名词解释题Combined immunodeficiency disease

Combined immunodeficiency disease


解析: 暂无解析


_______________[A] linked [B] integrated [C] woven [D] combined

Her sickness ,___________ with terrible weather ,has completely ruined this long-expected tripA.combiningB.combinedC.to combineD.to be combined

引起手足口病的病原微生物是( )A、human immunodeficiency virusB、human papillomavirusC、coxsackie A virusD、varicella zoster virusE、herpes simplex virus

目前信令信道的规划,网上的配置现在有两种情况:Combined方式和Non-Combined方式。 A.错误B.正确

In accordance with Maritime Health Declaration,______ is not an infectious disease.A.choleraB.typhus feverC.yellow feverD.venereal disease


遗传病(genetic disease,inherited disease,hereditary disease)

联合运输 combined transport

混合铁路枢纽 combined railway terminal

水铁联运货场 combined freight yard of rail and water

AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)


英译中:Combined transport


名词解释题Immunodeficiency disease

问答题The combined ages of Frasier and Niles is 88 years; the combined ages of Niles and Daphne is 76 years; the combined ages of Frasier and Daphne is 80 years. Then, how old is Frasier?

名词解释题英译中:Combined transport


名词解释题免疫缺陷病(immunodeficiency disease)

名词解释题继发性免疫缺陷病(secondary immunodeficiency disease)

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentences 10 and 11 (reproduced below) ?It is easy to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. Its because of it’s vagueness and mystery.AThis disease has been dismissed and ignored because of its vagueness and mystery.BIt is easy to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. It’s because of the vagueness and the mystery.CVagueness and mystery dismiss and ignore this disease.DWhy this disease has been dismissed and ignored is because of its vagueness and mystery.EIt is easy for you to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. It is because of the vagueness and mystery.

名词解释题联合运输 combined transport

名词解释题AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

名词解释题Acquired immunodeficiency disease

问答题The combined age of Frasier and Niles is 86 years.  The combined age of Niles and Daphne is 74 years.  The combined age of Frasier and Daphne is 78 years.  Figure out each person’s age.

名词解释题遗传病(genetic disease,inherited disease,hereditary disease)

单选题As a result of the epidemic of AIDS in Africa, _____.Athe life span for most of the people has been reduced by 40 yearsBmost young people have been infected with human immunodeficiency virusCpeople will have to learn to live with the disease for over 50 yearsDthe achievements made in preserving people’s health in the past will be wiped off