单选题To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()Aadmit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilationBreduce the air reheating system loadClower the compressor head pressureDoperate the purge recovery unit continuously

To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()

admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilation


reduce the air reheating system load


lower the compressor head pressure


operate the purge recovery unit continuously


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?A.Cooling the air to a temperature just above dew pointB.Heating the air to a point at which moisture will boil off ,then re-cooling itC.Cooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating itD.Heating the air and then cooling it to a point below dew point

Ventilation ().A、is a system for moving fresh airB、can cut indoor pollution to a safe levelC、can cause some diseasesD、is better done through air-conditioning

In an air conditioning system, moisture is removed from the air by ______.A.filtersB.separatorsC.ducted trapsD.dehumidifiers

When loading a cargo of taconite,proper sequencing of loading by hatch number is necessary to ______.A.Provide the proper trimB.Prevent negative stability from developingC.Prevent excessive longitudinal stressesD.Control list

What should you be concerned with when loading and securing vehicles on a Ro-Ro ________.A.Number,position and angle of lashesB.Number of axlesC.Disconnecting the battery cables to prevent fire hazardD.Minor air pressure changes in the tires

According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?A.In boiler and machinery spaces, there is the air conditioning.B.In the boiler rooms the requirement of air volume should meet 25-50% of combustion requirement.C.To maintain the comfort zone in the separate control room the air conditioning plant should be fitted.D.The comfort conditions can be maintained in the engine room all the time.

According to the passage, what is one disadvantage of skyscrapers that have mirroredwalls?__________A.The exterior surrounding air is heatedB.The building materials are very expensiveC.Construction time is increasedD.Extra air-conditioning equipment is needed

Would you like the air-conditioning on?的意思是:()?

单选题Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be () to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone by air conditioning.ApossibleBnecessaryCpracticableDimpracticable

单选题If plastic film insulation becomes damaged in air conditioning system, () may form within the film.AevaporationBcondensationCliquefiesDvaporization

单选题Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of ().Abubbling refrigerantBoverheating and oxidationClowered operating temperaturesDreducing the cloud or flash point

单选题In an air conditioning system, moisture is removed from the air by()AfilersBseparatorsCducted trapsDdehumidifiers

单选题A re-heater in an air conditioning system functions to ().Acontrol inlet air temperatureBcontrol inlet air volumeCmaintain relative humidity at 15%Drestore conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level

单选题A re-heater, as used in an air conditioning system, is designed to control the ()Achilled water temperatureBdew point temperatureCprimary air temperatureDdry bulb temperature

单选题Refrigerant is normally sub-cooled in a refrigeration or air conditioning system condenser to ().Amaintain adequate coil back pressureBprohibit flashing in the liquid lineCreduce refrigerant volume in the systemDreduce compressor discharge line loading

单选题Which of the following methods is used to prevent throttling of compressed air through the diesel engine air starting valves?()AHolding the valve open for a long periodBIncreasing the starting air pressure usedCOpening the stating air valve quicklyDReducing the starting air valve size

单选题()are supplied by main switchboard directly.ASuez Canal searchlight, air compressor and air conditioning compressorBAir compressor, boiler blower and refrigeration plantCBoiler blower, Suez Canal searchlight and refrigeration plantDSuez canal searchlight, air compressor and boiler blower

单选题Air conditioning is the process of treating air to control () its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the comfort requirements of the occupants of the conditioned space.AinstantaneousBinstantaneouslyCsimultaneousDsimultaneously

单选题In reference to air conditioning, when air attains the maximum amount of moisture it can hold at a specific temperature, it is said to be ().AsuperheatedBsaturatedCcondensedDconvected

单选题Most air conditioning units have () for adjusting the ratio of recirculated fresh airCare must be taken not to reduce the fresh air so that stuffiness or smells arise.Acatch platesBdampersCregulating valvesDfans

单选题In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should().Astart to load at maximum pressureBstart to load slowlyCincrease the air flow into the tankDuse the overall method of loading only

单选题With ducted air conditioning systems, the modern tendency is to use()Acentral air conditioning systemBhigh velocity systemClow velocity systemDsingle duct system

单选题To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()Aadmit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilationBreduce the air reheating system loadClower the compressor head pressureDoperate the purge recovery unit continuously

单选题In extreme weather conditions, either hot or cold, control of the air conditioning plant presents () difficulties.AfewBlittleCa littleDless

单选题Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?()ACooling the air to a temperature just above dew pointBHeating the air to a point at which moisture will boil off ,then re-cooling itCCooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating itDHeating the air and then cooling it to a point below dew point

单选题Routine maintenance on a Central Control Room hermetically sealed air conditioning unit should include ()Achanging the air filterBrecharging the systemCchanging compressor lubricantDrenewing container vacuum

单选题The main distribution duct in an air conditioning system which contains the cooling coils and filters is called the()AmanifoldBcondenserCchamberDplenum

单选题The quantity of cooled air delivered by an air conditioning unit should () the sum of the quantity of air re-circulated to the unit and the quantity mechanically exhausted.AbalanceBnot balanceCbe more thanDbe less than