Because administering the whole company,he sometimes has to work around the clock.A:.adjustingB:evaluatingC:engagingD:managing

Because administering the whole company,he sometimes has to work around the clock.



解析:题干意为“因为要管理整个公司,他有时不得不夜以继日地工作。” 句中划线词意为“管理,执行”。D项managing意为“管理,经营,处理”;例句:I feel confi- dent of his ability to manage the business here.我相信他能搞好这里的经营。A项意为“调整,使适合”;B项意为“评估”;C项意为“从事,雇用,使参加”;故选D。


Can you provide a bodyguard for the CEO of our company?A.Yes. A former national judo champion is in our company. You will be satisfied with him.B.No. Our company is expected to have a judo champion If he comes, you will be satisfied with him.C.No. He has already removed to a neighboring city. If he were here, you would be satisfied with him.D.Yes. My company has got a former national judo champion But he is highly demanding

It is because he is too young ____ he does not understand what has happened thatD.therefore

188. Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep? Are you often late for work or school? Yes? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of Japan has a special bed for you. Hiroyuki’s bed will get you up in the morning! Here is how it works: The bed is connected to an alarm clock. First, the alarm clock rings. You have a few minutes to wake up. Next, a tape recorder in the bed plays soft music or other pleasant sounds. A few minutes later, a second recording plays. The second recording can be loud music or unpleasant sounds. If you don’t get up after the second recording, you’ll be sorry. A mechanical “foot” is in the bed. The mechanical foot kicks you in the head. Then the bed waits a few more minutes. What! You’re still in bed! Slowly, the top of the bed rises higher and higher. The foot of the bed goes lower and lower. Finally, the bed is vertical. You slide off the bed and onto the floor. You are awake and out of bed. Hiroyuki made his bed because he wanted to win a contest. He works for Honda Motor Company. Once every two years, Honda has a contest—the “All Honda Idea Contest”. In 1996 Hiroyuki won a prize for his bed. [共5题](1) The purpose of the passage is ________.(A) to praise Hiroyuki(B) to tell a story(C) to introduce a special bed(D) to wake somebody up(2) What does the special bed do first in the morning?(A) Its tape recorder plays soft music.(B) Its tape recorder plays loud music.(C) It kicks you in the head.(D) Its alarm clock rings.(3) If you don’t wake up after the clock rings, what will happen?(A) The bed becomes vertical and you slide off the bed.(B) The tape recorder plays pleasant sounds.(C) You will be late for work.(D) The mechanical “foot” kicks you in the head.(4) Hiroyuki made such a special bed because ________.(A) he wanted to win the contest held by his company.(B) he was good at inventing new things.(C) he wanted to make money.(D) he sometimes overslept.(5) Who is Hiroyuki?(A) A scientist. (B) A company worker. (C) An inventor. (D) A carpenter.

He () in the laboratory the whole morning. A、has been workingB、is workingC、has worked

23 .A child has his pains because_.A.he can not do whatever he wants toB.he is not allowed to play in rainC.he has a lot of new things to learnD. he can not play at the seaside freely

from school because he is busy study what he has

He will be punished ( ) he does his work. A.unlessB.ifC.forD.because

people appreciate _____________ with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. workingB. have workingC. to have workedD. to work

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under you control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not move motionless before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express his feeling. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't mean he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's word and the actor's. The actor has to speak words which has been learnt by heart, he has1、A good teacher ______.A、knows how to hold the interest of his studentsB、must have a good voiceC、knows how to act on the stageD、stands or sits motionless while teaching2、In what way is a teacher''s work different from an actor''s? ( )A、The teacher must learn everything by heart.B、He knows how to control his voice better than an actor.C、he has to deal with unexpected situations.D、 He has to use more facial expressions.3、The main difference between students in class and theatre audience is that ( ).A、students can move around in the classroomB、students must keep silent while theatre audienceC、no memory work is needed for the studentsD、the students must take part in their teachers' plays

The big man has always been eating on the go, () he has got stomachache. A、soB、howeverC、asD、because

听力原文:Although the said company is a sun-rising firm, its accounting management should be improved before the loan is extended to it.(9)A.The company is a sun-rising firm so it is worthwhile to extend the loan.B.The company has some accounting problems, some improvement is needed.C.The company is short of funds because it is sun-rising.D.The company has some accounting problems because it is sun-rising.

