单选题Uncle Sam sent him a()bicycle as a birthday present.Ared sports newBsports new redCnew sports redDnew red sports

Uncle Sam sent him a()bicycle as a birthday present.

red sports new


sports new red  


new sports red   


new red sports


解析: 暂无解析


Sports never get () of her study, she loves sports but is also excellent in academic performance. A、on the wayB、in a wayC、in the wayD、out of the way

一位美国体育明星将参加在购物城举行的体育品牌发布会A.A sports product launch in the shopping mall will be attended by an American athleteB.An American athlete will attend a sports game in the downtown stadium.C.An American athlete will join a sports club in the sports product launchD.In the shopping mall an American athlete will appear and sign his name on items of the sports product launch

I am not keen() sports. A、onB、withC、in

Jim is very interested in sports . He can take part in sports activities every ______ .A. MondayB. WednesdayC. ThursdayD. Friday

Do Neal and Nancy like sports?_____________

We have many sports_______ (club).

The American love of sports (11) to a pitch never before known. (12) the middle of the century we were practically without sports and even until some fifteen years ago there (13) very little enthusiasm aroused by sports (14) the fever that has within the past decade and a half swept over the country.(15) the passionate fervor has been increasing,and the coming season promises to be the most enthusiastic of all.(16) England the Romans brought their sports;then the Saxons and the Normans added others,and there were football matches and archery games.In 1618 King James I issued a book of sports stating what sports were (17) after church service on Sundays;but intense anger was (18) among those who strictly observed the principles of the Bible,and in 1644 the Long Parliament ordered the book (19) by the public executioner,and all sports forbidden or strongly (20) .A. have raisedB. has raisedC. have risenD. has risen

We need shoes for sports.(改为一般疑问句)________ ________ ________shoes for sports?

In a big decision,the Supreme Court overturned a 1992 federal law that had effectively banned all states except Nevada from legalizing sports betting.The court had no opinion about sports gambling itself.11 merely reasserted a constitutional restraint on federal power over the states.So before states rush to permit,regulate,and tax sports betting,they may want to first weigh the original reasons behind the now-defunct ban.The big reason given back then by Congress was to maintain sports as a public display of talent,effort,and teamwork-the very opposite of a belief in chance.The integrity of athletes lies in their ability to master the circumstances of a game.In sports,unforeseen circumstances are not considered luck but rather a challenge to test the skills of athletes.Sports should not be sullied by the false hopes of quick riches by gamblers pining for a"lucky break."Like society itself,sports rely on each person's desire to understand the causality of evenrs and make the best of them.Athletes know they cannot put faith in so-called fortune.Nor should governments.If states now boost sports betting by legatizing it,what message are they sending about athletics-in fact,about any physical or mental endeavor?According to Bill Bradley,a former NBA star and the then-senator who sponsored the 1992 law,placing bets on players makes them no better than roulette chips.Sports have a dignity thai defies those who want to see games turning on a twist of fate.Mr.Bradley also gives a second reason for governments not to push betting on sports.Should gambling be allowed on Little League games or middle-school athletics?Even New Jersey,which led the case against the 1992 act,did not want betting on its local teams.Up to now,most major professional sports leagues were opposed to lifting the federal ban.They feared athletes might throw a game or simply rig a play at the request of gambling agencies,as is often the case in many parts of the world.If games were seen as gamed,fans might flee.Now after this ruling,however,leagues might be tempted by the possibility they could get what is misnamed an"integrity fee,"or a percentage of gambling revenues from each game.States,too,appear tempted to gain tax revenue from sports gambling-although they should first look at how little Nevada has actually gainecl from sports betting in comparison to other types of gambling.The uncertainties of legalized,regulated sports gambling in the United States are very high.But one certainty remains:Sports must remain pure in their purpose as a contest of what athletes give in a game,not what betting can take from them.After the new ruling,major professional sports leagues would probablyA.keep fighting against sports betting.B.want to profit from sports betting.C.get stricter with sports integrity.D.try harder to please their fans.

