翻译:tramp ship

翻译:tramp ship


When does a pilot say “ Make all lines fast”? ________A.The ship is about to be in positionB.The ship is very close to the berthC.The ship is on voyageD.The ship is in position

If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the International line.翻译

The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means________.A.the ship is fully loadedB.the ship loaded with waterC.a ship with cargoD.a ship with no cargo

Port of Registry refers to the port where________.A.the ship has been namedB.the ship has been builtC.the ship has been signedD.the ship has been registered

Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ______.A.the ship is in a harborB.the ship is at anchorageC.the ship is underwayD.all of the above

Permission is kindly requested to ______ in celebration of our National Day.A.dress my ship overallB.raise my ship overallC.hoist my ship overallD.display my ship from stem to stern

When do sailors make the ship fast? ()A、When a ship is unmooring.B、After a ship is in position alongside a wharf.C、Before a ship is loading.D、A and C

最大的货船是油轮。()A、The largest cargo ship is the tankerB、The largest cargo ship is the container ship .C、The largest cargo ship is the bulk carrier.D、The largest cargo ship is the tug.

货船()A、passenger shipB、linerC、cargo shipD、tramp

翻译:any war risk insurance on the ship to be for owner’s account。

翻译:the opening and closing of vessel’s hatches is to be performed by ship’s crew at owner’s expenses.

船舶物料商通常给船上供应物料和食品。()A、The agent usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.B、The shipyard usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.C、The ship chandler usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.D、The captain usually provides stores and provisions to the ship


() are applicable to any type of commodity, without the restriction of hazardous consignment size.A、Tramp RatesB、Class RatesC、Open Market RatesD、General Cargo Rates

单选题船舶需要装卸货。()AThe ship needs loading.BThe ship needs discharging.CThe ship needs unloading.DThe ship needs loading and discharging.

问答题翻译:tramp ship

单选题Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when().Athe ship is in a harborBthe ship is at anchorageCthe ship is underwayDAll of the above

单选题When the ship security alert system is activated, it shall not()Ainitiate a ship-to-shore security alertBtransmit a ship-to-shore security alertCinitiate an alert identifying the ship, its locationDraise a security alarm on-board the ship indicating that the ship is under threat

单选题准备弃船。()APrepare to abandon ship.BPrepare for abandon ship.CPrepare abandon ship.DPrepare for ship.

单选题The apparent wind can be zero when the true wind is from().Aahead and equal to the ship's speedBastern and equal to the ship's speedCahead and equal to twice the ship's speedDastern and equal to twice the ship's speed

单选题I don’t know().Awhen will our ship sailBwill when our ship sailCwhen our ship will sailDwill our ship when sail

单选题According to the Sale Contract,it’s of FOB plus S.T.term.It’s quite obvious that().Aour ship is not responsible for trimming and stowingBour ship is responsible for trimming and stowingCour ship is responsible for expensesDour ship is not responsible for expenses


单选题Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.Adress my ship overallBraise my ship overallChoist my ship overallDdisplay my ship from stem to stern

单选题Berthing means bringing a vessel to her berth until().Athe ship is made fastBthe ship‟s first line is sent ashoreCthe ship is dredging anchorDthe ship‟s pilot disembarks

问答题翻译:the opening and closing of vessel’s hatches is to be performed by ship’s crew at owner’s expenses.

单选题最大的货船是油轮。()AThe largest cargo ship is the tankerBThe largest cargo ship is the container ship .CThe largest cargo ship is the bulk carrier.DThe largest cargo ship is the tug.