单选题According to the author, the cure for AIDS will probably lie in _____.Ainternational cooperationBtimely educationCeconomic situationDstrong will

According to the author, the cure for AIDS will probably lie in _____.

international cooperation


timely education


economic situation


strong will




() the passage, what does the author really want to inform. us? A、according toB、due toC、Based toD、In light of

According to the text, Jeffers is probably _______. 【 】A. a computer programmerB. a test subjectC. a human brain expertD. a medical doctor

The author believes that using public monies to fund charter schools is ______.A.a cure-all solutionB.hard to implementC.a good ideaD.against the law

Because, according to Keynes, inadequate total demand increases unemployment, the indicated cure is either more investment by businesses or more spending and consequently larger budget deficits by government.

The underlined word \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\________\\\.[A] destroy[B] forbid[C] cure[D] prevent

According to the author, happiness lies in______.

By the year she arrives in London, scientists probably ____ a cure for bird flue.() A、 will be discoveringB、 are discoveringC、 will have discoveredD、 have discovered

The author most probably is a ______.A) teacherB) psychologistC) philosopherD) doctor Text 2

How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?A. Proud.B. Pitiful.C. Surprised.D. Regretful

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Qigong can cure some diseases.B.Qigong can not cure any disease.C.Qigong can cure all kinds of incurable diseases.D.Qigong can cure some patients from danger.

The ____ of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure.A.innovationB.selectionC.proliferationD.conviction

问答题How does the author most probably look at the African children?

问答题What did Fleming probably die of according to the passage?

单选题Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?AThe Spread of HIV—Will We Ever Cure AIDS?BThe Worse Situation of AIDS—Will AIDS Ruin the Human Race?CThe Statistics of AIDS—Will AIDS Spread around the World?DThe Potential of HIV—Will Asia Become the Core of AIDS?

单选题The author’s daughter probably considered the hair style of those punks _____.AinterestingBstrangeCprettyDimpressive

单选题According to this passage, turtles are of great importance in China because they are _________.ArareBthe most expensive in food marketsCimported into ChinaDused to cure certain diseases

单选题The author is most probably a ______.AlinguistBplastic surgeonCmanagerDsociologist

单选题After Paragraph 4, the author will probably talk about Maggie's______.AeducationBnext projectCpayDchildhood

单选题After Paragraph 4, the author will probably talk about Maggie’s ______.AeducationBnext projectCpayDchildhood

填空题According to the author, youth hostels are economical and tidy.____

单选题According to the passage, which of the following does the author probably advocate?AA name brand phone company supply mobile phones with high-quality MP3 player.BA Chinese restaurant boasts of genuine Sichuan cuisine.CA western restaurant has best decoration and high-ranking service.DA famous restaurant provides entertainment performance to customers.

问答题What can you find in Second Avenue and Union Street according to the author?

单选题After the last paragraph, the author will most probably discuss Dickens'______.AsuccessBappearanceCworksDchildhood

单选题According to the passage, _____ may NOT be the character of the author’s father.AdemandingBpracticalCstubbornDliberal

单选题According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be _____.Afull of enthusiasmBself-disciplinedCfull of ambitionDknowledgeable

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author is most probably ______.Aan American congressmanBa British politicianCan American journalistDa British environmentalist

单选题According to the passage, a “vulgar” sport probably ______.Aappears to be rudeBappears to be oldCrequires lots of energyDrequires good teamwork