All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .A、name-callB、nameC、namecallD、roll-call

All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .

  • A、name-call
  • B、name
  • C、namecall
  • D、roll-call


assemble means to depart.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。



He doesn’t believe the worker can ____________ to assemble the motorcycle all by himself.A、succeedB、pursueC、manageD、handle

How is the Master or operator of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboard? ______.A.Give each crewmember a copy of ANNEX V of MARPOLB.Call an all hands meeting before sailingC.Keep placards prominently postedD.Have each person read and sign a copy of the regulations

He tried to assemble his thoughts.A: gatherB: clearC: shareD: spare




创建指向锚点处的超链接,正确的是()。A、a href= "锚点名" 源端点/aB、a href= "#锚点名" 源端点/aC、a name= "锚点名" 源端点/aD、a name= "#锚点名" 源端点/a


Which two SQL*Loader instructions are used to assemble logical records?()A、WHENB、INFILEC、CONTINUEIFD、CONCATENATEE、TRAILING NULLCOLS

单选题How is the Master or operator of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboard?().AGive each crewmember a copy of ANNEX V of MARPOLBCall an all hands meeting before sailingCKeep placards prominently postedDHave each person read and sign a copy of the regulations

单选题The author believes that the solution of family problems _____.Ais best felt in the hands of social workers and specialists on the familyBis similar in all familiesCneeds to be reached by-ways unique to each familyDis not necessary in household where sharing is done

单选题Our flesh may perish, our hands will wither, but that which they create in beauty and goodness and truth lives _____ for all time to come.AupBoutConDin

单选题Seeing that all hands are familiar with their duties,as specified in the muster list,is the responsibility of the().AMasterBChief MateCsafety officerDdepartment heads

单选题I urged all the students to take the initiative in their own hands to determine their goals for further pursuit rather than to depend on their teachers and their parents.AdetermineBdeterminingCin determiningDfor determining


多选题Which two SQL*Loader instructions are used to assemble logical records?()AWHENBINFILECCONTINUEIFDCONCATENATEETRAILING NULLCOLS

单选题If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat,you should().Aremain in the immediate vicinityBhead for the nearest landChead for the closest sea-lanesDvote on what to do,so all hands will have a part in the decision


单选题What’s the attitude of many old senior officers for a minor fire?()AThey would like to call out all hands out for itBThey would rather handle themselves, then call out all handsCThey prefer to put it out by themselvesDThey think it is difficulty to call out all hands for a minor fire



单选题All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .Aname-callBnameCnamecallDroll-call


单选题Due to the shape of the sea anchor,the best way to haul it back aboard is by().Ahauling in on the anchor line as you would any anchorBgetting all hands to assistCits trip lineDcutting the line,as you cannot haul it back in