In a big decision,the Supreme Court overturned a 1992 federal law that had effectively banned all states except Nevada from legalizing sports betting.The court had no opinion about sports gambling itself.11 merely reasserted a constitutional restraint on federal power over the states.So before states rush to permit,regulate,and tax sports betting,they may want to first weigh the original reasons behind the now-defunct ban.The big reason given back then by Congress was to maintain sports as a public display of talent,effort,and teamwork-the very opposite of a belief in chance.The integrity of athletes lies in their ability to master the circumstances of a game.In sports,unforeseen circumstances are not considered luck but rather a challenge to test the skills of athletes.Sports should not be sullied by the false hopes of quick riches by gamblers pining for a"lucky break."Like society itself,sports rely on each person's desire to understand the causality of evenrs and make the best of them.Athletes know they cannot put faith in so-called fortune.Nor should governments.If states now boost sports betting by legatizing it,what message are they sending about athletics-in fact,about any physical or mental endeavor?According to Bill Bradley,a former NBA star and the then-senator who sponsored the 1992 law,placing bets on players makes them no better than roulette chips.Sports have a dignity thai defies those who want to see games turning on a twist of fate.Mr.Bradley also gives a second reason for governments not to push betting on sports.Should gambling be allowed on Little League games or middle-school athletics?Even New Jersey,which led the case against the 1992 act,did not want betting on its local teams.Up to now,most major professional sports leagues were opposed to lifting the federal ban.They feared athletes might throw a game or simply rig a play at the request of gambling agencies,as is often the case in many parts of the world.If games were seen as gamed,fans might flee.Now after this ruling,however,leagues might be tempted by the possibility they could get what is misnamed an"integrity fee,"or a percentage of gambling revenues from each game.States,too,appear tempted to gain tax revenue from sports gambling-although they should first look at how little Nevada has actually gainecl from sports betting in comparison to other types of gambling.The uncertainties of legalized,regulated sports gambling in the United States are very high.But one certainty remains:Sports must remain pure in their purpose as a contest of what athletes give in a game,not what betting can take from them.Which of the following best represents the major idea underlying the 1992 law?A.Athletes are vulnerable to false hopes of quick riches.B.Unforeseen situations bring out the best in athletes.C.Sports betting is a threat to the integrity of sports.D.Almost all sports contain a certain amount of luck.

共用题干In Sports,Red is the Winning ColorWhen opponents of a game are equally matched,the team dressed in red is more likely to win,accord- ing to a new study.British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham reached that conclu- sion by studying the outcomes of one-on-one boxing,tae kwon do,Greco-Roman-wresting,and freestyle- wrestling matches at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens,Greece.In each event Olympic staff randomly assigned red or blue clothing or body protection to competitors. When otherwise equally matched with their opponent in fitness and skill,athletes wearing red were more likely to win the bout."Where there was a large point difference一presumably because one contestant was far superior to the other一color had no effect on the outcome,"Barton said."Where there was a small point difference,the effect of color was sufficient to tip the balance."In equally matched bouts,the preponderance of red wins was great enough that it could not be attributed to chance,the anthropologists say.Hill and Barton found similar results in a review of the colors worn at the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament.Their report will be published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Nature.Joanna Setchell,a primate researcher at the University of Cambridge in England,has found similar results in nature.Her work with the large African monkeys known as mandrills shows that red colorationgives males an advantage when it comes to mating.The finding that red also has an advantage in human sporting events does not surprise her,adding that "the idea of the study is very clever."Hill and Barton got the idea for their study out of a mutual interest in the evolution of sexual signals in primates一“red seems to be the color,across species,that signals male dominance and testosterone levels," Barton said.For example,studies by Setchell,the Cambridge primate researcher,show that dominant male man- drills have increased red coloration in their faces and rumps. Another study by other scientists shows that red plastic rings experimentally placed on the legs of male zebra finches increase the birds'dominance.Barton said he and Hill speculated that"there might be a similar effect in humans.And if so,it could be apparent in sporting contests."The pair say their results indicate that sexual selection may have influenced the evolution of humans' response to color.Setchell,the primatologist,agrees."As Hill and Barton say,humans redden when we are angry and pale when we're scared.These are very important signals to other individuals,"she said.The advantage of red may be intuitively known,judging from the prevalence of red uniforms in sports一 "though it is clearly not very widely appreciated,on a conscious level at least,"Barton said.He adds that the finding of red's advantage might have implications for regulations that govern sporting attire.In the Olympic matches he surveyed for the new study;for example,it is possible some medal winners may have reached the pedestal with an unintended advantage."That is the implication,though we cannot say that it made the difference in any specific case,"Bartonsaid.Meanwhile,Setchell noted一tongue-in-cheek一that a red advantage may not be limited to sports. "Going by the recent U.S.election results,red is indeed quite successful,"she said.Many athletes oppose the new regulations on sports uniforms.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干In Sports,Red is the Winning ColorWhen opponents of a game are equally matched,the team dressed in red is more likely to win,accord- ing to a new study.British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham reached that conclu- sion by studying the outcomes of one-on-one boxing,tae kwon do,Greco-Roman-wresting,and freestyle- wrestling matches at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens,Greece.In each event Olympic staff randomly assigned red or blue clothing or body protection to competitors. When otherwise equally matched with their opponent in fitness and skill,athletes wearing red were more likely to win the bout."Where there was a large point difference一presumably because one contestant was far superior to the other一color had no effect on the outcome,"Barton said."Where there was a small point difference,the effect of color was sufficient to tip the balance."In equally matched bouts,the preponderance of red wins was great enough that it could not be attributed to chance,the anthropologists say.Hill and Barton found similar results in a review of the colors worn at the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament.Their report will be published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Nature.Joanna Setchell,a primate researcher at the University of Cambridge in England,has found similar results in nature.Her work with the large African monkeys known as mandrills shows that red colorationgives males an advantage when it comes to mating.The finding that red also has an advantage in human sporting events does not surprise her,adding that "the idea of the study is very clever."Hill and Barton got the idea for their study out of a mutual interest in the evolution of sexual signals in primates一“red seems to be the color,across species,that signals male dominance and testosterone levels," Barton said.For example,studies by Setchell,the Cambridge primate researcher,show that dominant male man- drills have increased red coloration in their faces and rumps. Another study by other scientists shows that red plastic rings experimentally placed on the legs of male zebra finches increase the birds'dominance.Barton said he and Hill speculated that"there might be a similar effect in humans.And if so,it could be apparent in sporting contests."The pair say their results indicate that sexual selection may have influenced the evolution of humans' response to color.Setchell,the primatologist,agrees."As Hill and Barton say,humans redden when we are angry and pale when we're scared.These are very important signals to other individuals,"she said.The advantage of red may be intuitively known,judging from the prevalence of red uniforms in sports一 "though it is clearly not very widely appreciated,on a conscious level at least,"Barton said.He adds that the finding of red's advantage might have implications for regulations that govern sporting attire.In the Olympic matches he surveyed for the new study;for example,it is possible some medal winners may have reached the pedestal with an unintended advantage."That is the implication,though we cannot say that it made the difference in any specific case,"Bartonsaid.Meanwhile,Setchell noted一tongue-in-cheek一that a red advantage may not be limited to sports. "Going by the recent U.S.election results,red is indeed quite successful,"she said.Both Hill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcome of sports matches.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

