单选题Before using a fixed C02 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().Asecure the engine room ventilationBsecure the machinery in the engine roomCevacuate all engine room personnelDALL of the above

Before using a fixed C02 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().

secure the engine room ventilation


secure the machinery in the engine room


evacuate all engine room personnel


ALL of the above


解析: 暂无解析


When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm. Which of the following actions should you take?A.Make an entry in the official logbookB.Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 systemC.Start the fire pump and check discharge pressureD.Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge

Which of the following is operated from the main engine room console on an automated vessel?A.Fire pump and lube oil pumpB.Lube oil pump and distilling plantC.Distilling plant and shaft alley doorD.Shaft alley door and fixed CO2 release

The Chief and 3rd Engineers went below,changed the fuel to diesel oil and reduced the engine to slow ahead.This sentence implies all those below except that ________ .A.the Engine was not on slow ahead before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downB.the Engine was using diesel oil before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downC.the Engine was using fuel oil before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downD.the Chief and 3rd Engineers went into the Engine Room to operate the Engine

Which of the following statements is FALSE,concerning the regulations pertaining to the cylinder room of a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system ________.A.The compartment must be properly ventilatedB.The temperature of the room should never exceed 130℉C.The door must be kept unlockedD.The compartment shall be clearly marked and identifiable

材料:Condor a catamaran vessel operating between the Channel Islands and France.The vessel has two main engines in each hull.All propulsion units are duplicated,with each set independent from the other.Shortly after leaving St Helier,Jersey,with 31 passengers and 18 crew,the fire alarm sounded indicating a fire in the starboard engine room.This was confirmed by the closed circuit television surveillance system which showed flames in the vicinity of the starboard outer main engine.The vessel was immediately stopped,all machinery in the starboard engine room was stopped and the fuel supplies shut down.Jersey Radio was informed of the situation two minutes after the alarm sounded. After closing all ventilation openings and accounting for all personnel,halon fire smothering gas was released into the starboard engine room.This was done five minutes after the fire alarm first sounded. The crew maintained boundary cooling and intermittently operated the sprinkler system to the affected space.Twenty minutes after the alarm sounded the situation was considered to be under control.Using the port main engines the vessel returned to St Helier where assistance was available from shore based emergency services.问题:Condor has two ________ main engines.A.combinedB.independentC.coupleD.doubleThe fire accident happened in ________.A.both the engine roomsB.neither engine roomsC.the port engine roomD.the starboard engine roomThe fire was mainly extinguished with ________.A.waterB.chemical agentC.foamD.powderIt can be concluded that ________.A.no officials from any authority know the accident after it happenedB.some officials ashore must have learnt the accident at very beginningC.there must be casualties even they were not mentioned in the reportD.fire is not dangerous on board vessel请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.A.secure the engine room ventilationB.secure the machinery in the engine roomC.evacuate all engine room personnelD.All of the above

Before going to the forecastle, ask the engine room for () on deck .A、powerB、waterC、nothingD、power and water

单选题Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().Asecure the engine room ventilationBsecure the machinery in the engine roomCevacuate all engine room personnelDAll of the above

单选题Fixed C02 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or().Athe paint lockerBspaces open to the atmospereCcargo holdsDthe engine room

单选题When should a fire be ventilated?()AWhen attacking the fire directlyBWhen using a steam smothering systemCWhen using the fixed CO2 systemDAll of the above

单选题When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ().Aproceed to their man overboard stationsBstart the fire pumpCput on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsDsecure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room

单选题An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().Aelectrical fire in the engine roomBoil fire in the engine room bilgesCoil fire involving a grade A petroleum productDmattress fire in a stateroom

单选题Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?()AThe fire pump should be startedBThe boiler rims should be securedCThe fixed CO2 system should be initiated into actionDThe engine room ventilation should be secured

单选题Your vessel is equipped with a fixed C02 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?().AUse the C02 system and evacuate the engine roomBUse the fire main system and evacuate the engine roomCEvacuate the engine room and use the C02 systemDEvacuate the engine room and use the fire main system

单选题While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarmWhich of the following actions should you take?()AMake an entry in the official logbookBOpen the master control valves on the fixed CO2 systemCStart the fire pump and check discharge pressureDSecure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge

单选题Why is it necessary to warn engine room personnel before activating the fixed CO2 system?()ATo make them aware there is a fireBTo let them know they should leave the engine roomCTo prevent possible injury from frostbiteDTo make them aware that ventilation will automatically stop

单选题In order to release CO2 to the machinery spaces from a fixed fire extinguishing system, you must().Aactuate an alarm and open the engine room control valveBactuate an alarm and open the engine room CO2 releasing valveCopen the engine room control valve and shut off engine room ventilation fansDopen the engine room control valve and then the CO2 releasing valve

单选题The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, is to ().Aevacuate all engine room personnelBfight the fire with hand portable extinguishersCactivate the mainCO2 bankDstop the flow of leaking fuel oil

单选题In my opinion,the manner is()that the duty engineer reported the small fire in engine room.AreluctantBpositiveCpossibleDimproper

单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken by the engineer on watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously for 10 seconds?()AEngine room ventilation should be startedBMain engines should be securedCThe fire pump should be startedDThe fixed CO2 system should be activated

单选题After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system,the next action is to have the space().Aopened and burned material removedBleft closed with vents off until all boundaries are coolCchecked for oxygen contentDdoused with water to prevent reflash

单选题Your vessel is equipped with a fixed CO2 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?()AUse the CO2 system and evacuate the engine roomBUse the fire main system and evacuate the engine roomCEvacuate the engine room and use the CO2 systemDEvacuate the engine room and use the fire main system

单选题Why should you wear a self-contained breathing apparatus before entering the engine room after the fixed CO2 system has been discharged to combat a major fire?()ABecause carbon dioxide dilutes the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere and may cause asphyxiationBBecause carbon dioxide breaks down in a fire into carbon monoxide which may cause blood poisoning in the person breathing this gasCBecause carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas that becomes highly toxic in the presence of high temperatures and will quickly incapacitate a person exposed to this gasDThis action is unnecessary as carbon dioxide is not poisonous nor toxic but is a relatively harmless gas

单选题The supply of carbon dioxide used in the fixed extinguishing system aboard a cargo vessel MUST be at least sufficient for().Aall the spaces of a vesselBall cargo spacesCthe engine room and largest cargo spaceDthe space requiring the largest amount

单选题Engine room is()fire.AonBinCatDout

单选题While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarmWhich of the following actions should you take FIRST?()ASecure the burners then proceed to your assigned boat stationBStart the fire pump and establish flow to the fire mainCOpen the guardian valve and standby to maneuverDOpen the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system