The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A:pollutedB:treatedC:testedD:corrupted

The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.



解析:本句意思:饮用水被铅污染了。contaminate意为“把……弄脏,污染”,与pollute(污染) 意思相近。treat对待,看待; test考试;测验,考查;corrupt使道德败坏;使腐败。


Using the situation stated in the Special window, a comparison of the cost schedule of August as compared to July shows that the magnitude ($ value) of the variance has _____ and the percentage change has _____.A . Become worse, become worseB . Become worse, improvedC . Improved, increasedD . Improved, become worseE . None of the above are correct

I really am not qualified to ()the safety or lack of safety in drinking this water.A、valuateB、measureC、evaluateD、vaulte

Disciplined actions — less drinking, and more exercise have gradually become my lifestyle. rather than hard work. (翻译)

By saying "the world has been spared a t.rue water war" (Line 1, Para.4), the author means( )[A] the water supply in the world is more than needed[B] the world has saved enough water to avoid the war[C] the world has never suffered a war triggered by water[D] the world spares no effort to avoid a war caused by water

What represents poor sanitary procedures ________.A.Keep and use a separate filling hose for potable(drinking)waterB.Locate potable(drinking)water tanks as low as possible in the bilgeC.Eliminate enclosed spaces in which trash,food particles,dirt may gatherD.After washing dishes with soap and warm water,sterilize them in water of at least 170℉(76.7℃)

共用题干Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning. You should drink water before doing anything else.The temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature:not hot,not cold.Why should you drink this water?______(46).It helps clean out your kidneys.It prepares your stomach for digestion.______(47).After drinking water,the intestines can more easily take out nutrients from our food. And water helps us go to the bathroom more easily.Scientists suggest that people take in 1,600 milliliters of water each day.______(48).If you do,your kidneys will have to work much harder to eliminate it. It's better to drink some in morning and some in afternoon.______(49).And during meals,they think water dilutes the juices produced in our stomachs.This can interfere with normal digestion.Are you drinking enough water every day?Check the color of your urine.______(50).if your urine is very dark yellow,your probably need to drink more water. A little water each day could make you much healthier._________(47)A:If it is light yellow,you are probably drinking enoughB:Water can also help your intestines work betterC:Some people think it's better to drink between mealsD:Water helps your body in many waysE:But don't drink all of that water in one sitting F: Water is an essential element of life

共用题干WaterEarth is like a big blue marble.From high above the Earth and from the moon,the planet gleams and shines.The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image.The white clouds above the Earth add beauty to the picture.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth.It is the reason people can live on this planet. Water is everywhere.(46)_______.It is in the soil,the ground that grows the food.Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas一in storage.In a real sense,water keeps Earth alive.Nature has an unchanging amount of water. Nature has a perfect system for recycling water. (47)_____.It falls as rain.Then it goes to one of three places.It might sink slowly through the soil into the natural holding areas in the rock.(48)_______一by becoming vapor,or gas.It might run off into streams,rivers and oceans.By itself,nature can keep the balance and provide plenty of clean water for us.Nature recycles water.However,people cause problems for this natural recycling system.Nature's recycling system can work well(49)________.Some ways that people upset nature are easy to understand.For example, dirty sewage(污水沟系统)water from homes and factories must not mix with drinking water. People get sick from drinking contaminated water. Sometimes water from factories goes into streams and rivers.It enters into the groundwater. It can flow into lakes too.This kind of contamination from industry(waste water from factories) can be dangerous for people.If water contains poisons and chemicals,it is poison.(50)________;some poisons kill people as well as birds and animals.Without knowing,people can upset nature's recycling system.Lakes and rivers add beauty to the world. People enjoy water for entertainment purposes,too. People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer. They like to ride on boats on rivers.Many people enjoy catching fish in the rivers.They fish for food and for sport.However,in some places,the water of the lakes and rivers is no longer safe.These rivers and lakes are contaminated.The fish are dying because of the chemicals from farms and factories.People cannot swim in the polluted water._________(49)A:Poison makes people sickB:It is in the air that people breatheC:We can not live without waterD:Water is used again and againE:only if people work with the system and not against it F: It might disappear into the air quickly

A.lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.A:muddled B:polluted C:mixed D:troubled

A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.A:muddled B:polluted C:mixed D:troubled

The drinking water is contaminated with impurities.A:blackened B:polluted C:darkened D:mixed

农村饮水安全(safe drinking water in rural area)

饮用水注入管()A、fresh water filling pipeB、bilge water filling pipeC、drinking water filling pipeD、sea water filling pipe

单选题A decrease in the flash point of diesel engine lube oil indicates the lube oil has become ().Acontaminated with sludgeBcontaminated with carbonCdiluted with fuel oilDdiluted with water

问答题Directions:  Please write an essay in about 150 words entitled “Water Shortage” based on the following outline. The first sentence has been given.   Outline:  (1)Water shortage has become much more serious than before.   (2)The chief reasons for water shortage.  (3)My suggestions.

单选题Since 1960, the fast-growing town of Hotstone, Arizona, has drawn water from the Gray River, which feeds Lake Mudfish. If the town’s water use continues to grow at its present rate, in about 20 years the water level of Lake Mudfish will inevitably decrease to the point that it can no longer support its biologically fragile population of fish.  The prediction above is based on which of the following assumptions?AAs the town’s water requirements grow, it will not be able to meet those requirements by drawing on water sources other than the Gray River.BSince 1960, the lake’s population of fish has become more biologically fragile.CThe amount of water that the lake loses to evaporation each year will increase over the next two decades.DThere are multiple sources of water besides the Gray River that feed into Lake Mudfish.EThe town of Hotstone will be able to reverse its trend of increasing water use if it implements an aggressive water conservation program.

单选题() is used for washing and drinking.AThe ballast systemBThe salt water systemCThe bilge systemDThe domestic system

单选题Drinking salt water will().Abe safe if mixed with fresh waterBprevent seasicknessCdehydrate youDprotect against heat cramps

单选题Which statement concerning the collection of fresh water is FALSE?()AFresh water may be obtained from fishBlifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collectedCFresh water may be collected from condensation inside the life-raftDFreshwater cannot be produced from standing seawater

单选题Why the cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated? Because the()ACooling water is alkalescenceBcooling water is acidityCcooling water has salinityDcooling water has impurity

填空题The water cycle is responsible for clouds, rain and our supply of drinking water.____

问答题Directions:  Please write an essay in 160-200 words entitled “Water Shortage” based on the following outline. The first sentence has been given.   Outline:  (1)Water shortage has become much more serious than before.   (2)The chief reasons for water shortage.  (3)My suggestions.

单选题Because the flow rate of supply water pump is too large, oily water separator does not work wellWhich of the following is not the reason?()Athe monitoring equipment is out of orderBseparating effect becomes badCinner wall is contaminatedDseparating effect becomes bad and inner wall is contaminated

单选题Diesel engine lube oil can become contaminated as a result()Athe water produced during combustionBthe sulfur in the fuelCunburned fuel oilDall of the above

单选题The ()has a water damp ring.ApurifierBoil/water separatorCincineratorDdistiller

单选题()are used to ensure that ships don’t discharge oil when pumping out oily water from any oil contaminated space.ABoilerBIncineratorCOily water separatorDSewage treatment unit

单选题ATo protect environment.BTo cool buildings.CTo change the climates.DTo provide drinking water.

单选题Which statement concerning the collection of fresh water is FALSE?()AFresh water may be obtained from fishBLifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collectedCFresh water may be collected from condensation inside the liferaftDSeawater should never be consumed