You have a good suggestion,but it's not as practical as_______.A.heB.himC.hisD.her

You have a good suggestion,but it's not as practical as_______.





Your client, with which you have good relations, wants you to provide him with office supplies. This task is not supported under your contract. You respond to your client's informal request using which medium?A SpeechB WrittenC OralD A and CE Form. letter

A: It’s good of you to see me.B:_________. I have heard a lot about your company. A.Good things, I hope.B.News travels fast in the toy industry.C.Not at all.D.They are very impressive.

Did you have a good()to Europ? A、tripB、tour

一Are you ready to order?--- ____.A.It’s a good ideaB.Yes.I'll have a steak, pleaseC.It' s very kind of you

— Come on. Let’s try the Chinese food.— ________ .A.You are so kind to let me have a tasteB.Yes, I will tryC.Mm… it’s so deliciousD.They are all good food

()! Welcome to the party. Merry Christmas! It’s very kind of you to invite us. A、Happy birthdayB、Merry ChristmasC、CongratulationsD、Have a good day

lily,did you have a good weekend?____ A)yes,it was wonderfulB)thanks for caringC)it's a pleasureD)oh,that's very nice of you

— Let’s go and have sports together.\n— _______A.Yes, please.B.You’re welcome.C.Good idea.D.Thank you.

—What a lovely day! Why not go swimming this afternoon? —() A、Because it’s raining.B、Have a good time!C、Why do you go swimming?D、It sounds nice!

It's no good __________ remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned.A. trying toB. try toC. to try toD. that try t0

Betty’s suggestion that you () once more sounds reasonable. A、tryB、triesC、must tryD、can try

– Is it as good as you have thought? -- _____________.A、Good.B、No good.C、Not good.D、Not really.

28. Which of the following may the author disagree?A. Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories.B. Eating apples every day is good for people's health.C. You have to join a gym if you want to lose weight.D. It’s good to walk around while talking on the mobile phone.

――It's late.I'd like to say goodbye.――____A.Please stay more a whilB.That's all righC.Hope you have a good timSee you tomorroD.I'll miss yo

资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though.Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card.Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management.If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores.If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions.If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit.Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it.People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control.Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done.The main purpose of the passage is to______.A.teach people how to have credit accountsB.suggest ways for people to keep good credit recordC.present a concern about people’s bad credit nowadaysD.explain the differences between no-credit and bad credit

Have you ever paid your kid for good grades?Have you driven to school to______a forgotten assignment?Have you done a college student’s laundry?A.drop offB.make upC.take overD.fill in

A: It's good of you to see me. B:().I have heard a lot about your company.AGoodthings,Ihope.BNewstravelsfastinthetoyindustry.CNotatall.DTheyareveryimpressive.

You have a good voice.()AThank youBNot at allCJust so soDMy voice isn't good

Have a good day!()A、You got it tooB、The same to youC、Yes, thank youD、The same as you

在英语中,“祝你一路顺风”可以说“()”。A、Have a good timeB、Happy landingC、You have my blessingD、Good luck to you

针对“how are you?”,下列哪项回答是合理的()A、How are you too!B、Good!C、Fine,thank you,And you ?D、Have a good trip!

英语中正确的道别语是()。A、See you later!B、Good evening!C、Have a nice day!D、Have a good trip!

单选题—So, do you know where you’d like to go? ______.  —Well, from what I hear Vancouver’s great.  —Actually, I’ve heard that it’s very expensive and it’s cold all the time.AI beg your pardon?BYeah, but it’s not very good.CDo you know any good hotels?DDo you have any suggestions?

单选题You may have a good memory and learn better if you ______.Aeat breakfast every morningBhave a good sleepCtake a walk every dayDjoin a social group

单选题A: It’s already 9 o’clock. I’m afraid I have to go. Thank you for the wonderful dinner.  B: ______AAll right. Have a good night.BNice to have you here. So long.COK. You can get home early and go to bed early.DIt’s still early. Please have another cup of coffee.

单选题—You’ll have a free trip to Hong Kong!—Really? ______ I can’t wait!AThat’s good news.BThat’s beautiful music.CHave a good time.DI’m afraid not.

单选题Karen: Can you tell me if my proposal was accepted?  Mitchell: ______ But, you can come see me if you have any better ideas.AThat’s very good.BIt’s very kind of you.CI’m glad you did that.DIt was turned down.