MEDLINE中,自由词方式检索“白血病(1eukemia)的诊断和治疗”的文献,可输入检索式 ()A、Leukemia and(diagnosis or therapy)B、Leukemia and diagnosis or therapyC、Leukemia and diagnosis and therapyD、Leukemia or diagnosis or therapy

MEDLINE中,自由词方式检索“白血病(1eukemia)的诊断和治疗”的文献,可输入检索式 ()

  • A、Leukemia and(diagnosis or therapy)
  • B、Leukemia and diagnosis or therapy
  • C、Leukemia and diagnosis and therapy
  • D、Leukemia or diagnosis or therapy


在ScienceDirect高级检索“Withwordsintitle,abstractorkeywords”中输入“leukemia-acute”可以检索到的结果是以下哪项?() A.标题、摘要和关键词字段中有非白血病的文献B.标题、摘要或关键词字段中有白血病的文献C.标题、摘要或关键词字段中有非急性白血病的文献D.标题、摘要或关键词字段中有急性白血病的文献


共用题干LeukemiaLeukemia is the most common type of cancer kids get,but it is still very rare.Leukemia involves the blood and blood-forming organs,such as the bone marrow.________(46)A kid with leukemia produces lots of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow. Usually,white blood cells fight infection,but the white blood cells in a person with leukemia don't work the way they're supposed to.________(47)The abnormal white blood cells multiply out of control,filling the bone marrow and making it hard for enough normal,infection-fighting white blood cells to form.Other blood cells一such asred blood cells(that carry oxygen in the blood to the body's tissues)and platelets(that allow blood to clot)一are also crowded out by the white blood cells of leukemia. These cancer cells may also move to other parts of the body,including the bloodstream,where they continue to multiply and build up.Although leukemia can make kids sick,most of the time it is treatable,and kids get better. Almost all leukemia patients are treated with chemotherapy,which means using anti-cancer drug.________(48)Chemotherapy quickly goes to work,traveling through the blood to the bone marrow. There,the drugs can attack the cancer cells.After several weeks of chemotherapy,many kids begin to feel better.Some children with leukemia will also have to have radiation therapy,too.________(49)If the cancer isn't getting better from using the usual amounts of chemotherapy and radiation,then a kid with leukemia will probably need more treatment一with higher doses of chemotherapy and radiation to finally kill the cancer cells.But this heavy-duty treatment will also harm the normal cells in the kid's bone marrow too,and the bone marrow will no longer be able to produce normal blood cells.So,doctors will then give a kid一or anyone else with bone marrow that is no longer working一normal bone marrow tissue from someone else who is healthy.________(50)___________(50)A:The chemotherapy drugs are given through a catheter,a narrow tube that is inserted into a blood vessel, sometimes in the kid's upper chest.B:Early symptoms of leukemia are often overlooked,since they may resemble symptoms of the flu or other common diseases.C:This is a special procedure called a bone marrow transplant,and it helps the patient make new blood cells so they can recover from the leukemia.D:Bone marrow is the innermost part of some bones where blood cells are first made.E:They don't protect the person from infections very well.F: Radiation therapy uses invisible high-energy waves(similar to X-rays)to kill cancerous cells.

以下检索表达式中,检索结果数量最多的是()。A(AIDS and diagnosis)in tiB(AIDS with diagnosis)in tiC(AIDS near diagnosis)in tiD以上均不对

以下检索表达式中,检索结果数量最少的是()。AAIDS and(diagnosis or therapy)BAIDS and diagnosis or therapyCAIDS and diagnosis and therapyDAIDS or(diagnosis and therapy)

Star Diagnosis诊断仪可以通过哪些方式升级?()A、通过升级光盘为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级B、通过USB存储并传输为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)C、通过网络下载为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)D、通过蓝牙传输为Star Diagnosis诊断仪升级补丁(Addon)E、以上升级方式均不正确

Star Diagnosis诊断仪中软件是指?()A、任何CD或DVDB、在Star Diagnosis中的程序C、SDconnectD、Star Diagnosis的连接电缆E、XENTRY connect

关于Star Diagnosis诊断仪,下列哪项是不正确的?()A、任何程序可以安装在Compact4的Star Diagnosis诊断仪系统中B、SD connect可以在任何Star Diagnosis诊断仪上操作C、Compact4的Star Diagnosis诊断仪有一个可充电电池D、Compact4不是目前Star Diagnosis诊断仪的升级版E、Basic 2不是目前Star Diagnosis诊断仪的升级版

Star Diagnosis诊断仪出现问题,需要向Star Diagnosis诊断仪支持热线电话提供哪个重要编号?()A、Star Diagnosis诊断仪的硬盘驱动器编号B、员工编号C、经销商编号D、Star Diagnosis诊断仪的系统编号E、Mac编号

以下检索表达式中,检索结果数量最少的是()。A、AIDS and(diagnosis or therapy)B、AIDS and diagnosis or therapyC、AIDS and diagnosis and therapyD、AIDS or(diagnosis and therapy)

施肥诊断法 diagnosis method of fertilization

检索“阿斯匹林治疗心肌梗死”的文献,阿斯匹林应组配副主题词:()A、theraputic useB、Drug TherapyC、TherapyD、Diagnosis

显微结构诊断法 diagnosis of microstructure

酶学诊断法 enzymology diagnosis method

营养诊断施肥 diagnosis nutrient and fertilization

症状前诊断(Presymptomatic diagnosis)

基因诊断(Gene diagnosis)

毛细胞白血病(hairy cell leukemia)


名词解释题施肥诊断法 diagnosis method of fertilization

名词解释题毛细胞白血病(hairy cell leukemia)

名词解释题微小残留白血病(minimal residual leukemia,MRL)

单选题以下检索表达式中,检索结果数量最多的是()。A(AIDS and diagnosis)in tiB(AIDS with diagnosis)in tiC(AIDS near diagnosis)in tiD以上均不对

单选题以下检索表达式中,检索结果数量最少的是()。AAIDS and(diagnosis or therapy)BAIDS and diagnosis or therapyCAIDS and diagnosis and therapyDAIDS or(diagnosis and therapy)

单选题MEDLINE中,自由词方式检索“白血病(1eukemia)的诊断和治疗”的文献,可输入检索式 ()ALeukemia and(diagnosis or therapy)BLeukemia and diagnosis or therapyCLeukemia and diagnosis and therapyDLeukemia or diagnosis or therapy

名词解释题形态诊断法 morphological diagnosis
