The young seedlings remained alive()the protecting snow.A、underB、belowC、beneathD、beyond

The young seedlings remained alive()the protecting snow.

  • A、under 
  • B、below 
  • C、beneath
  • D、beyond



They all remained( )while the manager talked. A. standingB. stoodC. standD. stands

____, Sam knows lots of things about philosophy.A As he is young B As young he is C Young as is he D Young as he is

I remained confused about the problem.

-Why does he look so anxious -Because there are so many problems(). A、remaining to settleB、remained settlingC、remaining to be settledD、remained to be settled

有关ALI/ARDS,糖皮质激素治疗有确切疗效,下列描述正确的是 A、肺内严重感染并发的ALI/ARDSB、长骨和骨盆骨折并发的ALI/ARDSC、外伤后大出血并发的ALI/ARDSD、急性胰腺炎并发的ALI/ARDSE、胃内容物误吸并发的ALI/ARDS



The young seedlings remained alive()the protecting snow.AunderBbelowCbeneathDbeyond

— Why does he look sad?—There are so many problems()A、remaining to settleB、remained settlingC、remaining to be settledD、remained to besettled



多选题有关ALI/ARDS,糖皮质激素治疗有确切疗效,下列描述正确的是( )A肺内严重感染并发的ALI/ARDSB长骨和骨盆骨折并发的ALI/ARDSC外伤后大出血并发的ALI/ARDSD急性胰腺炎并发的ALI/ARDSE胃内容物误吸并发的ALI/ARDS

单选题Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?ABecause the young man walked so fast.BBecause he found the young man was out of sight.CBecause he wanted to catch the young man.

单选题The young seedlings remained alive()the protecting snow.AunderBbelowCbeneathDbeyond

单选题All was confusion around him; ______ he remained calm and unruffled.AnonethelessBconsequentlyCotherwiseDfurthermore

填空题The painter died before he had a chance to finish the work, so the painting remained (complete) ____.


单选题It is dangerous to()in present position.AremainBremainingCbe remainingDbe remained

单选题62. A remained B insisted C imagined D longedAABBCCDD

单选题Emad Ali Darweesh ______.Aholds that young men fight against Israel invasion.Bopposes Dr Iyad Sarraj’s view that more young people appeal to violence.Csenses more young people agree with Hamas.Dcannot see any hope in the future.

单选题The farmers in this country can improve their _____ by using better seedlings and more fertilizer.AgrowthByieldCharvestDgain