Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend?Now you_____21_____do both at the same time.Home shopping television networks(网络)have become?a_____22_____for many people to shop without_____23_____having to leave their home.Some shoppers are_____24_____of department stores and supermarkets——fighting the crowds,waiting?in long lines,and sometimes having slight_____25_____of finding anything they want to buy.They′d?rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product_____26_____a model shows it.And they can shop around the clock,buying something_____27_____by making a phone call.Department stores and even mail-order companies are_____28_____to join in the success of home?shopping.Large department stores are busy_____29_____their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.Customers can ask questions about products and place_____30_____,all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television_____31_____take the place of shopping in stores?Some industry mangers think so._____32_____many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment.And for many shoppers,it is still important to_____33_____or try on dresses they want to buy.That′s_____34_____specialism say that in the future,home shopping will_____35_____together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.第(26)题答案A.untilB.sinceC.ifD.while

Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend?Now you_____21_____do both at the same time.Home shopping television networks(网络)have become?a_____22_____for many people to shop without_____23_____having to leave their home.
Some shoppers are_____24_____of department stores and supermarkets——fighting the crowds,waiting?in long lines,and sometimes having slight_____25_____of finding anything they want to buy.They′d?rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product_____26_____a model shows it.And they can shop around the clock,buying something_____27_____by making a phone call.
Department stores and even mail-order companies are_____28_____to join in the success of home?shopping.Large department stores are busy_____29_____their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.Customers can ask questions about products and place_____30_____,all through their TV sets.
Will shopping by television_____31_____take the place of shopping in stores?Some industry mangers think so._____32_____many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment.And for many shoppers,it is still important to_____33_____or try on dresses they want to buy.That′s_____34_____specialism say that in the future,home shopping will_____35_____together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.






Now some people do some shopping at home.

Have you ever watched a home shopping program on TV? Can you describe ____31____ its like to shop at home by television? Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping ____32____ watch TV at home on a weekend? Now you can do ____33____ at the same time. Home shopping television networks have become a way for many people to shop ____34____ staying at home.Some shoppers are ____35____ of department stores and shopping malls - fighting the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes not even finding ____36____ they want to buy. Theyd rather ____37____ quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe an item. And they can shop all day and night, ____38____an item simply by making a phone call. Home shopping has become 39 popular that major fashion designers and large department stores are eager to join ____40____ the business. Some people wonder whether in the future shopping in stores ____41____ by shopping on TV. Yet for many people, going out and shopping at ____42____ stores is a way to relax and even be entertained. And for many shoppers ____43____ is still important to touch or try on items they want to buy. Thats the reason ____44____ experts say in the future, home shopping will exist alongside store shopping but will ____45____ entirely replace it.31.——A.whatB.howC.whichD.that32A.butB.orC.norD.and33A.neitherB.EitherC.bothD.each39A.muchB.veryC.suchD.so43A.itB.thatC.whatD.which34A.bcforeB.whileC.afterD.until35A.tiredB.fondC.awareD.proud36A.somethingB.everythingC.anythingD.nothing37A.sittingB.satC.to sitD.sit41A.was replacedB.is replancedC.will be replacedD.have been replaced44A.howB.whichC.whyD.what42A.televisionB.invisibleC.on-lineD.real45A.almostB.neverC.alwaysD.nearly38A.purchasingB.having purchasedC.being purchasedD.purchased请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

BRadio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV.Perhaps more people listen to the radio.The TV is,of course,more useful than the radio. On TV you can see and hear what is hap-pening in the world.Now radio is still with us. And the number of listeners is becoming larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(半导体) radio. A transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or on your bike when you go to work. It is better.for blind people. The sight(视力J) of many old peo-ple is not good enough to watch TV. Then,when people are working,they can't watch TV, but they can listen to music or news over the radio. What-s more,radio is much cheaper than TV.( )26. Radio and television__________ in the modern world today.A. are both widely usedB. are both expensiveC. have been changed a lotD. are used for learning things