A.The Arguments of Sports Executives B.The Philosophy of Visionary Executives C.Sports and Television in the 21st Century D.Sports:A Business

在下列的教学目标表述中,()更能体现学生的“学”。ATo teach the structure “be going to”BTo listen to a dialogueCAble to name different sports in English using pictures as cuesDTo learn the new vocabulary of sports by heart

Uncle Sam sent him a()bicycle as a birthday present.Ared sports newBsports new redCnew sports redDnew red sports

Uncle Sam sent him a()bicycle as a birthday present.A、red sports newB、sports new redC、new sports redD、new red sports

单选题What is the purpose of the passage?ATo tell people not to do dangerous sports.BTo explain what volcano surfing and land diving are.CTo talk about the world’s best volcano surfer and land diver.DTo compare activities in Vanuatu with sports in New Zealand.

单选题The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved by _____.Aregulating the relationship between players and refereesBcalling on players to use clean language on the courtCraising the referee’s sense of responsibilityDchanging the attitude of players on the sports field

单选题Uncle Sam sent him a()bicycle as a birthday present.Ared sports newBsports new redCnew sports redDnew red sports

单选题The elite athletes of the future may come from people who naturally possess _____.Athe best body shapes and an iron purposeBthe extremes of the right physique and strong willsCthe right psychological conditions and sports talentsDthe right physique and genes for sports

单选题—Could you tell us how long ______?— About three days.Adoes the sports meeting lastBthe sports meeting will lastCthe sports meeting lastDwill the sports meeting last

单选题This new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is _____ in all sizes.AimportantBactiveCavailableDfamous

单选题1This new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is ______ in all sizes.AimportantBactiveCavailableDfamous

单选题在下列的教学目标表述中,()更能体现学生的“学”。ATo teach the structure “be going to”BTo listen to a dialogueCAble to name different sports in English using pictures as cuesDTo learn the new vocabulary of sports by heart

单选题Which of the following statements best expresses the authors view?AThe words people use can influence their behavior.BUnpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes.CAggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequent.DUnfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.

单选题There are only two things worth to read in this newspaper-the TV listings and the sports page.Aonly two thingsBto readCinDthe sports page

单选题108- Conversation 1 What game does Michael ask about playing at the new sports center? ATennisBTable-tennisCVolleyball

单选题According to the passage, Argentina is world-famous because of its _____.Alarge number of sports fans and supportersBsuccess in the football World CupCobvious position on the mapDexcellence at most important sports