翻译:We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet halfway.

翻译:We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet halfway.


24. The sentence "Your answers are welcome. " means " ________ ".A. You are welcome to discuss the questions with usB. We’ve got no idea, so your answers are welcomeC. Your answers are always rightD. You can give us all the right answers

-Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution? -__________________________ A You are welcome. You can visit us any time you like. ;B That’s alright. I’ll wait for your reply as soon as possible. ;C Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.

-So could you make an exception and accept D/P? -__________________________ A I shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our risk. ;B Thanks, we are inclined to accept your price. ;C We have already tried our best.

i wish i could give you the __________to your problems. A. answerB. endC. replyD. conclusion

We would be ________ if you could send us full details about your products. A.wonderfulB.hopefulC.regretfulD.grateful

If you can make us an offer()competitive price we can sell a large quantity ()your products()our area. A、for⋯for⋯inB、at⋯of⋯inC、on⋯for⋯forD、in⋯for⋯at

We shall appreciate it very much if you will give us indication()you think you could conclude business. A、to whichB、at whichC、in thatD、on that

They have()a price which we think will be acceptable()you. A、bided⋯toB、bid⋯toC、bidden⋯byD、bid⋯with

We’ve got a full house, so if you really want to keep your room this afternoon, we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price. (翻译)

用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。 we/consider/unless/placing an order/will not/you can/give us/of 10%/a price reduction

英译中: We will refund the cost of the laundry. You may buy a new sweater and give us the receipt.

翻译:We would deeply appreciate if you could give us a positive feedback.

翻译:We give you price of $1,440 FOB Chicago.

We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair.We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come()your earliest convenience.A、byB、onC、inD、at

翻译:We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.

翻译:We regret to say that your price is on the high side, we do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.

翻译:We hope you will quote your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.

翻译:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.

翻译:If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.

We()if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.A、should appreciateB、appreciateC、appreciate itD、should appreciate it

问答题翻译:We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet halfway.

问答题翻译:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.

问答题翻译:We regret to say that your price is on the high side, we do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.

问答题翻译:We give you price of $1,440 FOB Chicago.

单选题We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair.We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come()your earliest convenience.AbyBonCinDat

问答题翻译:We hope you will quote your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.

问答题翻译:We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.