern buildings are more beautiful
There were many different cultures in the ancient world,but the two that had the most influence?on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman.Often these two eultures are?lumped together in our minds,as if they were really exactly alike.But that is not the case.In many?ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different.The Greeks were truly democratic,often without a single leader but instead governed by a group?of men chosen by the people.The Romans were semi-democratic.They had a governing Senate,but?the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor.Both cultures were great builders.But the construction interests of the two cultures were also?different.The Greeks tended to be more artistic.Their buildings were well constructed and they were?especially interested in temples,columns,and decorative forms.The Romans,on the other hand,were more engineers than artists.They concentrated their efforts on urban planning,well-functioning?water pipes,and the best roads.Only in cooking and eating habits are the two cultures really similar.Both peoples ate very well?indeed:lots of fish,fresh vegetables and fruits,healthy meals,holding at the same time long?discussions and tasting excellent wines.In fact,it would probably be fair to say that they both loved life in their warm,sea-oriented?climates,and they both lived a full life.What were the Greeks famous for?A.The overall planning of a city or a town.B.The artistic decoration of the buildings.C.The practical functions of the buildings.D.The system of water supply and transportation.
The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun__the beginning of
The writer thinks that_________.A.we can’t judge buildings by the ancient standardsB.we can’t judge all the buildings by the ancient standardsC.we can’t judge all the modern buildings by the ancient standardsD.we can’t judge modern buildings
单选题AWhy less people were killed in the earthquake in Los Angeles.BChanges made to construction methods of buildings and highways.CHow to make buildings more resistant to earthquake.DThe outline of the history of the development of quake-resistant building materials.
单选题The machine he originated and perfected has no modern _____ or ancient prototype.AsuccessorBancestorCforefatherDpredecessor
单选题Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?AThere is some pens and a book on the desk.BThe number of the visitors has decreased this year.CA number of ancient buildings is destroyed in the war.DNeither of us have been abroad.
单选题The very sight of the imposing buildings assured these tourists of the significant changes in this city.AinstinctiveBimpressiveCinstitutionalDimaginary