下面哪个属于request对象的属性()。 A.request.servervariablesB.request.formC.request.totalbytesD.request.querystring
ServletAforwardedarequesttoservletBusingtheforwardmethodofRequestDispatcher.WhatattributeinB’srequestobjectcontainstheURIoftheoriginalrequestreceivedbyservletA?() A.REQUEST_URIB.javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC.javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI
WhichretrievesallcookiessentinagivenHttpSErvletRequestrequest?() A.request.getCookies()B.request.getAttributes()C.request.getSession().getCookies()D.request.getSession().GetAttributes()
WhichELexpressionevaluatestotherequestURI?() A.${requestURI}B.${request.URI}C.${request.getURI}D.${request.requestURI}E.${requestScope.requestURI}F.${pageContext.request.requestURI}
Which two commands allow you to return to a previous verision of software on the device?() A. request sytem software addB. request sytem software downgradeC. request sytem software replaceD. request sytem software rollback
Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()A、REQUEST_URIB、javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC、javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI
Which two commands allow you to return to a previous version of software on the device?()A、request system software addB、request system software downgradeC、request system software replaceD、request system software rollback
Given a header in an HTTP request:X-Retries:4 Which two retrieve the value of the header from a given HttpServletRequest request?()A、Request.getHeader("X-Retries")B、Request.getIntHeader("X-Retries")C、Request.getRequestHeader("X-Retries")D、Request.getHeaders("X-Retries").get(0)E、Request.getRequestHeaders("X-Retries").get(0)
在jsp中作用域由小到大的组合是()A、request page session applicationB、page request session applicationC、pageContext request session applicationD、pageScope request sessionScope applicationScope
On the Company wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that this Company client and access point goes through in order to create a connection?()A、 association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseB、 association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC、 probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseD、 probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseE、 None of the other alternatives apply
A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that the client and access point go through to create a connection?()A、 probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseB、 association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC、 probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseD、 association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/response
Which retrieves all cookies sent in a given HttpSErvletRequest request?()A、 request.getCookies()B、 request.getAttributes()C、 request.getSession ().getCookies()D、 request.getSession (). GetAttributes()
Which command gracefully shuts down the Junos OS?()A、request system rebootB、request system logoutC、request system haltD、restart gracefully
Which four occur during the processing of a request using Oracle Shared Server?()A、The dispatcher returns the response to the user.B、The dispatcher places the request into the request queue.C、The shared server places the response in the response queue.D、The response is handed off to the next available dispatcher.E、A shared server picks up the request from the request queue and processes the request.
单选题On the wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct processorder that this client and access point goes through in order to create a connection?()Aassociation request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseBassociation request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseCprobe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseDprobe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseENone of the other alternatives apply
单选题Which retrieves all cookies sent in a given HttpSErvletRequest request?()A request.getCookies()B request.getAttributes()C request.getSession ().getCookies()D request.getSession (). GetAttributes()
单选题Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A${requestURI}B${request.URI}C${request.getURI}D${request.requestURI}E${requestScope.requestURI}F${pageContext.request.requestURI}
单选题Which retrieves the binary input stream on line 13?()A request.get Writer ():B request.get Reader ():C request.get Input Stream():D request.get Resource As Stream():E request.get Resource As Stream (Servlet Request. REQUEST):
单选题Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()AREQUEST_URIBjavax.servlet.forward.request_uriCjavax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URIDjavax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriEjavax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI
单选题On the Company wireless LAN, A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that this Company client and access point goes through in order to create a connection?()A association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/responseB association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseD probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseE None of the other alternatives apply
单选题A client is searching for an access point (AP). What is the correct process order that the client and access point go through to create a connection?()A probe request/response, authentication request/response, association request/responseB association request/response, authentication request/response, probe request/responseC probe request/response, association request/response, authentication request/responseD association request/response, probe request/response, authentication request/response
单选题Given an HttpServletRequest request, which retrieves an object of type Account with an Id of “account”?()A Account account = request.get Resource(”account”):B Account account = request.get Attribute (“account”):C Account account = request.get Parameter (account”):D Account account = (Account)request.getResource (“account”):E Account account = (Account) request.get Attribute (“account”):F Account account = (Account) request.get Paramter (“account”):
多选题Given an HttpServletRequest request: 22.String id = request.getParameter("jsessionid"); 23.// insert code here 24.String name = (String) session.getAttribute("name"); Which three can be placed at line 23 to retrieve anexisting HttpSession object?()AHttpSession session = request.getSession();BHttpSession session = request.getSession(id);CHttpSession session = request.getSession(true);DHttpSession session = request.getSession(false);EHttpSession session = request.getSession(jsessionid);