The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.A、accomplishB、absorbC、arrangeD、approach

The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.

  • A、accomplish
  • B、absorb
  • C、arrange
  • D、approach


They've _______ her to be operated on by the best doctors. (A)arranged to(B) arranged of(C) arranged in(D) arranged with

From the passage, we know that web directories are _________.A. disorganized knowledge datawledgeB. more useful than search enginesC. arranged based on the topicD. usually maintained automatically

Interview questions can be classified into some major types by different focus, so they could be ________.A.future experience-relatedC.subject knowledge-relatedD.past behavior-related

Which of the following underlined letters is different in pronunciation with others?A. He arrived there half an hour lateB. Tom is the most honest boy in his classC. I really hope toD. It is a great honor for me to be here

It can be inferred from the passage that the impact of divorce_____.[A] on kids of different sexes will probably change as they grow older[B] may cause most kids’ difficulties in communicating with others[C] on an irritable girl is greater than a noncompliant boy[D] is always greater on boys than on girls

The school has () playing fields.A、extendedB、extendableC、extentionalD、extensive

Before children start speaking________.A、they need equal amount of listeningB、 they need different amounts of listeningC、 they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructionsD、they can’t understand and obey the adult’s oral instructions

Which of the following exclamatory sentences is correct()? A.What clever boy he isB.What a clever boy he isC.What clever boy is he

An expert system is a software that(41)specialist knowledge-about a particular domain of(42)and is capable of making(43)decisions with in that domain. Although expert systems typically focus on a very narrow domain, they have achieved dramatic success with(44)problems, This has excited wide spread interest outside the research laboratories from which they emerged.Expert systems have given rise to a set of "knowledge engineering" methods constituting a new approach to design of high performance software system. This new approach represents an(45)change with revolutionary consequences.A.developsB.directoryC.effectD.encapsulatesE.evolutionary

The approach we propose is a system-oriented methodology for knowledge acquisition. This orientation emphasizes ongoing documentation throughout each cycle and technique applied. Program-wide documentation is suggested, both for the purpose of internal(71)and for later verification and(72)efforts: The documentation system we propose includes a central "knowledge acquisition(73)"which is(74)to reflect knowledge acquisition plans, session nodes, and domain expert participation. Specifically,(75)within the database system include knowledge acquisition forms, which document plans for, and notes from, knowledge acquisition session, domain expert file, and rule content forms.A.interchangeB.interfaceC.communicationD.message

当执行下面程序且输入a boy时,输出的结果是______。includeincludemain(){c 当执行下面程序且输入a boy时,输出的结果是______。 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char ss[81]="A BOY",hh[81],*pt; scanf("%s",hh); pt=strcat(ss,hh); puts(pt); printf("%s\n",hh); }A.A BOY a aB.A BOY a boy a boyC.A BOY a boy aD.A BOY a boy a boy

Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,and sometimes nitrogen.They are different in that their elements are arranged differently,and each vitamin been( )one or more specific functions in the body.A.holdsB.playsC.performs

Americans today have different eating habits than in the past.They have a broader knowledge of( ),so they buy more fresh fruit and vegetables than ever before.Statistics show the way people live determines the way they eat.A.foodB.dietC.nutritionD.hygiene

It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A:handleB: raiseC: poseD: experience

The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teachers could give him.A:digested B:pursuedC:possessed D:obtained

Theme and Rheme are terms in ( )of syntax. A.the Traditional Approach B.the Structural Approach C.the Functional Approach D.the Generative Approach

The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.AaccomplishBabsorbCarrangeDapproach

She took a short cut()the fields.A、throughB、overC、belowD、across

下列命令结果中,肯定生成一个空表的是()A、copy to boy for 性别=“男”B、copy file da.dbf to boy.dbfC、copy stru to boy fields 姓名,年龄,奖学金D、select * from da where 性别=“男” into dbf boy

单选题Which is NOT included in Approach of Oral English Teaching?AInteractive approach.BClass report approach.CContent-oriented approach.DRehearsal approach.

单选题Which is NOT included in Models of Teaching Writing?AMethod-oriented approach.BProduct-oriented approach.CContent-oriented approach.DProcess-oriented approach.

单选题It seems that the writer______.Ais interested in the imaginary life formsBis eager to find a different form of lifeCis certain of the existence of a new life formDis critical of the imaginative people

单选题Can you imagine why_____?Adid the boy say thatBthe boy said thatCdid the boy sayDthe boy said

单选题The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.AaccomplishBabsorbCarrangeDapproach

单选题It seems that the writer _____.Ais interested in the imaginary life formsBis eager to find a different form of lifeCis certain of the existence of a new life formDis critical of the imaginative people

单选题5P’ s approach to innovation is different because it allows researchers toAwork for more than one company.Bwork on a variety of products.Cwork with groups in other organizations.Dwork alone as well as in a team

单选题We can infer from the first paragraph that ______.Athere tends to be disagreement about what character education isBmost parents are not satisfied with the teaching methods adopted in schoolsCthe approach to character education is generally considered different from the approaches to other skillsDmore and m,ore schools are adopting strategies to improve school attendance