单选题You may have a good memory and learn better if you ______.Aeat breakfast every morningBhave a good sleepCtake a walk every dayDjoin a social group

You may have a good memory and learn better if you ______.

eat breakfast every morning


have a good sleep


take a walk every day


join a social group


由原文第二个小标题Get enough sleep中的描述“Poor sleep call influence our memory and learning”可知,睡得好会让我们记忆力提高,学习更有效率,故正确答案为B项。


- May I help you, madam? -(). A、Sorry, I have no ideaB、Yes, I know what to buyC、You'd better give me a handD、Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges

- May I help you, madam? - (). A、Sorry, I have no ideaB、Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of orangesC、You'd better give me a hand

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效率的)? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long (11) .This is very good,but it doesn't (12)a lot,for an efficient student must have enough sleep,enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some places. lt' s good for your study.When you return (13) your study,your mind will be refreshed and you'll learn more (14) study better. Psychologists(心理学家)(15) that learning takes place this way. Here takes English learning (16) example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems (17) the same,so you will think you're learning (18) and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks,yet you needn't give up. At some points your language study will again take another big (19) . You will see that you really have been: learning all long. lf you get enough sleep,food,rest and exercise,studying English can be very. effective and (20) Don-t give up along the way learning slowly and you're sure to agood result.( )11.A.daysB.timeC.hoursD.weeks

In business, people have to deal in person__________ all kinds of people. You may have to use English when talking to different people within your company who don't speak your language; these may be colleagues or co-workers, superiors or subordinates-who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from__________ the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers-people of your own age, or people who are__________ or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, it's not__________ to say “Hi, how are you!” when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say “Good morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you” when being introduced to a person you'll be working closely with in the same team. Remember that people form. an impression of you from the way you speak and behave-not just from the__________ you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere-and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression may tell people more about you than the words you use.

一I'm very tired. I've please just finished work .--- ____.A. Well,you'd better go home and have a good restB. Oh,great! CongratulationsC.Ok,I'11 give it to you tomorrow.

If you're going to the club tonight, you ( ) Richard there. A、might meetB、might have metC、may have metD、may have been met

We are interested in the desk lamps you () in the May issue of “Good Housekeeping”.A、advertisingB、being advertisedC、advertisedD、have advertised

请阅读短文,完成此题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.According to the passage, if a student's school record is not good, he__________.查看材料A.will be a complete failure in his future workB.will not be able to find a suitable jobC.will regret not having worked harder at schoolD.may do well in his future work

请阅读短文,完成此题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.Which of the following best sums up the first paragraph?查看材料A.The importance of doing well at school.B.Using school performance to help to choose a career.C.The importance of being good at all subjects.D.The indirect value of schoolwork.

请阅读短文,完成此题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.The writer thinks that for a student to have a part-time job is probably__________.查看材料A.a waste of time that could have been spent on studyB.useful for his future workC.a good way to earn extra moneyD.a good way to find out his weak points

请阅读短文,完成此题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.Which subject is supposed to have no direct value for job hunting?查看材料A.Mathematics.B.English,C.Technical Drawing.D.History.

What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it.If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.Which subject is supposed to have no direct value for job hunting?A.Mathematics.B.English.C.Technical Drawing.D.History.

请阅读短文,完成此题。What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. Knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart-time job. Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.The whole passage centers on__________.查看材料A.choosing a career according to what one is skilled inB.acquiring knowledge by working hard at schoolC.finding one's strong and weak pointsD.developing one's abilities useful in school work

共用题干What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?It is normal to feel that you don't know what to say to someone who has cancer.You might only know the person casually,or you may have worked______(1)or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship.The most important ___________(2)you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way一whatever is most comfortable for you.You can show interest and concern,you can expressencouragement,or you_________(3)offer support. Sometimes the simplestexpressions of concern are the______(4)meaningful,While it is good to be encouraging,it is also important_________(5)to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude.Doing _________(6)things may discount their fears,concerns,or sad feelings.It is alsotempting to say that you know __________(7)the person feels.While you may know thisis a difficult time,no one can know exactly how the person with_______(8)feels.Humor can be an important way________(9)coping.It is also another source ofsupport and encouragement.Let the person with cancer________(10)the lead; it ishealthy if they find something funny about a side effect,like hair loss or increased appetite, and you can certainly join_________(11)in a good laugh.This can be a great way to relieve stress and to take a break from the_________(12)serious nature of the situation.When the person with cancer looks good, let them know! Refrain(忍住) _____(13)comments when their appearance isn't as good,such as"You're looking pale"or"You've lost weight".Cancer and its treatment can be very unpredictable. Be prepared for good days and bad________(14).Refrain from telling the person with cancer stories about family members or friends who have had cancer. Everyone is different,and these stories may not be helpful.Instead,it is better simply to tell them you know________(15)about cancer because you've been through it with someone else._________(6) A:other B:whatever C:these D:useful