Dear Mary,How are you and your parents? Did you ( 11) a good time last weekend? We had a day ( 12) from school this week. But I had a(n) ( 13) day.l got up early in the morning but the ( 14) was very bad.So I ( 15) to stay at home and help my mum do house- work. Then I went to the Gift Shop and bought ( 16) gifts. After that,l read a boring book and watched TV about Super Voice Girls. After lunch,my parents wanted to go ( 17) a drive,so I went with them.However,that wasn’t interesting,( 18).In the evening,my best friend ( 19) me to watch-an interesting movie ( 20 ) sharks.But I found it wasn't interesting at all.Please write to me soon!Yours,Lily( )11.A. enjoy .B. spendC. have 'D. had

30. Which is right according to the passage?A. People have too much time to talk with each other.B. Life now is very simple.C. Some families have become single-parent families.D. Lots of mothers stay at home and look after their children.

He preferred to () for a change rather than stay at home. A、lie in bedB、go awayC、watch TV DD、do house work

阅读理解 判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的在括号内写(T)不符的在括号内写(F)Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.China has banned free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay for using plastic bags.The rule started on June 1. It came because our country tried to make litter less、 Making super—thin plastic bags has also been banned.The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are not easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment.( ) 21、 People in China have to pay for using Plastic bags at shops and supermarkets now.( ) 22、 China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the environment.( ) 23、 The Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for the shopping.( ) 24、 Some students in Chongqing buy cloth bags for their parents.( ) 25、 The main idea of the article is that the bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution.

阅读理解 判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的在括号内写(T)不符的在括号内写(F)It is amazing to note that the Internet is still such a new device, and yet it is one of the fastest and most powerful media tools. But think about it for a moment. On the Internet, a big online company can be run by only two guys in their garage. So it is only reasonable then, that people shopping online would be a little leery of the security levels.Internet giants such as Microsoft knew consumer confidence was the key to getting virtual (虚拟的) shopping off the ground, and they work hard to make people feel safe to shop online.Credit card companies, too, quickly saw the potential For online shopping, and have installed things like online shopping insurance for people. If you ever have a problem with your online credit purchases, many credit card companies will happily refund (退还) your money and then set their claws on the company that wronged you。 Now that’s buying power!There are other bonuses for online shoppers, of course. No line-ups,for one. No annoying mall shopping carts with broken wheels and kids crying because their parents won’t get them what they want.When shopping on1ine, consumers can sit down, have a coffee, and wear their slippers, not having to worry about their hair or parking, and just clicking through sale after sale.Comparison shopping couldn’t be any easier. And thanks to courier companies (快递公司) getting in on the act you never need to wait longer than a day or two to get those all important purchases delivered right to your door.No wonder so many companies are shaking their heads at traditional retailing and instead looking to the “virtual” world to attract online shoppers.( ) 26、 The underlined word “leery” in the first paragraph means being very sure.( ) 27、 Consumer confidence in online shopping mainly relies on security in shopping.( ) 28、 Internet giants, traditional retailers, courier companies and credit card companies have made contributions to the popularity of online shopping.( ) 29、 The author think of the current online shopping as safe, convenient and fast.( ) 30、 Nowadays many companies are trying to cooperate with the online shoppers instead of traditional retailers.

Have you ever stopped to think why many people are complaining about all the pressure in life? (翻译)

"Who needs a shopping mall(购物中心)if you have Taobao? says Wang Lin,28,a writerin Beijing.Taobao,China's largest online shopping site ( 网上购物网站 ) ,has become an importantpart of Wang Lin- s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shop-ping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More woman shop on line than men. Clothing and home-use products(产品)are the most popular on line.It was reported that more than 250 billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year,80% through Taobao.Taobao means "looking for treasure in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.You may question the security of online shopping,Wang Lin said,"lt's very safe and conven-ient(便利的). Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products. "( )1. What are the most popular on line?A. Candies and DVD players.B. Clothes and books.C. Clotlung and home-use products.

