What is the name of the type of fading which is due to shadowing? ()A、Atmospheric fadingB、Multi-path fadingC、Rayleigh fadingD、Log Normal fadingE、Path loss
What is the name of the type of fading which is due to shadowing? ()
- A、Atmospheric fading
- B、Multi-path fading
- C、Rayleigh fading
- D、Log Normal fading
- E、Path loss
When ________, John did not reply. (A) he asking what his name was(B) was asked what his name was(C) asking what John’s name was(D) asked what his name was
没有如下的用户定义类型:Type Studentnumber As Stringname As Stringage AS IntegerEnd Type则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是( )。 A.Student. name="李明"B.Dim s As StudentS. name="李明"C.Dim s As Type StudentS. name="李明"D.Dim s As TypeS. name="李明
( 14 )设有如下的用户定义类型:Type Studentnumber As Stringname As Stringage As IntegerEnd Type则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是A ) Student.name = " 李明 "B ) Dim s As Students.name = " 李明 "C ) Dim s As Type Students.name = " 李明 "D ) Dim s As Types.name = " 李明 "
假设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.Student. name="" s. name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s. Dame="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s. name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s. name="张红"
● 语句(43)用于在HTML表单中添加默认选中的复选框。(43)A. input type=radio name=s checkedB. input type=radio name=s enabledC. input type=checkbox name=s checkedD. input type=checkbox name=s enabled
有如下的记录类型Type studentid As Stringname As Stringage As IntegerEnd Type则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是( )A.student.name=”Sias”B.Dim s As students.mane=”Sias”C.Dim s As type students.name=”Sias”D.Dim s As types.name=”Sias”
设有如下的用户定义类型: Type Student number As String name As string age As Integer End Type 则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是______。A. Student name="李明”B.Dim s As Student s.name="李明"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="李明"D.Dim s As Type s.name="李明"
清使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl,此工程中包含了类Pets(“宠物”) 和主函数main的定义。程序中位于每个“//ERROR****found ****”之后的一行语句有错误,请加以改 正。改正后程序的输出结果应为: Name:sonny Type:dog Name:John Type:dog Name:Danny Typc:cat Name:John Type:dog 注意:只修改每个“//ERROR ****found ****”下的那一行,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 includeiostream using namespace sm; enum Pets_type{d09,cat,bird,fish}; class Pets{ private: char *name; Pets_type type; public: Pets(const char *name=”sonny”,Pets_type type=dog); Petsoperator=(const Petss); ~Pets; void showeonst;}; Pets::Pets(eonst char$naIne,Pets_type type) //构造函数 { This -name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this一name,name); //ERROR *********found********* type=type; }{ Pets::~Pets//析构函数,释放name所指向的字符串 { //ERROR *********found********* name=’/0‘; } PetsPets::0perator=(const Petss){ if(s==this)//确保不要向自身赋值 return *this; delete[]name; name=new char[strlen(S.name)+1];//ERROR *********found********* strcpy(this一nmne,name); type=S.type: return *this;} void Pets::showconst cout“Name:”name”Type:”: Pets mypetl,mypet2(’’John”,dog);
下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?
设有如下的记录类型: TypeStudent number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是( )。A.Student.name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s.name="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s.name="张红"
以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是_________。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.TypedefTelBook NameString*10 TelNum Integer End Type
语句(43)用于在HTML表单中添加默认选中的复选框。A.B. 语句(43)用于在HTML表单中添加默认选中的复选框。A.<input type=radio name=s checked>B.<input type=radio name=s enabled>C.<input type=checkbox name=s checked>D.<input type=checkbox name=s enabled>
以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是A.TypeTelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer EndTypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer EndTypeTelBookD.Typedef TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type
以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是 ______。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNun As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.TypedefTelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type
下列数据类型定义中,正确的是A.Type Student Num As Long Name As String End TypeB.Type Student Num As Integer Name As String * 10 End TypeC.Private Type Num As Long Score As Single End TypeD.Private Type Student Name As String Score(10)As String * 10 End Type
要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,下列定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、五门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是( )。A.Type stu no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeB.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeD.Type stu no As Integer name As String score()As Single End Type
以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是______。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum AS Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.Typedef TelBook NameString*10 TelNum Integer EndType
设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name As String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.StUdent.name=""B.Dim s As StUdent s.name="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s.name="张红"
以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是( )。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer. EndType TelBookD.Typedef TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type
在网页中创建如下图所示的表单控制的HTML代码是______。A.性别:<input name="rbsex"type="radio"value="男"checked="cbecked"/>男<input name="rbsex"type="radio"value="女"/>女B.性别:<input name="rbsex"type="radio"value="男"checked="checked"/>男<input name="rbsex"type="checkbox"value="女"/>女C.性别:<input name="rbsex"type="checkbox"value="男"checked="checked=">男<input name="rbsex"type="radio"value="女"/>女D.性别:<input name="rbsex"type="checkbox"value="男"checked="checked=">男<input name="rbsex"type="checkbox"value="女"/>女
在HTML页面中包含一个按钮控件mybutton,如果要实现点击该按钮时调用已定义的Javascript函数compute,要编写的HTML代码是()。A、〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onBlur=“compute()” value=“计算”〉B、〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onFocus=“compute()” value=“计算”〉C、〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onClick=“functioncompute()” value=“计算”〉D、〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onClick=“compute()” value=“计算”〉
What must be specified to create an extent pool()A、blocksize, rank group, and nameB、storage type, rank group, and nameC、storage type, capacity, and rank groupD、capacity, name, and storage type
在表单中包含性别选项,且默认状态为“男”被选中,下列正确的是()。A、input type=radio name=sex checked男B、input type=radio name=sex enabled男C、input type=checkbox name=sex checked男D、input type=checkbo xname=sex enabled男
You are configuring your Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 environment. A VMware ESX 3.5 host server named Host1 is added to the existing VMware Infrastructure 3 (VI3) environment that you manage by using VMM. You need to add Host1 to your VMM environment. What should you do?()A、In the Computer name field of the Add VMware VirtualCenter server dialog box, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Host1.B、In the Computer name field of the Add VMware VirtualCenter server dialog box, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware VirtualCenter server that manages Host1.C、In the Add Hosts wizard, select the VMware ESX Server host (any location) option. In the Computer name field, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Host1.D、In the Add Hosts wizard, select the VMware ESX Server host (any location) option. In the Computer name field, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware VirtualCenter server that manages Host1.
单选题在HTML页面中包含一个按钮控件mybutton,如果要实现点击该按钮时调用已定义的Javascript函数compute,要编写的HTML代码是()。A〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onBlur=“compute()” value=“计算”〉B〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onFocus=“compute()” value=“计算”〉C〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onClick=“functioncompute()” value=“计算”〉D〈input name=“mybutton” type=“button” onClick=“compute()” value=“计算”〉
单选题You are configuring your Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 environment. A VMware ESX 3.5 host server named Host1 is added to the existing VMware Infrastructure 3 (VI3)environment that you manage by using VMM. You need to add Host1 to your VMM environment. What should you do?()AIn the Computer name field of the Add VMware VirtualCenter server dialog box, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Host1.BIn the Computer name field of the Add VMware VirtualCenter server dialog box, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware VirtualCenter server that manages Host1.CIn the Add Hosts wizard, select the VMware ESX Server host (any location) option. In the Computer name field, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Host1.DIn the Add Hosts wizard, select the VMware ESX Server host (any location) option. In the Computer name field, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware VirtualCenter server that manages Host1.