Juniper路由器中,当需要匹配一个term同时返回一个到源的ICMP消息,哪个firewall filter可以执行这种包丢弃()A、acceptB、discardC、dismissD、reject

Juniper路由器中,当需要匹配一个term同时返回一个到源的ICMP消息,哪个firewall filter可以执行这种包丢弃()

  • A、accept
  • B、discard
  • C、dismiss
  • D、reject


下面关于ICMP的说法错误的是( )。A) ping命令的执行过程实际上是运用ICMP工作的过程B) ICMP消息被封装在TCP数据包内C) trace命令也是基于ICMP的D)当遇到IP数据无法访问目标、lP路由器无法按照当前的传输速率转发数据包等情况时,会自动发送ICMP消息

当路由器发送一条ICMP目的地不可到达(Destination Unreachable)消息时,表示()。 A.该路由器无法将数据包发送到它的最终目的地B.该路由器无法将数据包发送到它的下一个路由器C.该路由器无法将数据包进行缓存D.该路由器无法将数据包丢弃


SparkStreming中()函数可以对源DStream中的每一个元素应用func方法进行计算,如果func函数返回结果为true,则保留该元素,否则丢弃该元素,返回一个新的Dstream。 A.unionB.mapC.flatMapD.filter

What are three firewall filter terminating actions?() A. acceptB. logC. rejectD. discardE. drop


当一台路由器由到一个TTL值为1的数据包,如何处理?() A.丢弃B.转发C.将数据包返回D.不处理

A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match is found. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()A、The filter will permit the packet and take no additional actionB、The filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the senderC、The filter will discard the packet and take no additional actionD、The filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log

Juniper路由器的哪个部分负责实现firewall filter()A、PIC I/O Manager ASICB、I/O Manager ASICC、Distributed Buffer Manager ASICD、Internet Processor ASIC

Juniper路由器中,你可以实现一个firewal lfilter去过滤transit流量,但是需要在哪个接口去调用这个filter()A、lo0.0B、fxp0.0C、fxp1.0D、fe-0/0/0.0

下面关于,Django中QuerySet的get和filter方法描述正确的有:()A、get 的参数只能是model中定义的那些字段,只支持严格匹配;filter 的参数可以是字段,也可以是扩展的where查询关键字B、get 返回值是一个model对象;filter 返回值是一个QuerySet对象C、get 只有一条记录返回的时候才正常;filter 有没有匹配的记录都可以D、get、filter都不会产生异常


当路由器发送一条ICMP目的地不可到达(Destination Unreachable)消息时,表示()。A、该路由器无法将数据包发送到它的最终目的地B、该路由器无法将数据包发送到它的下一个路由器C、该路由器无法将数据包进行缓存D、该路由器无法将数据包丢弃



Which two statements are true about firewall filter configurations?()A、Multiple action modifiers can be included in the same term.B、Only a single action modifier can be included in the same term.C、The default term within a firewall filter uses the discard action.D、The default term within a firewall filter uses the reject action.

What are three firewall filter terminating actions?()A、acceptB、logC、rejectD、discardE、drop



客户的一台MSR路由通过广域网接口S1/0连接Internet,通过局域网接口GE0/0连接办公网络,目前办公网络用户可以正常访问Internet。在路由器上增加如下的ACL配置: firewall enable firewall default deny # acl number 3003 rule 0 deny icmp rule 5 permit tcp destination-port eq 20 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0 firewall packet-filter 3000 inbound firewall packet-filter 3000 outbound 那么()A、办公网用户发起的到Internet 的ICMP 报文被该路由器禁止通过B、办公网用户发起的到达该路由器的FTP 流量可以正常通过C、办公网用户发起的到达该路由器GE0/0 的Telnet 报文可以正常通过D、办公网用户发起的到Internet 的FTP 流量被允许通过该路由器,其他所有报文都被禁止通过该路由器

A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match isfound. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()A、The filter will permit the packet and take no additional action.B、The filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the sender.C、The filter will discard the packet and take no additional action.D、The filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log.



单选题A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match is found. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()AThe filter will permit the packet and take no additional actionBThe filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the senderCThe filter will discard the packet and take no additional actionDThe filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log

单选题A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match is found. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()AThe filter will permit the packet and take no additional action.BThe filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the sender.CThe filter will discard the packet and take no additional action.DThe filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log.


多选题Which two statements are true about firewall filter configurations?()AMultiple action modifiers can be included in the same term.BOnly a single action modifier can be included in the same term.CThe default term within a firewall filter uses the discard action.DThe default term within a firewall filter uses the reject action.