嵌入多媒体文本的HTML的基本语法是()A、embed url=#/embed B、embed src=#/embed C、a src=#/embed D、a url=#/embed


  • A、<embed url=#></embed> 
  • B、<embed src=#></embed> 
  • C、<a src=#></embed> 
  • D、<a url=#></embed>



包容类Contain和内嵌类Embed定义如下:include class Contain{private:int x;protec 包容类Contain和内嵌类Embed定义如下: #include <iostream.h> class Contain { private: int x; protected: int z; public: class Embed { private: int y; public: Embed(){y=100;} int Embed_Fun(); }MyEmbed; int Contain_Fun(); }; 对上面的定义,正确的描述是( )。A.定义类Embed对象的语句是:Contain::Embed embed;B.类Contain的成员函数Contain_Fun()中可以用MyEmbed.y的方式访问类Embed的私有成员yC.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问类Contain和的私有成员xD.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问类Contain的保护成员z

包容类Contain和内嵌类Embed定义如下:includeclass Contain{private:int X;protect 包容类Contain和内嵌类Embed定义如下: #include<iostream.h> class Contain { private: int X; protected: int z; public: class Embed { private: int y; public: Embed(){y=100;} int Embed_Fun(); }MyEmbed; int Contain_Fun(A.定义类Embed对象的语句是:Contain? Embed embed;B.类Contain的成员函数Contain_Fun()中可以用MyEmbe D.y的方式访问类Embed的私有成员yC.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问Contain的私有成员xD.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问Contain的保护成员Z

下面代码中为横向排列多个窗口的是( )。A.<frameset cols=20%,*> <frame. src="A.html"> <framesetrows=30%,50%*> <frame. src="B.html"> <frame. src="C.html"> </frameset> </frameset>B.<frameset cols=30%,70%> <frame. src="A.html"> <frame. src="B.html"> </frameset>C.<frameset rows=25%,75%> <frame. src="A.html"> <frame. src="B.html"> </frameset>D.<frameset rows=20%,*> <frame. src="A.html"> <frameset cols=30%,50%*> <frame. src="B.html"> <frame. src="C.html"> </frameset> </frameset>

类 Contain 的定义如下: class Contain { private: int x; protected: int z; public: class Embed { private: int y; public: Embed ( ) { y=100; } int Embed_Fun(); }MyEmbed; int Contain_Fun(); }; 下列对上面定义的描述中,正确的是( )。A.定义类Embed对象的语句是:Contain::Embed Myobject;B.类Contain的成员函数Contain_Fun()中可以访问对象MyEmbed的私有成员yC.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中可以直接访问类Contain的所有成员D.类Embed的成员函数Embed_Fun()中只能直接访问类Contain的公有成员

嵌入多媒体文件的HTML代码正确的是( )。A.embed url=/embed B.embed src=/embedC.a src=.../embedD.a url=.../embed

有以下HTML代码,在浏览器中显示正确的是( )。htmlframeset rows=25%,50%,25%frame. src=/html/frame_A.htmlframe. src=/html/frame_B.htmlframe. src=/html/frame_C.html/frameset/html

Microsoffs COM is a software(66)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components, a way for components to dynamically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and a mechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely.OLE is a compound(67)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(68)with one application and link or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects retain their original format and(69)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is built into the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems. A(70)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc.A.architectureB.protocolC.procedureD.structure


嵌入背景音乐的HTML代码是()A、backsound src=# B、bgsound src=# C、bgsound url=# D、backsound url=#





在下列HTML语句中,哪一个是描述插入图片的正确格式()A、img src="图像文件的路径"B、img url=图像文件的路径C、img="图像文件的路径"D、img src=图像文件的路径




以下标记中,用来创建对象的是()。A、ObjectB、Embed C、FormD、Marquee

在网页中,HTML embed标签用于制作滚动字幕。

img src="url.gif" dynsrc="url.avi"表示图象"url.gif"作为视频的封面。

框架中“禁止改变框架窗口大小”的语法是()A、a href="right.html" target="rightframe" B、IMG src="URL" border=? C、FRAMESET rows="20%,*" frameborder="0" D、FRAME noresize

You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()A、Add a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.B、Add a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.C、Embed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.D、Embed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.E、Set the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.F、Set the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.



单选题下列关于Distiller的“AdobePDF Settings(Adobe PDF设置)“对话框中的“Font(字体)”标签项中的描述,正确的有:()A选中“Embed AllFonts(嵌入所有字体)”选项后,则一定会将文档中所用的允许嵌入的字体悉数嵌入BFont Locations(字体来源)”列表中可指定多个字体文件夹,而不局限于系统字体文件夹C只有在“FontLocations(字体来源)”中被指定文件夹中的字体才可用于嵌入或不嵌入的操作D将多个PDF文档合并后,只有通过执行“Advance(高级)PDFOptimizer(PDF优化器)“命令才能使其中包含的相同字体子集合并

单选题Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?ATeaching morals and values has been a frequently discussed topic in the past few years.BThe author and his staff embed virtues into lessons and school life to encourage character development in children.CKids throughout the population face the same needs, the same challenges, and the same realities in their lives.DRole plays are an excellent way of getting students to practice their English.