Hawaii is in the ()Ocean.A、AtlanticB、IndianC、Pacific
Hawaii is in the ()Ocean.
- A、Atlantic
- B、Indian
- C、Pacific
__________ Japan and __________ United States are separated by __________ Pacific Ocean. A.the, the, theB./, /, theC./, the, /D./, the, the
Your ship goes into ______ time part every day if you make a five-day journey across the Atlantic Ocean. A、a differentB、the sameC、an interestingD、a moving
Passage TwoHow can a single postage stamp be worth $ 16,800?Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one in expensive' postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value.The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small is land in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer, and Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball (舞会) was planned at Mauritius' Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the de sign for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words "Post Office" instead of "Post Paid" on the sever al hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left--fourteen "One Penny Orange-Reds" and twelve "Two Penny Blues". Because of the Two Penny Blue's rareness (罕见) and age, collectors have paid as much as $ 16,800 for it.36. A postage stamp's value to collectors is raised if ______.A. there are few others like itB. there are no errors on the stampsC. a mistake is made in the ,printingD. both A and C
请阅读短文,完成此题。When we analyze the salt salinity(盐溶度 ) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind; this, by the way, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas ofhigh rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by-evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation.Normally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, the densest water in the ocean is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portion of the oceans of the world.The purpose of mentioning the Weddell Sea is__________.查看材料A.to give an example of cold-water salinityB.to point out the location of deep watersC.to make a comparison between hot-water salinity and cold-water salinityD.to show that the water in the Weddell Sea varies in salinity from place to place
请阅读短文,完成此题。When we analyze the salt salinity(盐溶度 ) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind; this, by the way, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas ofhigh rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by-evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation.Normally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, the densest water in the ocean is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portion of the oceans of the world.Which of the following is not the cause of the decrease in the oceanic salinity?查看材料A.Precipitation.B.Rain and snow.C.Formation of ice.D.Addition of water by rivers.
“The ancient Hawaiians were astronomers,”wrote Queen Liliuokalani,Hawaii's last reigning monarch,in 1897.Star watchers were among the most esteemed members of Hawaiian society.Sadly,all is not well with astronomy in Hawaii today.Protests have erupted over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope(TMT),a giant observatory that promises to revolutionize humanity's view of the cosmos.At issue is the TMT's planned location on Mauna Kea,a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko,that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.But Mauna Kea is also home to some of the world's most powerful telescopes.Rested in the Pacific Ocean,Mauna Kea's peak rises above the bulk of our planet's dense atmosphere,where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity.Opposition to telescopes on Mauna Kea is nothing new.A small but vocal group of Hawaiians and environmentalists have long viewed their presence as disrespect far sacred land and a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation.Some blame for the current controversy belongs to astronomers.In their eagerness to build bigger telescopes,they forgot that science is not the only way of understanding the world.They did not always prioritize the protection of Mauna Kea's fragile ecosystems or its holiness to the islands'inhabitants.Hawaiian culture is not a relic of the past;it is a living culture undergoing a renaissance today.Yet science has a cultural history,too,with roots going back to the dawn of civilization.The same curiosity to find what lies beyond the horizon that first brought early Polynesians to Hawaii's shores inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens.Calls to disassemble all telescopes on Mauna Kea or to ban future development there ignore the reality that astronomy and Hawaiian culture both seek to answer big questions about who we are,where we come from and where we are going.Perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies,as if answering a primal calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.The astronomy community is making compromises to change its use of Mauna Kea.The TMT site was chosen to minimize the telescope’s visibility around the island and to avoid archaeological and environmental impact.To limit the number of telescopes on Mauna Kea,old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites returned to a natural state.There is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on Mauna Kea to embrace their cultural heritage and to study the stars.Mauna Kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to____A.its geographical features.B.its protective surroundings.C.its religious implications.D.its existing infrastructure.
