The benefits are immense.A:much B:extensiveC:little D:enormous

The benefits are immense.



解析:本句意思:益处是极大的。immense广大的,极大的。much许多,用来修饰不可数名词;extensive广阔的,广大的,广博的; little少,小;enormous巨大的,庞大的,极大的。


21 Which of the following statements about contingent assets and contingent liabilities are correct?1 A contingent asset should be disclosed by note if an inflow of economic benefits is probable.2 A contingent liability should be disclosed by note if it is probable that a transfer of economic benefits to settle itwill be required, with no provision being made.3 No disclosure is required for a contingent liability if it is not probable that a transfer of economic benefits to settleit will be required.4 No disclosure is required for either a contingent liability or a contingent asset if the likelihood of a payment orreceipt is remote.A 1 and 4 onlyB 2 and 3 onlyC 2, 3 and 4D 1, 2 and 4

(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accrue to organisationswhich adopt it. (4 marks)

(b) Explain the major benefits of pursuing a policy of internal development. (4 marks)

货币收益(Pecuniary benefits)

真实收益(Real benefits)

[ A] expenditures[ B] benefits[ C] costs[ D] profits

听力原文:M: What are the benefits for commercial banks as a member of the Federal Reserve System?W: There are three major benefits : ease of check clearance, electronic fund transfer and ability to borrow from the Fed.Q: Which of the following is not mentioned by the woman?(14)A.Interbank lending.B.Cheek clearance.C.Electronic fund transfer.D.Borrowing ability.

Our long _________ with your company has brought great benefits.AimplicationBresistanceCassociationDsubstance

()you prepare cross training plans, you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits.A. AlthoughB. Even ifC. As

The doctor explained to the students the hazards of radiation upon human beings.A:dangers B:evilsC:impacts D:benefits

资料:Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lot's take a look at how voluntary benefits have become more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.Voluntary Benefits Bolster Recruitment and Retention EffortsIt gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer, which can be highly attractive to today's consumers Employers can also use voluntary benefits to round out their health care plans with a menu of items that cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance. This helps companies to address the specific heath and financial needs of candidates, to help the stretch their future paychecks even further.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsIn terms of being adaptable to the needs of employees, there are very few benefits that are like voluntary plans. Voluntary plans cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not cover. For example, a health care plan may require dental services for minors, but not for adults. The voluntary dental program can cover things like routine cleanings and other preventative measures that help support good oral health. Customizing Voluntary Benefit PlansThere are several areas where voluntary benefit plans exceed the customization options of other types of wellness and financial benefits. This is a continual trend that we will see more of. Financial wellness benefits can include budgeting software, company matched savings plans, employee purchase programs, discount cards, credit union access, and even short term financing to help employees who otherwise cannot get credit to purchase things they need. Some companies offer support for buying of leasing vehicles, pay off college loans, arrange for special discounts and deals on home rentals and purchases, and even provide access to tuition for college expenses. According to the passage, which is probably NOT included in the financial wellness benefits?A.Long term financing to help employees.B.Employee purchase programs and discount cards.C.Pay off college loans.D.Budgeting software and company matched savings plans.

______workers are often rewarded with higher salaries and other benefits.A.ConscienceB.ConsciousnessC.ConscientiousD.Conscious

资料:Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lot's take a look at how voluntary benefits have become more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.Voluntary Benefits Bolster Recruitment and Retention EffortsIt gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer, which can be highly attractive to today's consumers Employers can also use voluntary benefits to round out their health care plans with a menu of items that cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance. This helps companies to address the specific heath and financial needs of candidates, to help the stretch their future paychecks even further.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsIn terms of being adaptable to the needs of employees, there are very few benefits that are like voluntary plans. Voluntary plans cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not cover. For example, a health care plan may require dental services for minors, but not for adults. The voluntary dental program can cover things like routine cleanings and other preventative measures that help support good oral health. Customizing Voluntary Benefit PlansThere are several areas where voluntary benefit plans exceed the customization options of other types of wellness and financial benefits. This is a continual trend that we will see more of. Financial wellness benefits can include budgeting software, company matched savings plans, employee purchase programs, discount cards, credit union access, and even short term financing to help employees who otherwise cannot get credit to purchase things they need. Some companies offer support for buying of leasing vehicles, pay off college loans, arrange for special discounts and deals on home rentals and purchases, and even provide access to tuition for college expenses.It can be inferred from the passage that, comparing with the traditional health benefits, voluntary plans______A.incur less cost by the company to offer benefit programs.B.cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not employees who are dealing with tough personal and career matters.D.encourage employees to stay with their companies for longer periods of time.

资料:Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lot's take a look at how voluntary benefits have become more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.Voluntary Benefits Bolster Recruitment and Retention EffortsIt gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer, which can be highly attractive to today's consumers Employers can also use voluntary benefits to round out their health care plans with a menu of items that cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance. This helps companies to address the specific heath and financial needs of candidates, to help the stretch their future paychecks even further.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsIn terms of being adaptable to the needs of employees, there are very few benefits that are like voluntary plans. Voluntary plans cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not cover. For example, a health care plan may require dental services for minors, but not for adults. The voluntary dental program can cover things like routine cleanings and other preventative measures that help support good oral health. Customizing Voluntary Benefit PlansThere are several areas where voluntary benefit plans exceed the customization options of other types of wellness and financial benefits. This is a continual trend that we will see more of. Financial wellness benefits can include budgeting software, company matched savings plans, employee purchase programs, discount cards, credit union access, and even short term financing to help employees who otherwise cannot get credit to purchase things they need. Some companies offer support for buying of leasing vehicles, pay off college loans, arrange for special discounts and deals on home rentals and purchases, and even provide access to tuition for college expenses.The author views the voluntary employee benefits as______A.Revolutionary.B.Reliable.C.Salutary.D.Unassailable.

