The soup smells().Would you like some?A、goodB、wellC、properlyD、finely

The soup smells().Would you like some?

  • A、good
  • B、well
  • C、properly
  • D、finely


–Would you like to take a look?–()! A、With pleasureB、No, I wouldn’tC、No, pleaseD、Here you are

I () his face when he opened the letter. A.should like you to seeB.would have liked you to be seenC.should like you to have seenD.would like you to see

Would you like ____ tea?( ) A、 anyB、 aC、 anD、 some

Here is the dessert.()? A、Do you like someB、Would you like someC、Do you like thatD、Would you like that

— () — We would like to get in with the fall publication, if possible. A.How much do you plan to spend on advertisement?B.Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?C.What do you want to say about your products in the advertisement?

---______?------- That would be great! Please drop me off at the library.A. could you bring me the billB. would you like me to give you a liftC. could you tell me the postcode for PatiaD. Would you like to have my e-mail address.

Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun! Frank: ______ ? Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks.A.Would you please give me a handB.Would you please not to bother meC.Have you ever learned how to do itD.Would you like to try it

Clerk:It’s $499.Would you like 5 ?

If you would like to have some vegetable beef, what may be your choice?A.French Slam? B.Chicken-Fried Steak?C.The Super Bird? D.Sandwich with Salad or Soup?

—Would you like a coffee? — () A、Yes, pleaseB、I like coffee very much.C、I like coffee very much.D、Thank you very much.

“请问您要红茶吗?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Would you like green tea?B、Would you like jasmine tea?C、Would you like oolong tea?D、Would you like black tea?

“请问您还需要点什么 ”用英语最妥当的表述是( )。A.Do you need anything moreB.Do you need something elseC.Would you like something moreD.Would you like anything more

If you had told earlier, I _____ like that. A: would not have doneB: would not doC: would doD: didn't do

Don’t drink the soup. It smells ______.A: deliciousB: niceC: wonderfulD: terrible

—Would you like to have some biscuits?—_________________ A.Yes. I’m full now.B.But the price is high.C.Yes, thank you. They are my favorite.D.Yes, I’d like some soup.

A: ( )? B: Yes, I'd like to. Thanks.A. Would you like somethingB. Would you like to come to the shop one dayC. Would you like coming to the shop one day

A:( ), David? B:An orange juice.A. What do you likeB. What would you likeC. Would you like an orange juice

A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.A. Do you wantB. What would you likeC. What you like

If we employ you, what section would you like to work in?

---- Would you like some more soup?---- _______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough.A.Yes, please B.No, thank you C.Nothing more D.I’d like some

--__________?--That wound be great!Please drop me off at the library.A.Could you bring me the billB.Would you like me to give you a liftC.Could you tell me the postcodeD.Would you like to have my e-mail address

The soup smells().Would you like some?AgoodBwellCproperlyDfinely

Would you like to see a film?()AYes, I'd love to.BDo it, pleaseCNo, you like it?DHow do you do?

Would you like to see a film?()A、Yes, I'd love to.B、Do it, pleaseC、No, you like it?D、How do you do?

询问顾客如何邮寄的服务礼貌用语是:()A、How would you like to mail it?B、Do you want to mail it?C、How do you want to mail it?D、Would you like to mail it?

单选题The soup smells().Would you like some?AgoodBwellCproperlyDfinely

单选题Would you like to see a film?()AYes, I'd love to.BDo it, pleaseCNo, you like it?DHow do you do?

单选题Customer: I think I’ll have the tomato soup to start._____ Waiter: Right. And would you like croutons in your soup? Customer: No, thank you. Waiter: How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?AAnd I’d like some teaBAnd I’d also like a steak.CAnd perhaps some orange juice. DAnd I’d like to order now.