When we analyze the salt salinity (盐浓度) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind ; this, by the way,is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained. The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation. Normally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. similarly, in coastal. Grandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old. So family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as "What have you been doing, Bobby? " have been replaced by "I 'm busy, go watch television. And watch TV they do; count them by the millions. But it's usually not children's television that children watch. Saturday morning, the children's hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewing. Where are they to be found?Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch. That's where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 p.m., not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permission. Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense. When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner. When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself off. Not so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond! Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed. Parents need to intervene. Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at alL. From the first two paragraphs one may infer that the writer's attitude towards "the old days" is ______A. preferringB. hatingC. being tired ofD. disappointing
共用题干Mau Piailug,Ocean NavigatorMau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned
共用题干Mau Piailug,Ocean NavigatorMau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods.In early 1976,Mau Piailug,a fisherman,led an expedition in which he sailed a tradi-tional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition.Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without naviga-tional instruments,or whether the islands had been populated by accident.At the time,Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was a long way to the south.However,he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands,so he was confident he could find his way.The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby.He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different place.Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars.Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars.Mau himself became a keen teacher,passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost.He explained the positions of the stars to his students,but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned
共用题干New Comet FoundThere's a newfound comet closing in on the sun,and when it gets here in 2013,you may be able to see it with your naked eye.Astronomers stumbled upon the icy interloper on June 5 while searching for potentially hazardous asteroids(小行星).Equipped with the world's largest digital camera , the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS team snagged a faint image of the odd object while it was more than 700 million miles away , between the orbits of Jupiter(木星)and Saturn(土星)."Almost everything we find is an asteroid,but this object was suspicious,"said Richard Wainscoat,co-discoverer of the comet and an astronomer at the University of Hawaii."Unlike asteroids, which appear point-like in images,the telltale sign that gave it away was its fuzzy appearance."By March 2013 the comet,named C/2011 L4(PANSTARRS),is expected to come within 30 million miles of the sun一closer even than the innermost(最深处)planet, Mercury(水星).When the comet makes its closest approach to the sun,most of its ices will vaporize,adding to its hazy envelope of gas and dust and producing the familiar tail. This denser envelope,or coma, should boost the comet to peak brightness,making it potentially visible to the naked eye low in the western horizon just after sunset.While there is no danger of collision with Earth,preliminary calculations of the comet's orbit show that this may be its first and final trip through the solar system."It may be coming around the sun for the first and only time,only to be ejected from the solar system,never to return,"Wainscoat said."Since we don't have a lot of data on it,we really don't know the orbit well enough right now, and it will take up to two months of observations to find out."Astronomers believe C/2011 L4 may be a runaway from the Oort cloud(奥尔特云),a reservoir of billions of hibernating(蛰伏)comets that orbits about 100,000 times farther than the distance between Earth and the sun.The fact that it's going around the back of the sun from our point of view may ultimately affect the comet's visibility,but a lot will depend on how close the body actually gets to the sun.Also, whether the comet is north or south of the sun when it reaches peak brightness will determine which hemisphere on Earth gets the better view.The newfound comet is made from mercury.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentiond
单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?AThe national monument in Hawaii was created by President Bush.BThere is no objection to President Obama's decision.CPresident Obama made this decision on his own.DThe establishment of the new monument will lead to new iobs.
问答题San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. That date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.
单选题Dreams Dreams do not happen when you're asleep. They happen when you're awake. Whatever your goals are, always remember you can make it true. Whether it be love, money, a childhood dream, and ultimately happiness, the most important idea is that you must never lose sight of your dream. Create reminders. Think about your original motivation often. Besides obvious factors that will come along when your dream is realized, think about other reasons. Who are you doing this dream for? Remind yourself often of your plan. Physical symbols always help—posting up pictures of the end result, buying items that symbolize your goals. Express your dream frequently. Whisper your dream through moonlight. Shout it on a busy highway. Write it on a balloon and set it free. Write it on paper boats and float them in the ocean. Write it as a message on a bottle and float that into the ocean. Explore and try different ways of different cultures of making ishes come true, small or big: paper cranes, and shooting stars. Tell your pet if you have one. Tell it to all the people you care about in your life. Create deadlines and punishments. For every step along the way, think of a realistic deadline. If too small, eventually you will be crashed with all the work you need and possibly never do it. If too large, you will probably forget about it. Punishments are necessary. They can be keeping yourself away from your favorite activities. Get a friend or family member to enforce this punishment. Keep your life. Do not forget about friends, family, work, and especially yourself! Keep contact with friends and family: over the internet, visit them, write to them. Try not start skipping work to work on your dream. Keep your brain, body, and soul in good shape at all times. Sleep often, read often, and enjoy life. Brainstorm ideas for your dream. Mind mapping (essentially creative concept mapping) is the ideal way to brainstorm. Any creative outlet will do just fine to find some creative ideas for your dream, especially writing or drawing. Any sort of art, even singing, playing music, photography, wood-carving can work. Buy a journal or two. Find inspiration.We can tell our dreams to anyone we like to show off.()ATrueBFalseCNot Given
单选题Which could be inferred(推断)from this passage?ASam hated chatting about baseball.BSam learned about Hawaii by travelling.CMrs. Owens is unfriendly to her students.DThe class enjoyed Sam’s talk very much.
单选题—I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.—What a lucky boy! ______. And don’t forget to send me a postcard.AThat sounds good.BHave a good time!CGood luck!DCan I go with you?
单选题______ in a mild climate, outdoor sports flourish in Hawaii.AIt could expectBAs would be expectedCSuch should expectDThat might be expected
问答题Practice 2 ● You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer, Mr. Elton Deland, who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July. ● Write a short message to Ms. Anne Foister, your secretary. ● Explain why you postpone your trip. ● Mention the date when Mr. Eiton Deland will arrive. ● Ask her to arrange your meeting. ● Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
单选题The Joneses have visited Hawaii and Alaska, and they assure me that they like Alaska the best.Ahave visitedBassure meCtheyDthe best