我的工具箱里有几把钳子。()A、There are some saws in my toolbox.B、There are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.C、There are some spanners in my toolbox.D、There are some tools in my toolbox.
- A、There are some saws in my toolbox.
- B、There are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.
- C、There are some spanners in my toolbox.
- D、There are some tools in my toolbox.
在进行高空作业时,工具必须放在哪里() A.工作服口袋里B.手提工具箱或者袋里手提工具箱或者袋里手提工具箱或者袋里手提工具箱或者袋里手提工具箱或者袋里C.手持所有工具D.工作平台可放置的地方
“有我所不乐意的在天堂里,我不愿意去;有我所不乐意的在地狱里,我不愿意去;有我所不乐意的在你们将来的黄金世界里,我不愿意去。”这段文字出自() A.《灯下漫笔》B.《死火》C.《腊叶》D.《影的告别》
单选题我的工具箱里有几把钳子。()AThere are some saws in my toolbox.BThere are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.CThere are some spanners in my toolbox.DThere are some tools in my toolbox.