He broke his leg on the ice. ___, he was absent from work for half a year. A、As possibleB、As followsC、As a resultD、As a whole

A child has his pains because______.A.he can not do whatever he wants toB.he is not allowed to play in rainC.he has a lot of new things to learnD.he can not play at the seaside freely

Because administering the whole company,he sometimes has to work around the clock.A:.adjustingB:evaluatingC:engagingD:managing

共用题干第三篇More Than a Ride to SchoolThe National Education Association claims,"The school bus is a mirror of the community."They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right—sometimes it reflects more!Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy,school bus driver for Althouse Bus Company has been Liesl's bus driver since kindergarten.Last year when Liesl's family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,"It's been a great ride so far!My bus driver is so cool and has h lways been a good friend and a good listener. Sometimes when you're a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important.Mr. Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important."Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.Bruce Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Company.Larry Althouse,president of the company,acknowledges Bruce Hardy's outstanding record:"You do not come by employees like Bruce these days.He has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.He was recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350,000 accident free miles.Hardy's reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus."Althouse further adds,"Althouse Bus Company was established 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since.My grandfather started the business with one bus.Althouse Bus Company is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide quality service for many more years to come."Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to drivers like Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesl's motherCarol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy's bus to the Octorara School District.Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?A:He is popular with his passengers.B:He has never missed a day of work.C:He is an impatient person.D:He has driven 350, 000 accident free miles.

Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

Her father was an artist who sometimes ___________as a tour guide.A.worksB.workedC.has workedD.must work

Peter has been out of work for half a year,so he wants to__________a job in this company.A.prepare forB.apply forC.wait for

共用题干第一篇 More Than a Ride to SchoolThe National Education Association claims,"The school bus is a mirror of the community."They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right一sometimes it reflects more!Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy,school bus driver for Aithouse Bus Company has been Liesl's bus driver since kindergarten,Last year when Liesl's family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,"It's been a great ride so far!My bus driver is so cool and has always been a good friend and agood listener.Sometimes when you're a child adults do not think that what you have to sayis important.Mr. Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important."Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.Bruce Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Aithouse:Bus Company. Larry Aithouse , president of thecompany, acknowledges Bruce Hardy's outstanding record: "You do not come by employeeslike Bruce these days. He has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.He was recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350, 000accident free miles.Hardy's reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus."Althouse further adds,"Althouse Bus Company was established 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since.My grandfather started the business with one bus.Aithouse Bus Company is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide quality service for many more years to come."Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to drivers like Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesi's mother Carol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy's bus to the Octorara School District. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?A: He is popular with his passengers.B:He has never missed a day of work.C: He is an impatient person.D: He has driven 350,000 accident free miles.

On television all over the world there are programmes about the work of the police.They are popular because they are usually very exciting.In London there is a television programme called"Police Five"--because it is on for five minutes once a week.A television reporter,Shaw Taylor,talks about crimes in the London area.He asks for public help.The police station needs the help of ordinary people because sometimes you or I have information that can be useful to the police.Shaw Taylor shows pictures of paintings,jewellery(珠宝)and other things which thieves stole during the week.Sometimes he shows the car that the thieves escaped in.When people see men or things on the television programme which they may remember,they can tell the police where they saw them.With their help the police may catch more criminals.Sometimes the police find a car or some money.Shaw Taylor shows them on television.The owners sometimes see them.Then they can telephone the police and say,"Thank you very much--that's mine!"The television programme is called"Police Five",because it is about the work of the police is on for five times every seven lasts five minutes a begins at five in the is a programme about five policemen

David has tried 3 times to repair the clock. He will try __________ time after having a rest.A.fourB.fourthC.the fourthD.a fourth

