下面哪条命令可以提供相邻的PTN设备的详细信息()A、show ztp neighborB、show lldp neighborC、show interfaceD、show interface neighbor


  • A、show ztp neighbor
  • B、show lldp neighbor
  • C、show interface
  • D、show interface neighbor


下面哪条命令能现实路由器所知道的路由,以及他们各自是如何学习到的?() A.Show ip protocolB.Show ip routeC.Show ip ospfD.Show ip ospf neighbor

输入哪条命令可以看到以下信息()。A.show ip routeB.show ip ospf isaC.show ip ospf databaseD.show ip ospf interface

为确定接口的操作状态,要使用哪个命令()A.displsy interface statusB.show interfaceC.show status interfaceD.display interface

Which CLI command displays the IS-IS level used by each interface?() A. show clns neighborB. show isis neighborC. show clns interfaceD. show isis interface

Which CLI command shows if the router has formed any IS-IS adjacencies?() A. show clns neighborB. show isis neighborC. show clns adjacencyD. show isis adjacency

What command would you use to view an IS-IS adjacency?() A. show iso neighborB. show isis neighborC. show iso adjacencyD. show isis adjacency

Which command is used to display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on a router?() A. show access-listB. show ip routeC. show ip interfaceD. show interfaceE. show interface listF. show ip interface brief

Which one of the following commands will display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on the interfaces of a router?() A. show interface listB. show ip routeC. show ip interfaceD. show ip interface briefE. show interface

在cisco路由器上用来显示ISIS邻居信息的指令是show clns neighbor,请问在华为设备上哪个命令是起该作用的?()A、display isis peerB、display isis neighborC、show isis neighborD、show clns neighbor

要确定区域内放置的接口是否正确,应使用下列哪一个命令?()A、show ip ospfB、show ospf interfaceC、show ip interfaceD、show ip ospf interfaceE、show interface

查看7750SROSPF邻居关系是否建立使用以下哪个命令()A、show ospfB、show ospf neighborC、show router ospfD、show router ospf neighbor

在juniper设备中以下哪条命令查询链路状态()A、show routeB、show protocalC、show interfaceD、show version

如何查看is-is邻居()A、show isis neigborB、show ospf neighborC、show bgp neighborD、show cdp neighbor

中兴PTN设备使用下面哪个命令,可以查看对应vlan接口协议是否up,ip地址是否配置正确()A、show interface vlanxxxxB、show vlan xxxxC、show vlan interface xxxxD、show vla

中兴PTN设备使用下面哪个命令,可以查看所有设备配置的所有ip地址?()A、show ip configB、show ip interfacebriefC、show interface ip briefD、show ip config all

下面哪条命令能现实路由器所知道的路由,以及他们各自是如何学习到的?()A、Show ip protocolB、Show ip routeC、Show ip ospfD、Show ip ospf neighbor

What command would you use to view an IS-IS adjacency?()A、show iso neighborB、show isis neighborC、show iso adjacencyD、show isis adjacency

哪个IS-IS命令提供了已连接路由器的信息()A、show isis adjacencyB、show isis neighboC、show isis interfaceD、show isis statistics

PTN设备可以查看单板温度的命令是()。A、Show interfacebrief"B、Show logging current-alarmC、Show versioD、Show ru

PTN设备使用下面哪个命令,可以查看对应vlan接口协议是否up,ip地址是否配置正确()A、show interface vlan xxxxB、show vlan xxxxC、show vlan interfacexxxxD、show vlan

Which one of the following commands will display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on the interfaces of a router?()A、show interface listB、show ip routeC、show ip interfaceD、show ip interface briefE、show interface

Which command is used to display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on a router?()A、show access-listB、show ip routeC、show ip interfaceD、show interfaceE、show interface listF、show ip interface brief

当您在路由器上排除故障的ACL问题,哪个命令可以帮助你确认哪些接口ACL?()A、 show ip access-listB、 show access-listC、 list ip interfaceD、 show interfaceE、 show ip interface

Which CLI command shows if the router has formed any IS-IS adjacencies?()A、show clns neighborB、show isis neighborC、show clns adjacencyD、show isis adjacency

Which CLI command displays all OSPF LSAs received by the local router?()A、show ospf neighborB、show ospf databaseC、show ospf interfaceD、show ospf adjacency

Which CLI command displays the IS-IS level used by each interface?()A、show clns neighborB、show isis neighborC、show clns interfaceD、show isis interface

单选题当您在路由器上排除故障的ACL问题,哪个命令可以帮助你确认哪些接口ACL?()A show ip access-listB show access-listC list ip interfaceD show interfaceE show ip interface