单选题When the carrier is liable for compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods such ()shall be calculated by reference to the invoice value of the goods plus freight charges and insurance if paid.AcostBcompensationCvalueDprice

When the carrier is liable for compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods such ()shall be calculated by reference to the invoice value of the goods plus freight charges and insurance if paid.









解析: 暂无解析


When items to be purchased for a project are specified by performance characteristics:A paperwork is greatly reducedB the supplier is held liable for the operation of the itemC the supplier is held liable for the maintenance of the itemD the supplier is held liable for that the item meets the design, dimensions, and tolerance specifications.E B and D only

154 When items to be purchased for a project are specified by performance characteristics: A. paperwork is greatly reducedB. the supplier is held liable for the operation of the itemC. the supplier is held liable for the maintenance of the itemD. the supplier is held liable for that the item meets the design, dimensions, and tolerance specifications.E. B and D only

________ shall be liable for loss of and damage to the vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.A.The ShipownerB.The MerchantC.The CarrierD.Both the Merchant and the Carrier

A clause in a bill of lading stating that the carrier would not be liable for any damage unless the shipper proved negligence or lack of due diligence on the carrier's part was held to be void because ________A.it shifted the burden of proof from the carrier to the shipperB.it shifted the burden of proof from the shipper to the carrierC.it denied the burden of proofD.it did not specify the burden of proof

Goods of an inflammable, explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier, master or agent of the carrier, has not consented, with knowledge of their nature and character, may at any time before discharge, ________ at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.A.be handedB.be landedC.be mendedD.be tended

No ______ payable for loss resulting from delay or delivery unless a notice has been given in writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after the day the goods were handed over to the consignee.A.is compensationB.are compensationC.compensation isD.compensation are

When the carrier is liable for the compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods,such compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant's net invoice cost,plus freight and insurance premium,if paid. This sentence means that ______.A.if the freight and insurance premium are paid,they shall be added to the basisB.if the freight and insurance premium are not paid,they shall be added to the basisC.the freight and insurance premium shall not be added to the basis even they are paidD.the freight and insurance premium shall be added to the basis even they are not paid

If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vessel which by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment and ___________ a reward under Article 13 at least equivalent to the special compensation assessable in accordance with this Article,he shall be entitled to special compensation from the owner of the vessel equivalent to his expenses as herein defined.A.has earnedB.has failed to earnC.has renderedD.has failed to render

The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier's responsibility arising or resulting from any of the following causes except ______.A.Fire,unless caused by the actual fault of the carrierB.Force majeure and perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable watersC.War or armed conflictD.Intentional misconducts by the crew members on board the ship against the carrier

Where both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable for compensation,they shall ______ be liable within the scope of such liability.A.separatelyB.jointlyC.severallyD.jointly and severally

材料:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill does not make the bill negotiable or give the transferee any additional right.A person to whom a nonnegotiable bill has been transferred by delivery and agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODs which it represents acquires the title to the GOODs as against the transferor.The transferee may also notify the carrier of the transfer to him,and the carrier is then obligated directly to the transferee for any obligations the carrier owed to the transferor immediately before the notification.More specifically,the carrier is liable to the owner of GOODs transported under a nonnegotiable bill,subject to the right of stoppage in transit.Besides having to be the owner of the GOODs covered by the nonnegotiable bill,the claimant in such a case must have actually relied in GOOD faith on statements made by the carrier on the bill.The carrier is liable for having stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,and for having delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill.In general,the carrier must deliver the GOODs on demand of the consignee named in a nonnegotiable bill of lading.However,on the endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill,the GOODs may be delivered to a party entitled to their possession.The carrier is liable toward the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs for delivering them to a party not entitled to their possession.问题:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill transfers ________.A.the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeB.the title to the GOODs from the transferee to the transferorC.in no way the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeD.the GOODs to the party entitled to their possessionThe transferee of a nonnegotiable bill acquires the title to the GOODs ________.A.by taking delivery of the bill and entering into an agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODsB.by having the carrier actually delivered the GOODs to himC.by having the transferor endorsed the nonnegotiable billD.in no wayIf the GOODs were thus transferred,and the carrier delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill,________.A.he is liableB.he is not liableC.it can not be determined whether he is liable or notD.whether he is liable or not is to be determined by the law of the ship’s flagIn the event of a nonnegotiable bill has been actually transferred,if the carrier stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,________ is liable.A.heB.the transferorC.the transfereeD.the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