资料:Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lot's take a look at how voluntary benefits have become more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.Voluntary Benefits Bolster Recruitment and Retention EffortsIt gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer, which can be highly attractive to today's consumers Employers can also use voluntary benefits to round out their health care plans with a menu of items that cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance. This helps companies to address the specific heath and financial needs of candidates, to help the stretch their future paychecks even further.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsIn terms of being adaptable to the needs of employees, there are very few benefits that are like voluntary plans. Voluntary plans cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not cover. For example, a health care plan may require dental services for minors, but not for adults. The voluntary dental program can cover things like routine cleanings and other preventative measures that help support good oral health. Customizing Voluntary Benefit PlansThere are several areas where voluntary benefit plans exceed the customization options of other types of wellness and financial benefits. This is a continual trend that we will see more of. Financial wellness benefits can include budgeting software, company matched savings plans, employee purchase programs, discount cards, credit union access, and even short term financing to help employees who otherwise cannot get credit to purchase things they need. Some companies offer support for buying of leasing vehicles, pay off college loans, arrange for special discounts and deals on home rentals and purchases, and even provide access to tuition for college expenses.Which of the following titles would best describe the content of the passage?A.Voluntary Employee Benefits surpasses the traditional health benefit.B.Voluntary Employee Benefits are becoming more customized.C.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee Benefits.D.Voluntary Employee Benefits and health care consumers.

资料:Gone are the days of “one-size-fits-all” employee benefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customized voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at as just a few “extras”, and are now becoming part of a comprehensive benefits package. Lot's take a look at how voluntary benefits have become more customized to meet the requirements of a more particular health care consumer.Voluntary Benefits Bolster Recruitment and Retention EffortsIt gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer, which can be highly attractive to today's consumers Employers can also use voluntary benefits to round out their health care plans with a menu of items that cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance. This helps companies to address the specific heath and financial needs of candidates, to help the stretch their future paychecks even further.The Advantages of Offering Voluntary Employee BenefitsIn terms of being adaptable to the needs of employees, there are very few benefits that are like voluntary plans. Voluntary plans cover many of the gaps that traditional health benefits do not cover. For example, a health care plan may require dental services for minors, but not for adults. The voluntary dental program can cover things like routine cleanings and other preventative measures that help support good oral health. Customizing Voluntary Benefit PlansThere are several areas where voluntary benefit plans exceed the customization options of other types of wellness and financial benefits. This is a continual trend that we will see more of. Financial wellness benefits can include budgeting software, company matched savings plans, employee purchase programs, discount cards, credit union access, and even short term financing to help employees who otherwise cannot get credit to purchase things they need. Some companies offer support for buying of leasing vehicles, pay off college loans, arrange for special discounts and deals on home rentals and purchases, and even provide access to tuition for college expenses.Why voluntary plans can be highly attractive to today's consumers?A.Because voluntary plans are “one size can fit all”.B.Because voluntary plans are less expensive than the traditional one.C.Because voluntary plans cover everything from family vision care to pet insurance.D.Because gives employees a chance to select extras that the standard health care plan doesn't offer.

HSRP Benefits?

Which of the following are benefits of the HCL? ()A、 Enhanced stabilityB、 Vendor supportedC、 Higher number of available component choicesD、 Lower costE、 Enhanced security

单选题As his moviemaking career began to wane, Jerry Lewis remained in the public eye by hosting both a variety show and on an annual telethon with benefits for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.Aon an annual telethon with benefits for the Muscular Dystrophy AssociationBan annual telethon with benefits to the Muscular Dystrophy AssociationCbenefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association with his annual telethonDan annual telethon benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy AssociationEthe Muscular Dystrophy Association with an annual telethon

单选题What is the main problem when companies are dealing with the issue of benefits?AIncreasing bills for US health care.BLinking employee benefits to talent management.CCompeting with others in the talent market.DCatering to the preferences of employees.

名词解释题真实收益(Real benefits)

单选题According to the passage, why are the public in eastern Germany especially furious with the politicians?ABecause the politicians have failed to fulfill the objective of employment.BBecause the court fails to convict the tomato-thrower very soon.CBecause the unemployment benefits are going to be reduced.DBecause the unemployment benefits are going to be stopped.

单选题Defining employee “customer” segments meansAoffering some employees more and the other less.Brelating the customers to the employees’ benefits.Cvarying benefits according to different employees.Ddividing employees into different groups.

单选题According to the second paragraph, it is important for companies toAmeet changing demands of employees.Bcheck benefits as closely as they do with other investments.Cput more emphasis on talent investments.Dcut back on the investments in benefits.

名词解释题货币收益(Pecuniary benefits)

多选题What are three Juniper DX Cluster benefits?() (Choose three.)AperformanceBauthorizationCcompressionDprotocol validationEUDP load balancing

单选题Many executives regard benefits as a cost becauseAbenefits are on the rise but reward is little.Bthey don’t realize the importance of benefits.Cthey don’t care the benefits of development.Dthey must meet the cost goal for benefits.

单选题One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier()than the old one.AoperatingBto be operatedCto operateDoperated