根据以下材料,回答What should you think about in trying tofind your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good atmathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well andlikes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know thesubjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have anyspecially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactorystandard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they mayhave indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs butif history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember factsand details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may begood at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve theseskills.If you have had a part-time job onSaturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, youmay have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to geton with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop,for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particularindustry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job. Facing your weakpoints is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handletools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. Itis bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your schoolrecord, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of yourbackground. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize thatyou will have a chance of a fresh start at work.According to the passage, if astudent′s school record is not good, he ___________.A.will be a complete failure in his futureworkB.will not be able to find a suitable jobC.will regret not having worked harder atschoolD.may do well in his future work

根据以下材料,回答What should you think about in trying tofind your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good atmathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well andlikes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know thesubjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have anyspecially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactorystandard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they mayhave indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs butif history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember factsand details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may begood at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve theseskills.If you have had a part-time job onSaturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, youmay have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to geton with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop,for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particularindustry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job. Facing your weakpoints is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handletools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. Itis bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your schoolrecord, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of yourbackground. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize thatyou will have a chance of a fresh start at work.Which subject is supposed to have nodirect value for job hunting?A.Mathematics.B.English.C.Technical Drawing.D.History.

根据以下材料,回答What should you think about in trying tofind your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good atmathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well andlikes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know thesubjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have anyspecially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactorystandard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they mayhave indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs butif history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember factsand details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may begood at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve theseskills.If you have had a part-time job onSaturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, youmay have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to geton with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop,for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particularindustry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job. Facing your weakpoints is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handletools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. Itis bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your schoolrecord, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of yourbackground. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize thatyou will have a chance of a fresh start at work.The whole passage centers on___________.A.choosing a career according to what oneis skilled inB.acquiring knowledge by working hard atschoolC.finding one' s strong and weak pointsD.developing one' s abilities useful inschool work

根据以下材料,回答What should you think about in trying tofind your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good atmathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well andlikes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know thesubjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have anyspecially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactorystandard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they mayhave indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs butif history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember factsand details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may begood at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve theseskills.If you have had a part-time job onSaturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, youmay have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to geton with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop,for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particularindustry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job. Facing your weakpoints is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handletools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. Itis bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. Your schoolrecord, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of yourbackground. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize thatyou will have a chance of a fresh start at work. The writer thinks that for astudent to have a part-time job is probably___________.A.a waste of time that could have beenspent on studyB.useful for his future workC.a good way to earn extra moneyD.a good way to find out his weak points

When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes.Think about the kind of clothes you really need.Then look for those clothes on sale (销售).There are labels (标签) inside all new clothes.The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes.The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water.A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water.The label on a coat may say "dry clean only." Washing may ruin(损坏) this coat.If you do as the directions (说明) say on the label ,you can keep your clothes looking their best.Many clothes today must be dry cleaned.Dry cleaning is expensive.When buying new clothes,check (核实) to see if they will need to be dry cleaned.You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made.Well - made clothes last longer.They look good even after they have been washed many times.Clothes that cost more money are not always better made.They do not always fit (合身) better.Sometime less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes. We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes__________.A.are always worse madeB.must be dry cleaneD.C.can not be washeD.D.can sometimes fit you better

Are you feeling better today, Jack?()AThere must be something wrongBJust have a good rest.CYes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.DDon't worry about me.

If you want to learn something, you had better pay()in class.AcareBrespectCattentionDnotion

-Good morning, sir. -(). May I help you? A、GoodbyeB、Thank youC、Good morningD、You are welcome

Are you feeling better today, Jack?()A、There must be something wrongB、Just have a good rest.C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.D、Don't worry about me.

单选题Are you feeling better today, Jack?()AThere must be something wrongBJust have a good rest.CYes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.DDon't worry about me.

单选题The underlined sentence shows that ______Ait is helpful for you to learn extra skillsBit is not good for you to learn extra skillsCyou’re the best if you take hobby classesDthe more hobbies you have, the better you are

单选题If you want to learn something, you had better pay()in class.AcareBrespectCattentionDnotion

单选题Karen: Can you tell me if my proposal was accepted?  Mitchell: ______ But, you can come see me if you have any better ideas.AThat’s very good.BIt’s very kind of you.CI’m glad you did that.DIt was turned down.