共用题干第三篇No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.The key word in Paragraph 4 is__________.A:barriers B:disabledC:disability D:prejudice

共用题干第三篇No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.It can be concluded from the passage that______.A:we should try our best to prevent disablementB:we must take a proper attitude towards the disabledC:the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabledD:both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down

共用题干第三篇No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.The first paragraph points out that_________.A:there are many disabled people in the worldB:the number of disabled people in India is the greatestC:India has not much more disabled people than CanadaD:it is possible to get an exact number of the world's disabled people

根据下列内容,回答211-215题。A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy.Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a house,so they have to borrow money from a bank.Borrowing moneyfrom a bank to buy a house is called“take a mortgage”.The bank usually lends money or gives a me.gage for twenty—five years.Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as$50,000.In other words,they will have a$50,000 mortgage.How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like.you go to a bank.The bank will research you financial history and decide if they think you are a good risk.They will want to know what kind of job you have,what kind of salary you make and how long you have had the job.They will a]so want to know how much money you have.In addition.the banks will require a down payment.Depending Oil which state you live in,the bank may require as much as 30%of the price of the house as a down payment.The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house.Many people are never able to buy a house because they can not save enough money for thedown payment.What does a house mean in the United States.? __________A.It is a dream which many people can hardly realizeB.It is so expensive that many people can not really buy themC.It is the most important property that many people try to buyD.It doesn’t belong to people if they can not borrow morley from the bank

Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend?Now you_____21_____do both at the same time.Home shopping television networks(网络)have become?a_____22_____for many people to shop without_____23_____having to leave their home.Some shoppers are_____24_____of department stores and supermarkets——fighting the crowds,waiting?in long lines,and sometimes having slight_____25_____of finding anything they want to buy.They′d?rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product_____26_____a model shows it.And they can shop around the clock,buying something_____27_____by making a phone call.Department stores and even mail-order companies are_____28_____to join in the success of home?shopping.Large department stores are busy_____29_____their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.Customers can ask questions about products and place_____30_____,all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television_____31_____take the place of shopping in stores?Some industry mangers think so._____32_____many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment.And for many shoppers,it is still important to_____33_____or try on dresses they want to buy.That′s_____34_____specialism say that in the future,home shopping will_____35_____together with store shopping but will never entirely replace it.第(29)题答案A.putting upB.making upC.setting upD.looking up

共用题干第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.The most proper title for this passage is"_________".A:People Enjoy Many Ways of ShoppingB:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet ShoppingC:The Bright Future of Internet ShoppingD:A New Way of Shopping一Internet Shopping

共用题干第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.The disadvantages of Internet shopping include all of the following EXCEPT that________.A:customs cannot actually see the products they are buyingB:customs cannot check the product's quantity they are buyingC:many people enjoying shopping in the city miss the opportunity to talk to friends D:some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards

共用题干第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.On-line news and magazine stories are________.A:the most popular products on the InternetB:not yet available on the InternetC:free to download through the InternetD:Information products available on the Internet

共用题干第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.The best thing about Internet shopping is_________.A:the speed the goods are delivered atB:the reasonable priceC:the equality of the goodsD:the convenience it brings to people

共用题干第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.What is the author's attitude toward the future of Internet shopping?A:Negative. B:Optimistic.C:Concerned. D:Critical.

共用题干第三篇Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over$2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach $11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet. Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and food.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet. You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet. Services such as booking airline tickets,reserving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet. You can also go shopping on the Internet for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet. Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.The disadvantages of Internet shopping include all of the following EXCEPT that_______.A:customs cannot actually see the products they are buyingB:customs cannot check the product's quantity they are buyingC:many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friendsD:some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards


Would you like()this afternoon?A、go shopping with meB、to go shopping with meC、to going shopping with me



单选题You _____ the parcel home. The shop would have delivered it if you had asked.Aneedn’t have carriedBdidn’t need to carryCWouldn’t have carriedDwouldn’t have carried

填空题I cannot go shopping with you because I have an (appoint ) ____ with my dentist this afternoon.