Which two commands allow you to return to a previous verision of software on the device?() A. request sytem software addB. request sytem software downgradeC. request sytem software replaceD. request sytem software rollback
Which two commands allow you to return to a previous verision of software on the device?()
A. request sytem software add
B. request sytem software downgrade
C. request sytem software replace
D. request sytem software rollback
有如下程序:#includeusing namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f(){cout"l";}};class TWO:public ONE{public:TWO(){cout"2";}};class THREE:public TWO{public:virtual void f(){TWO::f(); cout"3";}};int main(){ONE aa, *p;TWO bb;THREE cc;p = cc;p-f();return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是 【 11 】 。
有如下程序: include using namespaee std; class ONE{ public: virtual void f 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespaee std;class ONE{public:virtual void f( ){cout<<"1";}};class TWO:public ONE{public:TWO( )1 cout<<"2";}{;class THREE:public TWO{public:virtual void f( )}TWO::f( );cout<<"3";}};int main( ){ONE aa,*P;TWO bb;THREE cc;P=cc;p->f( );return 0;}程序的输出结果是______。
有如下程序: include using namespace std; class ONE { public: virtual void f() { 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f() { cout << "1"; }};class TWO: public ONE{public:TWO() { cout << "2"; }};class THREE: public TWO{public:virtual void f() {TWO::f(); cout << "3"; }};int main(){ONE aa, *p;TWO bb;THREE cc;p=cc;P->f();return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是【 】。
To enable the Database Smart Flash Cache, you configure the following parameters:DB_FLASH_CACHE_FILE = ‘/dev/flash_device_1’ , ‘/dev/flash_device_2’DB_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE=64GWhat is the result when you start up the database instance?()A. It results in an error because these parameter settings are invalid.B. One 64G flash cache file will be used.C. Two 64G flash cache files will be used.D. Two 32G flash cache files will be used.
有下列程序段:include using namespace std;int main() { char b[]= "Hello,you"; b[ 有下列程序段: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char b[] = "Hello,you"; b[5] = 0; cout<<b<<end1; return 0; } 执行此程序后,得到的输出结果是( )。A.Hello,youB.Hello0youC.HelloD.0
【填空题】运行下列程序,输出结果是____。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum opt{ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR,FIVE,SIX,SEVEN}op; int main(void) { cout<<ONE; cout<<TWO; cout<<SIX; return 0; }
【填空题】写出下面程序执行后的运行结果: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main____ { char a[30]="nice to meet you!"; strcpy____/2,"you"); cout<<a<<endl; return 0; }