共用题干第二篇XerographyFor a long time Chester Carison carried around his the invention,the little black box,over which he had worked and struggled for years.He presented it to the directors of twenty-one large American corporations,such as"General Electric,International Business Machines(IBM),Lockheed,and RCA."Nobody wanted it.Nobody wanted to invest a penny in it.It must be painful for those directors to think of Chester Carlson now. For the little black box is the heart of the multi-billion-dollar Xerox Corporation. Carlson is the inventor of "xerography(静电复印术)"(from two Greek words meaning "dry writing"),the dry-printing process used in thousands and thousands of offices,businesses,industries,universities,shops,and government agencies around the world.Thanks to Carlson,it now takes minutes to copy a document which,twenty years ago,would have kept a secretary busy for a whole day.And for a few pennies anyone can have a copy of anything from cooking recipes to Greek poetry.More than thirty billion such copies are made each year.When Chester Carlson went to work in a patent office in 1930,the copying methods were slow, dirty,and expensive.In his job,Carlson had to make many copies of patents for inventions.One night,after working late and painfully,he decided that somebody had better find an easier way to do it. He went to work in the kitchen of his apartment with measuring cups and cooking pots.By 1937, having developed a simple form of xerography,he applied for his first patent on the process.Then began Carlson's famous unsuccessful search for investors.Only in 1944,did the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus agreed to lent$3,000 to Carlson for research on his invention.According to the agreement,Carlson was to receive 25%of all profits.This part of the agreement later brought millions of dollars to Carlson,who borrowed money from his family to repay his debt.Even with Battle's help,it took another year to find a company willing to buy Carlson's process. In 1945,Dr. Dessauser,director of the Haloind company,decided to adopt and market the process, which was then named"Xerox".Three years later,the Haloind company changed name to the Xerox company,which now is the 39th largest company in the United States,with sales of over four billion dollars a year.Why did the Haloind company changed name to the Xerox company?A:Because the company made no other machines.B:Because the Xerox was the core of the company and brought large profits.C:Because it was the best way to get people to know the Xerox machine.D:Not mentioned.

共用题干第二篇XerographyFor a long time Chester Carison carried around his the invention,the little black box,over which he had worked and struggled for years.He presented it to the directors of twenty-one large American corporations,such as"General Electric,International Business Machines(IBM),Lockheed,and RCA."Nobody wanted it.Nobody wanted to invest a penny in it.It must be painful for those directors to think of Chester Carlson now. For the little black box is the heart of the multi-billion-dollar Xerox Corporation. Carlson is the inventor of "xerography(静电复印术)"(from two Greek words meaning "dry writing"),the dry-printing process used in thousands and thousands of offices,businesses,industries,universities,shops,and government agencies around the world.Thanks to Carlson,it now takes minutes to copy a document which,twenty years ago,would have kept a secretary busy for a whole day.And for a few pennies anyone can have a copy of anything from cooking recipes to Greek poetry.More than thirty billion such copies are made each year.When Chester Carlson went to work in a patent office in 1930,the copying methods were slow, dirty,and expensive.In his job,Carlson had to make many copies of patents for inventions.One night,after working late and painfully,he decided that somebody had better find an easier way to do it. He went to work in the kitchen of his apartment with measuring cups and cooking pots.By 1937, having developed a simple form of xerography,he applied for his first patent on the process.Then began Carlson's famous unsuccessful search for investors.Only in 1944,did the Battelle Memorial Institute of Columbus agreed to lent$3,000 to Carlson for research on his invention.According to the agreement,Carlson was to receive 25%of all profits.This part of the agreement later brought millions of dollars to Carlson,who borrowed money from his family to repay his debt.Even with Battle's help,it took another year to find a company willing to buy Carlson's process. In 1945,Dr. Dessauser,director of the Haloind company,decided to adopt and market the process, which was then named"Xerox".Three years later,the Haloind company changed name to the Xerox company,which now is the 39th largest company in the United States,with sales of over four billion dollars a year.Why did Chester Carlson carry around his little black box for a long time?A:Because no corporation wanted to invest money in it.B:Because his invention looked too ordinary.C:Because he was afraid that his invention might be stolen.D:Because he had nowhere to place it.

材料题CWill it matter if you don’t take your breakfast Recently a test was given in the United States.Those tested included people of different ages,from 12 to 83.During the experiment,these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.The results sow that if a person eats a proper breakfast,he or she will work with better effect(影响)than if he or she has no breakfast.This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains.If a student eats fruit,eggs,bread and milk before going to school,he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class.Contrary to(与……相反)what many people believe,if you don’t eat breakfast,you will not lose weight.This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch,and end up gaining weight instead of losing.You will probably lose more weight if you reduce(减少)your other meals.The results of the test show that.A.breakfast has great effect on work and studiesB.breakfast has little to do with a person’s workC.a person will work better if he has simple breakfastD.those working with brains should have much for breakfast

A company may use the Windows XP Professional MUI Pack because the company:()A、has offices where users who speak different languages share computers.B、wants to maintain multiple operating systems.C、has users who work remotely at home offices.D、wants to deploy and maintain a single operating system standard.

单选题David has tried 3 times to repair the clock. He will try _______time after having a rest.AfourBfourthCthe fourthDa fourth

填空题What activities was he involved in when he had his practice in the company?A whole variety of ____.

单选题—I don’t know ______.—Because he has to look after his mother.Awhy he is leavingBwhy is he leavingCwhether he is leavingDwhether is he leaving