A easily B readily C frequently D already

A easily B readily C frequently D already




He said, “I ________ a lot of new words by the end of last year.” A.had already learntB.have already learntC.would have already learntD.already learnt

In winter, traffic accidents occur____ on the highway.A frequently B suddenly C usually D rapidly

That man ( ) at the bus stop for the last half hour.--- Shall I tell him that the last bus ( ) A.has stood … has already goneB.has been standing… has already beenC.is standing… has already goneD.has been standing…has already gone

对话理解听力原文:M: The paper money required little effort to carry. If you need large amount of money, you can use a check or credit card to make the payment.W: This nature of money is called portability and it provides convenience in settling transactions.Q: What does the word portability mean?(11)A.It means being convenient to be carried.B.It means being readily to be divided.C.It means being easily identified.D.It means being carried in a big basket.

It is _______ to tell which is earth and which is sky.A: enough easyB: easily enoughC: easy enoughD: enough easily

She _______ 100 pages of the book today.A、has already readB、already readsC、already readD、was already read

53 A necessarily B completely C.naturally D frequently

The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ______.A.in the pilothouseB.in the officer's loungeC.in the upper pumproom flatD.where they can be easily seen or readily available

Upon release to the atmosphere,LFG readily ______.A.VaporizesB.Attacks causticallyC.RisesD.Attacks corrosively

The lifesaving equipment on all vessels shall be ______.A.inspected weeklyB.stowed in locked compartmentsC.readily accessibleD.tested yearly

When she was invited to the party,she readily accepted.A:willingly B:suddenlyC:firmly D:quickly

When she was invited to the party,she readily accepted.A:willinglyB:suddenlyC:firmlyD:quickly

I asked her if she would allow me to interview her,and she readily agreed.A: willinglyB: suddenlyC: firmlyD: quickly

A. even B. sometimes C. frequently D. occasionally

She()pages of the book today.Ahas already readBalready readsCalready readDwas already read

She()pages of the book today.A、has already readB、already readsC、already readD、was already read

Which of the following is a benefit of application virtualization?()A、The need for multiple licenses of any software is unnecessary.B、Interoperability of disparate programs is easily attained.C、Server loads are greatly reduced from lowered traffic.D、Applications are easily accessible from anywhere on the LAN

单选题She()pages of the book today.Ahas already readBalready readsCalready readDwas already read

单选题The validity of personality tests as accurate measures of a person’s innate capacities and desires have been frequently called into question.Ahave been frequently called into questionBare often called into questionChas been frequently called into questionDis frequently called into questionEare frequently being questioned

单选题Immersion suits must be stowed().Ain the pilothouseBon top of lockersCwhere readily accessibleDon open deck areas

单选题Contrary to popular belief, not every snake with reddish or brownish scales is a copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistaken for copperheads.Acopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistakenBcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistookCcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistookDcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistakeEcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistake

单选题57. A quickly B easily C roughly D decidedlyAABBCCDD

单选题Why is the problem of drinking and driving difficult to solve?AAlcohol is easily obtained.BDrinking is linked to organized crime.CLegal prohibition has already failed.DLegislation alone is not sufficient.

单选题She told me that she has already gone to the United States four times before she attended that conference.Ahad already beenBhas already beenCalready wentDwas already going

单选题Upon release to the atmosphere,LFG readily().AvaporizesBattacks causticallyCrisesDattacks corrosively

单选题The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ().Ain the pilothouseBin the officer's loungeCin the upper pumproom flatDwhere they can be easily seen or readily available

单选题AThey blush more readily than women do.BThey’re uncomfortable performing in front of adults.CThey don’t respond to stress well.DThey blush less frequently than adults do.