材料:The fact that the GOODs were damaged raises a prima facie case of negligence which can only be cleared by the carrier by showing what actually occurred. For example,a ship carried grain on MS Great Lakes to a port where it was stored aboard the ship under a special storage contract for 22 days after which it was discovered to be wet.Rough weather during the voyage was alleged but the Court insisted on strict proof of how and when the rough weather caused the wetting.Therefore,to rebut the presumption of fault when relying upon its own reasonable care,the carrier must further prove that the damage was caused by something other than its own negligence.Once the shipper establishes a prima facie case,under“the policy of the law”the carrier must“explain what took place or suffer the consequences”.The law casts upon the carrier the burden of the loss which it cannot explain or,explaining,bring within the exception case in which he is relieved from liability.问题:The best title of this passage is ______.A.The liabilities on the part of the carrier and shipperB.Loss of and damage to cargoesC.The burden of proof on the part of the shipperD.The burden of proof on the part of the carrierIt is concluded from this passage that MS Great Lakes ______.A.was liable for the wet damage if it could not prove how and when the rough weather caused the wettingB.was liable for the wet damage even it could prove how and when the rough weather caused the wettingC.was liable for the wet damage even it could not prove how and when the rough weather caused the wettingD.was not liable for the wet damage if it could not prove how and when the rough weather caused the wettingAccording to this passage,_______.A.If a carrier cannot bring the reason of the loss into the exception case in which he is relieved from liability,he is liable for the lossB.Even a carrier can bring the reason of the loss into the exception case in which he is relieved from liability,he is still held liable for the loss by the courtC.Should a carrier bring the reason of the loss into the exception case in which he is relieved from liability,he could be held liable for the loss by the courtD.Should a carrier not bring the reason of the loss into the exception case in which he is relieved from liability,he could not be held liable for the loss by the courtThe prima facie case of negligence in this passage refers to the one in which ______.A.a presumption of fault was made on the part of the carrierB.a presumption of fault was made on the part of the shipperC.a reasonable care was used by the carrierD.a reasonable care was used by the shipper请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

The ()(载驳船) carries loaded lighter on board.A、LASHB、Lo/LoC、Ro/RoD、LNG carrier

The()(超大油轮) can carry 300,000 tons of crude oil.A、VLCCB、Lo/LoC、PCCD、LNG carrier

The ()(吊装船) is a new type of ship.A、LASHB、Lo/LoC、Ro/RoD、LNG carrier

The()(汽车运输船) carries cars and trucks.A、LASHB、Lo/LoC、PCCD、LNG carrier

单选题Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to a cargo when the damage arises from().AUnseaworthiness when sailingBInsufficient packingCQuarantine delaysDMismanagement of the vessel

单选题Higher compensation may be claimed only when,with the consent of the carrier,the value of the goods declared by the shipper which()the limits laid down in this clause has been stated in this bill of lading.AincreasesBexceedsCdecreasesDreduces

单选题The Shipowner continues to be liable as a carrier()by the contract,or in the usual course of business,the transit is terminated and the goods have been warehoused for their owner to be ready to receive them.AwhenBthe timeCthe dayDuntil

单选题When the carrier is liable for compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods such ()shall be calculated by reference to the invoice value of the goods plus freight charges and insurance if paid.AcostBcompensationCvalueDprice

单选题In respect of the carrier’s liabilities,responsibilities,the rights and immunities in China Ocean Shipping Company Bill of Lading Clauses,()shall be applied.AHague RulesBPeking Adjustment RulesCSINOTIMEDBALTIME

单选题If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vessel which by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment and()a reward under Article 13 at least equivalent to the special compensation assessable in accordance with this Article,he shall be entitled to special compensation from the owner of the vessel equivalent to his expenses as herein defined.Ahas earnedBhas failed to earnChas renderedDhas failed to render

单选题If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer’s failure to name a port,()will be liable for the damages.Athe ownerBthe ChartererCthe shipperDthe carrier

单选题The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire,()the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier,his servants or agents.AshouldBshallCthatDif

单选题If the broker’s lien of the bill of lading for his charges in respect of goods is not satisfied before the goods have reached their destination,he may have the goods()home in order to retain his lien on them,and is not liable to any action for so doing.AdeliveredBprovidedCbroughtDbecome

单选题Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not consented,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,()at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.Abe loadedBbe landedCbe lendedDbe loaned

单选题A clause in a bill of lading stating that the carrier would not be liable for any damage unless the shipper proved negligence or lack of due diligence on the carrier’s part()to be void because it shifted the burden of proof from the carrier to the shipper.Awas heldBwas carried outCwas encounteredDwas detained

单选题()shall be liable for loss of and damage to the Vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.AThe MerchantBThe CarrierCThe Ship OwnersDBoth the Merchant and the Carrier