问答题ABCDEFGH  Which letter is immediately to the left of the letter three to the right of the letter immediately to the left of the letter four to the left of the letter G?

ABCDEFGH  Which letter is immediately to the left of the letter three to the right of the letter immediately to the left of the letter four to the left of the letter G?


“G”左边的第四个字母是C, 而紧靠“C”左边的字母是B, “B”右边的第三个字母是E, 紧靠“E”左边的字母是D。


单选题______ of the colonial yoke, the people became the real masters of their own country.ATo be freeBFreeingCFreedDTo be freed

单选题209-Conversation 2 What ages is the computer game suitable for? AEight to thirteen.BUnder eight.COver thirteen.

问答题Changes in the way people live bring about changes in the jobs that they do. More and morepeople live in towns and cities instead on farms and in villages.     1.____Cities and states have to provide services city people want, such like more police   2.____protection, more hospitals, and more schools. This means that more policemen,more nurses and technicians, and more teachers must be hired. Advances in technology has also changed people’s lives. Dishwashers and washing         3.____machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. The widespread use         4.____of such electrical appliances means that there is a need for servicemen tokeep it running properly.                               5.____  People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads to changes in        6.____the way of life. As income goes down, people may not want more food to       7.____eat or more clothes to wear. But they may want more and better care from doctors, dentists and hospitals. They are likely to travel more and to want more education. Nevertheless, many more jobs are available in these services.     8.____  The government also affects the kind of works people do. The governments      9.____of most countries spend huge sums of money for international defense. They hire    10.____thousands of engineers, scientists, clerks, typists and secretaries to work on themany different aspects of defence.

单选题He orders me about as if I ______ his wife.AwasBwereCwould beDshall be

单选题If you buy twenty or more you will get a ______ .AfavorBmeritCdiscountDbudget

单选题______ the 2008 Olympic Games, the air quality in Beijing would not be so good these days.AExcept forBBut forCAs forDFor all

判断题______Special help should be given to those who cannot easily get help.A对B错

问答题他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分了。(give up)

单选题What’s the address of the travel agency?A22 Maleet Street.B22 Mallet Street.C22 Malet Street.