WhichofthefollowingproceduresbestexplainshowtoenabletheNISnameresolutiontotakeprecedenceoverDNSonasystem-widebasis?() A.Addthefollowinglineto/etc/netsvc.conf:hosts=nis,bind,localB.edit/etc/netsvc.conftoaddthefollowing:process/full/path/of/process\{hosts=local,nis,dns}C.InanNISandDNSenvironment,NIStakesprecedenceoverDNSinthisenvironmentresultinginnochangeD.ChangetheNSORDERenvironmentvariable
On AIX systems, where DNS resolution takes precedence over NIS, a particular process needs to resolve names using /etc/hosts first. Which of the following processes is the best way to accomplish this without affecting the rest of the system’s name resolution?()A、Set the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to:NSORDER="local,nis,bind"B、Set the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to: NSORDER="hosts=auth,nis,bind"C、Edit /etc/netsvc.conf to add a line similar to the following: process /full/path/of/process {hosts=local,nis,dns}D、Unset NSORDER environment variable of the environment which invokes the process
On a system wide basis, which of the following procedures is best to make NIS name resolution take precedence over DNS?()A、Remove the /etc/resolv.conf fileB、Unset the NSORDER environment variableC、Add the following line to /etc/netsvc.conf: hosts=nis,bind,localD、In a NIS and DNS environment, NIS takes precedence so there is nothing to change
Which of the following procedures best explains how to enable the NIS name resolution to take precedence over DNS on a system-wide basis?()A、 Add the following line to /etc/netsvc.conf: hosts = nis,bind,local B、 edit /etc/netsvc.conf to add the following: process /full/path/of/process /{ hosts = local,nis,dns} C、 In an NIS and DNS environment, NIS takes precedence over DNS in this environment resulting in no change D、 Change the NSORDER environment variable
Which of the following NIS daemons must run on an AIX NIS client machine?()A、ypbindB、ypservC、ypwhichD、yppasswdd
Which of the following NIS daemons must run on an AIX machine configured as an NIS master?()A、ypbindB、ypservC、ypwhichD、yppasswdd
单选题Which of the following procedures best explains how to enable the NIS name resolution to take precedence over DNS on a system-wide basis?()A Add the following line to /etc/netsvc.conf: hosts = nis,bind,local B edit /etc/netsvc.conf to add the following: process /full/path/of/process /{ hosts = local,nis,dns} C In an NIS and DNS environment, NIS takes precedence over DNS in this environment resulting in no change D Change the NSORDER environment variable
单选题On AIX systems, where DNS resolution takes precedence over NIS, a particular process needs to resolve names using /etc/hosts first. Which of the following processes is the best way to accomplish this without affecting the rest of the system’s name resolution?()ASet the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to:NSORDER=local,nis,bindBSet the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to: NSORDER=hosts=auth,nis,bindCEdit /etc/netsvc.conf to add a line similar to the following: process /full/path/of/process {hosts=local,nis,dns}DUnset NSORDER environment variable of the environment which invokes the process
单选题On a system wide basis, which of the following procedures is best to make NIS name resolution take precedence over DNS?()ARemove the /etc/resolv.conf fileBUnset the NSORDER environment variableCAdd the following line to /etc/netsvc.conf: hosts=nis,bind,localDIn a NIS and DNS environment, NIS takes precedence so there is nothing to change
多选题Ypserv软件是Linux平台上NIS/YP协议的实现,但是NIS服务经常受到安全问题的困扰。为了提高安全性,作为管理员的你,在配置公司的ypserv服务器的时候,应该指定只有公司的局域网用户(可以访问NIS服务器。为了实现这一目标需要()。A创建文件 securenets 并增加一行:创建文件 securenets 并增加一行:配置/etc/ypserv.conf,设置 maps 文件的访问控制: :* :* :noneD配置/etc/ypserv.conf,设置 maps 文件的访问控制: :* :* :none