()is the oldest of all the parties is Ireland.A、The Irish Labour PartyB、The Progressive DemocratsC、Fianna FailD、Fine Gael

()is the oldest of all the parties is Ireland.

  • A、The Irish Labour Party
  • B、The Progressive Democrats
  • C、Fianna Fail
  • D、Fine Gael


The Times, which began publishing in 1785, is the British oldest daily newspaper.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The Adirondack Mountains, located mainly in the state of New York, contains some of the oldest rocks in the world.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

China is one of ____________ countries in the world.A. old B. the older C. oldest D. the oldest

Passage TwoStarted in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in the United States. Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.In the early years, these schools were much alike. Only young men went to college. All the students studied the same subjects, and everyone learned Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Little was known about science then, and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them became ministers (大臣) or teachers.In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors. Later, lawyers could receive their training in Harvard's law school. In 1825, besides Latin and Greek, Harvard began teaching modern languages, such as French and German. Soon it began teaching American history.As knowledge increased, Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects. Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them.Today, there are many different kinds of colleges and universities. Most of them are made up of smaller schools that deal with (涉及) special fields of learning. There's so much to learn that one kind of school can't offer it all.36. The oldest university in the US is______.A. YaleB. PrincetonC. HarvardD. Columbia

Four of Robert's children were at the party, including(), Luke.A. the oldestB. an oldest oneC. the oldD. an old one

The House of () is the oldest part of Parliament.It evolved from a council. A.CommonsB.PeopleC.LordsD.Representatives

The () is the most famous of all British papers and the oldest at that. A.SunB.TimesC.MirrorD.Observer

Examine the output of the query that you executed to list the objects in the recycle bin:You verified that no table named SALES_TAB exists in the schema. Then you executed the following command to purge the objects in the recycle bin:SQL PURGE TABLE sales_tab;What would be the outcome of this command?()A. All three tables in the recycle bin are purgedB. Only the table with the oldest DROPSCN is purgedC. The command returns an error because multiple entries with the same name exist in the recycle binD. Only the table with the latest DROPSCN is purged

Youexecutedthefollowingqueryinyourdatabase:SELECToldest_flashback_scn,oldest_flashback_timeFROMV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;Whatwouldyoudeterminefromthe output?() A.Thetimewhenthelastflashbackoperationinyourdatabasewasperformed.B.Thetimewhenthefirstflashbackoperationinyourdatabasewasperformed.C.AlistofflashbackoperationsperformedinyourdatabaseusingSCNandtime.D.Theapproximatetimeandthelowestsystemchangenumber(SCN)towhichyoucanflashbackyourdatabase.

Refer to the parti al configurations in the exhibit. What address is utilized for DR and BDR identification on Router1?() A. the serial 1/1 addressB. the serial 2/0 addressC. a randomly generated internal addressD. the configured router - id address

my wife has three brothers,all ( ) than she. ( ) _George,is an offiCerA elder…The oldestB older…The oldestC elder…The olD oneD older…The oldest

My wife has three brothers, all ( ) than she. ( ) , George, is an officer.A. elder…The eldest B. older…The oldestC. elder…The eld one D. older…The oldest

There are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives of Australia,which one is the oldest party?( ) A.The Australian Labor Party B.The Nationals C.The Liberal Party of Australia D.Australian Greens party

( ) is commonly considered to be the beginning of English literature and is the oldest surviving epic in English literature. A.Beowulf B.The Canterbury Tales C.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D.The Fates of the Apostles

()is the oldest of all the parties is Ireland.AThe Irish Labour PartyBThe Progressive DemocratsCFianna FailDFine Gael

The oldest university in Ireland is().Athe National UniversityBDublin City UniversityCthe University of DublinDSaint Patrick's College

The Testking network is utilizing RIP as the IP routing protocol. Router TK1 learns how to reach the same destination via 6 different paths. All paths have the same metric and administrative distance. With all routers using the default operation,which of the paths will be chosen to reach the destination?()A、Only the first two paths that are learned.B、Four of the paths.C、All six routes in a routed robin fashion.D、The oldest two paths in the routing table.E、The first path learned to the destination network.

A DBA has been asked to create a table which will contain a substantial amount of detailed sales information for each calendar month and maintain it to contain only the last 12 months. Which of the following methods will facilitate the online removal of the oldest month’s data?()A、Create an MQT that selects the oldest month of data with the REFRESH IMMEDIATE option.B、Create 12 separate tables, create a view based on all 12, drop the table with the oldest month's data then drop and re- create the view.C、Create a range partitioned table, partitioned by month, and use the ALTER TABLE statement to detach the oldest month and attach storage for new data.D、Create a single table, extract the data to be retained using UNLOAD with a SELECT statement, drop and re-create the table then load only the data to be retained.

单选题The United Kingdom's oldest daily newspaper, _____, began publishing in 1785.Athe ObserverBthe TimesCthe GuardianDthe Financial Times

单选题()is the oldest of all the parties is Ireland.AThe Irish Labour PartyBThe Progressive DemocratsCFianna FailDFine Gael

单选题Where were the Egyptian workers’ tombs located? ANear the country’s oldest pyramid.BClose to the Great Pyramid.CClose to a queen’s tomb.

单选题Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?ABaseball.BTennis.CBasketball.DAmerican football.

单选题Nous sommes sans nouvelles depuis qu’il est parti.Adès qu’Bdu moment oùCalors qu’Dtandis qu’

单选题Il nous a annoncé cette nouvelle une demi-heure _____ il est parti.Adès qu’Baprès qu’CquandDavant qu’

单选题The Testking network is utilizing RIP as the IP routing protocol. Router TK1 learns how to reach the same destination via 6 different paths. All paths have the same metric and administrative distance. With all routers using the default operation,which of the paths will be chosen to reach the destination?()AOnly the first two paths that are learned.BFour of the paths.CAll six routes in a routed robin fashion.DThe oldest two paths in the routing table.EThe first path learned to the destination network.

单选题Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States? _____ABaseballBTennisCBasketballDAmerican football

单选题Le Parti socialiste est un parti_____.AneutreBà droiteCà gaucheDà l’extême gauche