


Approaches towards reading and listening are __________. A.the bottom-up model and the top-down modelB.the bottom-up model and the interactive modelC.the bottom-up modelD.the top-down model and the interactive model

假定一个工程由一个窗体文件Form1和两个标准模块文件Model1及Model2组成。Model1代码如下:Public x As IntegerPublic y As IntegerSub S1()x =1S2End SubSub S2()y=10Form1.ShowEnd ShowModel2的代码如下:Sub Main()S1End Sub其中Sub Main被设置为启动过程。程序运行后,各模块的执行顺序是( )。A.Form1→Model1→Model2B.Model1→Model2→Form1C.Model2→Model1→Form1D.Model2→Form1→Model1

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are( ). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the( )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.( )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.functional decomposition B.object abstraction inheritance D.information generalization A.function model,class model and state model B.class model,interaction model and state model C.class model,interaction model and sequence model D.function model,interaction model and state model A.Static analysis B.Semantic analysis C.Scope analysis D.Domain analysis A.static structure B.system components flows D.program procedures A.Program analysis B.Function requirement C.Application analysis D.Physical model

存储模型伪操作,格式如下: .MODEL memory_model [,model options]。( )

commonly, two approaches are frequently used to describe different processes of listening. they are _____________. A. bottom-up model and top-down modelB. before-class model and after-class modelC. pre-listening model and post-listening modelD. pre-listening model and while-listening model


Swing中的组件往往采用MVC结构,MVC指的是Model、View和【 】。

假定一个工程由一个窗体文件Form1和两个标准模块文件Model1及Model2 组成。 Model1代码如下: Public X As Integer Public Y As Integer Sub S1( ) x=1 S2 End Sub Sub S2( ) y=10 Form1.Show End Sub Model2的代码如下: Sub Main( ) S1 End Sub 其中Sub Main被设置为启动过程。程序运行后,各模块的执行顺序是( )。A.Form1→Model1→Model2B.Model1→Model2→Form1C.Model2→Model1→Form1D.Model2→Form1→Model1

Whichinformationisrequiredtogetthefeatureactivationcodes() A.machineserialnumber,model,andmachinesignatureB.model,disksize,andmachineserialnumberC.model,StorageManagerversion,andmachinesignatureD.model,WWNN,andmachineserialnumber

假定一个工程由一个窗体文件Form1和两个标准模块文件Model1及Model2 组成。Model1代码如下:Public X As IntegerPublic Y As IntegerSub S1( )x=1S2End SubSub S2( )y=10Form1.ShowEnd SubModel2的代码如下:Sub Main( )S1End Sub其中Sub Main被设置为启动过程。程序运行后,各模块的执行顺序是( )。A.Form1→Model1→Model2B.Model1→Model2→Form1C.Model2→Model1→Form1D.Model2→Form1→Model1

(72)A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ).Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models.The three types of theanalysis model are(请作答此空).There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures.The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the( )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.( )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers.The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on____.Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models.The three types of the analysis model are__请作答此选项__.There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.____focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures.The object constructed in the requirement analysis shows the____of the real-world system and organizes it into workable pieces.____addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible to users.The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

恰恰恰属于摩登舞。( )

华尔兹属于摩登舞。( )

The _____ is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC,in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. A.waterfall model B.workflow reference model C.evolutionary model D.spiral model

What is a physical data model?Why learn physical data model concepts?



数据库领域中最常用的数据模型有四种,它们是()。A、基本模型(Basic Model)B、关系模型(Relational Model)C、面向对象模型(Object Oriented Model)D、网状模型(Network Model)E、层次模型(Hierarchical Model)




Which three statements are true about the appliance of QoS models?()A、the DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsB、the DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addressesC、the DiffServ model requires RSVPD、the best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailE、the IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsF、the IntServ model model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet

Which information is required to get the feature activation codes()A、machine serial number, model, and machine signatureB、model, disk size, and machine serial numberC、model, Storage Managerversion, and machine signatureD、model, WWNN, and machine serial number



多选题Which three statements are true about the appliance of QoS models?()Athe DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsBthe DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addressesCthe DiffServ model requires RSVPDthe best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailEthe IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsFthe IntServ model model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet